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____________________________________________________________Naruto 511 (English)
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Naruto 512 Predictions are up!

Naruto 512 Predictions are up!

Naruto 512 Predictions are up!

Naruto 512 Predictions are up!

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Naruto 512 Predictions are up!

Naruto 512 Predictions are up!

Naruto 512 Predictions are up!

Naruto 512 Predictions are up!

Naruto 511 Summary
511: Return
I, who have been a prisoner of memories. Are there comrades waiting for me, who has finally set off...?
Cover is Nagato, Konan, Yahiko
Madara reaches Nagato!! And Konan is...
Madara dysons Nagato (TN: I just had to give a direct trans cuz I found it funny. Dyson is the name of a bran of vacuum cleaner in Japan)
Madara (That took a while. Shall we go...?)
Konan has died in the water (floating)
3 small boards are lined up. Jiraiya, Konan, Yahiko are wearing frog suits.
Jiraiya: The rightmost one is Konan's, the centre is Yahiko's... And the leftmost one is Nagato's
Yahiko: What's that?
Jiraiya: These are what we call "frog boards"
Yahiko: Frog boards?
Jiraya: Mmhmm... On this side, it's red, and the other side is white. And if you turn it over like this!
Jiraiya breaks into a grin
Jiraiya: When you go out, turn it over to the white side before you leave... By the way, this picture is a signal meaning that you're going to come home soon!
When he flips it over, there is a picture of a frog.
Yahiko: ... What the... What's that, since just now... We're just overlooking the fact that you're pushing these frogs onto us cuz you're the frog sennin
Jiraiya breaks into a grin
Konan: ... But why do we have to do that?
Jiraiya: There's still poor public order in this area... We don't know when this place could be targeted... And when you're in this hideout, its easy to get targeted. If your location gets out, then it's easy for a secret attack to be launched.
Konan: In short, even though the board stays red, if that person is not inside the hideout, it means that he's been abducted by the enemy or something. If it's white but he's been inside all along, it could mean that there is a possibility that the enemy has transformed into him... We can suss that out right away, right?
Jiraiya: That's right... You did well to understand that, Konan... Unlike Yahiko
Yahiko: I got that too!! ... Somewhat...
Jiraiya: In any case, it's a code just for the 4 of us to constantly check each other's presence! In other words, I'm telling you that we're in a situation where we can't let our guard down even when we're in the hideout. For the time being, I've made a hidden room underground and a path to get out of it. If anything happens, run away from here. By the way, my board's behind you. Now, it's about time to do our "water off a duck's back" training! It's training that trains your unshakable endurance and turns you completely into a frog!!
Yahiko: Yosshaa!! Let's go! Everyone!
Nagato: Yahiko... Does he really get it... This time Sensei did it for us earlier but...
Yahiko: I'm gonna get even stronger and stronger, and then change (kaeru) this country!!
Konan and Nagato smile
Yahiko smiles widely
Jiraiya: Before changing (kaeru) the country, flip the frog board!! (Did I make that kind of face as well just now... How embarrassing...)
Training. Meal. Then they part ways with Jiraiya.
Jiraiya's frog board remains turned.
The three of them continue to train and fight...
Only Nagato's frog board has been flipped.
In the hideout, Konan is treating Nagato's wounds.
Their eyes meet. Somehow there's a nice atmosphere about them.
Nagato is waiting at the door.
And they battle again. (TN: I think ohana mixed up Nagato and Yahiko a little here)
Yahiko: Our organisation has grown big... We've gotta switch to a new hideout...
The three of them gather their luggage and stand rooted to the ground
Konan: Today, we have to say goodbye to this place as well, huh...
Nagato: Yeah...
Yahiko: We changed here... We attained power. Everything started from this place. For the sake of the realisation of our dreams, we will set off from this place! And...
Outside, enemies are waiting for an opportunity to attack
Konan turns over her board
Yahiko turns over his board
Just then, a kunai with explosive tags on it hits the hideout.
The enemy infiltrates the hideout
Enemy: Where did they go?
Some distance away, outside
Nagato: The hidden room was helpeful in the end, huh
Yahiko: That was a pretty big explosion, though... Feels just like this country. Well, here we go! Nagato! Konan!
For the sake of the realisation of our dreams, we will set off from this place! And when our dreams come true, even if we're separated from each other...
We'll return to this place. (TN: this is where the chapter title comes from)
Konan's paper flies. It hides the frog boards at the hideout.
And then the three of us will congratulate each other!!
... Then we've got to invite Jiraiya-sensei too when that happens...
Well... Will it even happen...
Madara has a mask like in 20th Century Boys
Kabutomaru: Despite causing some trouble, you've got hold of some fine eyes, haven't you?
Madara: ... They were mine to begin with.
Zetsu: Hey... The information from Kisame's reached as well... In many ways, things are looking to be in our favour...
Madara is holding some stick? cane? something long
Madara: I'm off to get the Kyuubi
What Madara is aiming for as he nears perfection with a new mask is... Naruto!!
On break next week. Naruto as well as Kishimoto-sensei's one-shot "Bench" will be serialised in WSJ #45!
I, who have been a prisoner of memories. Are there comrades waiting for me, who has finally set off...?
Cover is Konan with Yahiko and Nagato in the center. Konan is holding a red origami. The background is the small hut the three of them had lived in.
Madara looks down at Nagato and sucks him in. Nagato's corpse falls into Madara. All that is left now is Yahiko's corpse.
Konan's corpse floats up in the lake. The origami that is stained with blood from her chest catches the wind and takes flight.
Jiraiya and the three of them in the small hut. In the hut, there is a red board on the wall. Jiraiya says "From the right, these are Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato's."
"What's that" the tree ask "frog boards" he replies, the board is red on the front and white on the back, and on the white side there is a picture of a frog.
Jiraiya explains with a grin that if you turn it over, there's a frog.
When they are in the hideout, they are to leave the board on the red side, an when they leave the hideout, they should turn it over to the white side.
Jiraiya explains with another grin that the frog drawn on the white side is a frog signal.
Yahiko: "Just cuz you're the frog sennin so we're overlooking it, but you're pushing the frog onto us."
Konan: "Why do we have to do all that?"
Jiraiya: "This place still doesn't have public order, so we don't know when we'll get targeted. You're the easiest target when in the hideout, and if your location is leaked then a secret attack is also easy to launch"
Konan then understands from listening to him "Even though the board stays red, if that person is not inside the hideout, it means that he's been abducted by the enemy or something. If it's white but he's been inside all along, it could mean that there is a possibility that the enemy has transformed into him.
Jiraiya says that it'll be a code just for the 4 of them to confirm each others presence and they cannot let their guard down even in the hideout.
He has also built an underground hidden room, and he shows them the way to get out to the surface from it. He shows them his board, saying that it is the one behind them.
Jiraiya asks if they shall go do some "water off a duck's back" training. Yahiko runs out of the door.
Nagato: This time sensei has done it for us, but does he really get the stuff about this code?
Yahiko looks back: I'm gonna get even stronger and change this country (*pun. kaeru = frog = change)
Konan's cheeks flush a little. Nagato notices, "...." and then smiles
Jiraiya gets angry at Nagato: Before changing (kaeru) the country out there, first turn over the frog (kaeru) board!
Jiraiya then leaves the three. Jiraiya's board in the hut is on the frog side.
The three of them continue their training. When Nagato is out, Konan takes care of Yahiko. Their eyes meet and they stare at each other...
Nagato is pleasantly standing at the entrance with his back facing them.
Yahiko: Our organisation has grown large, today we say goodbye to this hideout. Everything began from here. For the sake of the realisation of our dreams, we will also depart from here! And...
There are 2 shinobi outside the hut. Before leaving the hideout, they turn the boards to the frog side.
However, as Konan's board is changed to the "out" side, a kunai with explosive tags on it hits the roof and explodes. A hole opens up in the roof.
Nagato as he escapes (via the path Jiraiya taught them from the hidden room): The hidden room served us well in the end
Yahiko: Let's go
End of flashback.
The origami that took flight from Konan's chest flutters towards the hideout of their beginnings that stands on the side of the lake.
The hideout has fallen into disuse and there are now trees and moss growing on it, but the frog boards, with moss growing on them are still as they were before.
Continuing from where Yahiko had said "And..."
"And... When our dreams come true, even if we're separated from each other... Let's return here one day. And then the three of us'll congratulate each other!
After those words, the red origami flies to Konan's frog board that had been turned to the "out" side...
Light shines in through the roof and through it a rainbow can be seen, as if a depiction of congratulations.
"Then at that time, we've gotta invite Jiraiya-sensei as well" "Yeah..." "Well... I wonder if that'll happen..." a conversation of the three from the past.
Jiraiya's board that had been turned to the "out" side when they parted ways has been flipped to the red side because of the trees that had grown and pushed it.
Madara and the rest. Madara puts on a new mask. "It caused some trouble but you managed to get some good eyes, didn't you" says Kabuto. Madara: "They were mine to begin with."
The information from Kisame has arrived as well, Zetsu holds out a scroll and says that things are in their favour.
Madara: "I'm off to get the Kyuubi" Madara stands, a weird weapon-like thing (a fan that is shaped like a gourd and appeared in Journey to the West or something?) in his hand.
Naruto Shippuden Movie 4
I would recommend watching if you already haven't done so
(we finally get to see Yondaime in action!)
____________________________________________________________I would recommend watching if you already haven't done so
(we finally get to see Yondaime in action!)
Status: SUPER FAKE (dont mind this -- but a nice read though)
Madara has a monologue next to Nagato. He met Nagato's parents in iwagakure, but they weren't Uzumaki
Madara kidnapped nagato from the Uzumaki clan and maed his parents believe he was their own child
It says Madara used his sharingan to make Nagato's parents believe Nagato was their real child
Eventually Madara takes the Rinnegan and it starts raining again. The room Madara is in has no roof
The rain is black
it says nothing about how Nagato recieved the Rinnegan.
Sasuke is resting when a snake attacks him. Kabuto yaps about having surpassed orochimaru and being better than the Uchiha now. Sasuke unravvels, revealing a single black hawk or something. he then reveals starts unwrapping the bandages covering his eyes, saying Kabuto will fall before the Uchiha like Orochimaru before him. Kabuto claims that wrong, as he not only surpassed Orochimaru, but the Nidaime as well. A black shadow then approaches Kabuto from the darkness, upon which Kabuto says "Sasuke? You!! You upgraded your Sharingan"
by: Jericho
Continue reading his next chapter prediction
Naruto 512: Return
Madara screaming:"What?!"
WE see Madara leaned over Nagato's body.
Madara: "how, how could she..."
Focused on Nagato's body it is a paper doll that lost it's illusion when Madara touched it
Madara:" plan on losing to me AND that i would read her most secured thought.
that girl, she knew if i won i would get the information out of her."
Flash back in an unknown location. 4 people are coming from what looks to be a cave.
1st person: "Are you sure you didn't tell anyone where we were going?"
2nd person:" yes i am sure, the Angel wanted it that way."
3rd: "Not even she knows where we are putting them."
4th:" okay we're done let's go."
We see the men walking off, We see a close up of yahiko. heis in a box placed on top of a stone table.
Next to him is another box.
It is Nagato. He is wrapped in bandages. it is dark around his face. Hard to see his eyes.
Still Flash back.
we see Konan sweating in a stance as if in a battle, but she is alone.
Konan(breathing heavy)"there that should be enough. It has to be enough. If i fall he will not get the treasure of Amegakure. he will not take our hope."
She is thinking about Nagato.
Nagato:"he is hiding something under that mask. He has more mystery than i. Whatever he has he will only use it IF he thinks he is done for, trust me."
Konan: "i know you will have an ace up your sleeve, i to have a couple."
Madara: "this turned out to be useless. I should have come here sooner,not give her time to prepare."
he turns to walk away.
"Now to check on my other prospect." just then we see a foot in the fore ground and
Madara looking at the person.
Madara:" I didn't send for you."
it is Sasuke, dark around his eyes:
" I am not your subordinate. I don't need you anymore, i have the power to make them pay, make them all pay. Starting with you!"
cuts to the island.
Naruto and company
Naruto shouting off screen: "shadow clone jutsu!"
POP! His bubble pops, Yamato makes a wooden spike and pops his, KB uses his sword.
Naruto uses clones to pop the others with kunai.
Naruto "Dammit. it's too far we can't catch up to it now!"
KB" that shark is hauling ass, we can't swim that fast!"
Yamato: " So what do we do now? we can't just wait to see what happens."
Naruto turns around to face them.
Naruto with Toad Sage eyes: "Who said we were waiting, you know me by now Captain."
Naruto bites his thumb and makes the sign for summoning.
Naruto:" Multi summoning jutsu!"
Just then Gamakichi and his brother pop up, along with a third unknown Toad.
All are big enough to ride on the top of their backs.
Everyone looks in amazement.
Naruto: "Wow Gamakichi you've grown even more sense the battle! You look like Boss Toad, now!"
Gama:"Really? well thanks. Whatcha need?"
Naruto points to the water.
Naruto: "we need to follow that shark! He has an important scroll we need it back!"
Gamakichi:"A shark? they eats toads you know, i don't know about this."
Naruto frustrated:" What?! You gotta be kidding me! your like 4x the size of that thing! Come on!"
Just then a voice comes from the jungle.
"I can swim pretty fast."
Everyone turns to see.
The turtle Guy Summoned is still here.
Turtle: "I can swim kinda fast, i will help."
He looks at Guy.
Guy hold head down:"You uh, still here huh?"
Turtle:"I'm not gonna be summoned just to be your stepping stone. i am more than that!"
Gamakichi:" Alright, alright. i was just messing we can take you but we can't catch it but i guarantee we won't lose it."
Naruto:"Great! let's go everybody!"
Soon we see everyone on the toads backs and Naruto is on the turtle's back.
Guy is on Gamakichi with the leaf ninja.
Guy: "this is embarrassing my own summoning creature has shunned me."
Leaf ninja:"well guy sensei you did kinda just left him out in the jungle without bothering to send him home."
Turtle is shown with Naruto on his back.
Turtle:" he hasn't summoned me in 4 years, he didn't even notice how much I've grown. I heard you compliment your summoning creature."
Naruto with awkward expression: "Uh yeah well me and gamakichi go way back."
Turtle: "you ever thought of signing the turtle scroll?"
Naruto :"Huh? oh no i couldn't give up my toads friends they have taught me so much."
Turtle You don't have to you can have contract with as many as your Chakra can handle."
Naruto:" what do you mean handle?"
Turtle: "when you sign the contract you have a chakra bond to those creatures and they you, thats why it takes blood. if it is really strong than you don't need to make a blood sacrifice."
Naruto:"Well thats something to think about, But i am a Toad sage how would that look?"
turtle: "There are 5 other sage creature levels.Only heard of one human that had all 6 Sage levels, but thats just a legend."
Naruto looks down at his pouch:"Huh? whats going on?'
His bag is glowing. he opens it and pulls out the flower Konan gave is dying in his hand.
Naruto yells to the others: "Change of plans, we are going to the hidden Rain village! Be at your best cause the Akataski is there!"
KB's friend:"How does he know?
Yamato:"Trust him, he knows."
Storm clouds are overhead
Naruto clenching the flower: "This time no questions. You need to be taken out Akastaski and whoever is threatening the Way of Peace!"
lightening strikes as it does there is a flash of the Rinnegan in his eyes briefly.
Next what did Nagato really entrust Naruto with, did he pass on the family "gift"?
Continue reading his next chapter prediction
Naruto 512: Return
by: Gakure
On the Island.
Naruto summons kichi to break the water prison.
Naruto: Gamakichi, chase that shark. Hurry.
Kichi: There is no catching a shark in water.
Naruto: Shut up and move.
Kichi jumps from the cliff with naruto on top as high as he can. Upon landing on the water, naruto goes RSM speed on the shark but it is too late. The shark will be out of the Islands waters and will go deep into the sea before he catches it.
Naruto: (thinking)Even if I increases my speed by taking more of the 9tails chakra, I still wont make it. That shd do it.
Naruto: Kage Bunshin no jutsu. (Still chasing the shark; A shadow clone appears). Henge.(the real naruto transforms into a kunai).
The clone grabs the kunai and runs wind chakra into it throwing it as hard as he can. The kunai runs thru the shark point to point(from top to bottom) who lets out a shrinking sound, letting go the scroll. Naruto henged back to take the scroll while the shark disappeard.
Later on the Island
Naruto approaching the rest of the group with the scroll.
Guy is unconscious with aoba and the island guardian helping him out.
Yamato: That was fast naruto. I didnt know u could do well in water.
Bee: Am telling u ma man. U turn that shark into a sushi in a second. Even ma island animals would have had a hard time. U took it out like it was hot knife cutting thru butter.
Naruto: Now let's see what's actually written inside the scroll.
In some underground lair. We see Nagato lying on a table
Zetsu: Was it necessary to go after that eye.
Tobi: The six paths consist of the real magic eye(juubi eye) and the real magic body. Combine this two and u get the powers of the RS.
Zetsu: What exactly are u saying.
Tobi: The first three paths makes the magic eye, which is the combination of all the three doujutsu. Byukugan is blank and represents the foundamental power of the magic eye It is calm by nature. Sharingan has the tomoe which represent the revolt of the magic eye. It is trecherous by nature. And the Rinnegan represents the medaitor of the two. making sure the two do not conflict. Imagine me with such a powerful eye. But to be able to use the eye, I need a powerful stamina only never ever seen before untill the RS. Only one option and that is to get the magic body which has the other three paths. The Uzumaki, Senju and the Sarutobi. That brings in mind, How is Konohamaru doing?
Zetsu: Fine I guess. He even took out one pains bodied. Anyway the first hokage did very well in uniting all the specimen for our use. At least he is good for something.
Tobi: Everything is moving on well. I have the sharingan, rinnegan, Uzumaki and senju genes. I think it is time we go konoha to hunt hinata and konohamaru. All too soon everything will be under my cover.
In another lair somewhere
Kabuto: Oh, he really left him here. My chance to pounce. In this weakened state, I can make sasuke's body mine. ku ku ku ku.
We see sasuke sleeping without the bandages. Kabuto sent some snakes to coil around him waking him up.
Sasuke: (not moving) What is this, Kabuto?
Kabuto: I made a deal with madara but i am going to jump the gun and take u with me. Any way, the konoha forces i have brought here should come in soon. They are pretty strong u know. ku ku ku ku. Any resistance will be met with full force.
Sasuke: Really. (sasuke opens his eyes to reveal his MS)
Kabuto:!!!! What the heck is this.
We see the first stage of susaano grabbing kabuto.
Kabuto: You are always like this when u wake up from sleep.
Amaterasu engulfs sasuke devouring his susanoo and goes out. Sasuke has an astonished look on his face
Kabuto: ku ku ku ku It pains me to tell u that I told u so. Any way meet my new buddy.
Itachi Zombie: How have u been, brother?
It ends with Kabuto laughing his heart out and sasuke looking more surprise as ever.
by: confirmed
Naruto 511: The Inherited Eye!
(Naruto scene)
Naruto: I need to get out of this bubble..and fast.(Naruto takes out some of the fox's chakra.The water bubble starts to boil from the inside,and suddenly it explodes.Naruto touches all the other bubbles,they all explode as well)
Yamato: How did you do that,Naruto!?
Killer Bee: Ya,that was dope bro.
Naruto: The fox's immense chakra applies a huge amount of pressure to the bubbles,and they burst.
(Motoi thinking): So this is the fox's true power..impressive.
Guy: This is no time to just stand around,we have to go after that shark!
Killer Bee: Just leave that up to me...your in for a real treat.(KB transforms into the Hachibi.He jumps into the water.A few moments later KB can be seen coming out of the water in his human form,he's carrying the shark on his left shoulder,and holding the scroll in his right arm)
Naruto: Wow..that's amazing senpai!
Killer Bee:'s no biggie.
(Guy thinking) : I still can't believe that Kisame killed himself,He didn't look the kind of guy that would've wanted to die.
Motoi: So now what?
Naruto: We start preparing for war.We head to Konoha.
Everyone: Right!(They all start heading for Konoha)
(Sasuke scene)
(Sasuke's eyes look a little bit like Madara's Mangekyo,his eyeballs are all black and the color of the Mangekyo is red)
Sasuke: MADARA!!!!
Zetsu: Madara isn't here right now,you should calm yourself.
Sasuke: I'am heading to konoha,now!
Zetsu: You should probably wait for Madara to come back.He wouldn't be pleased if you went without him knowing.
Sasuke: Then stop me!
(Zetsu looks a little shocked,then he just look quietly at Sasuke) : Alright,but I warned you.
(Sasuke smirking) : Do you think even Madara can stop me now?
(Madara scene)
(Madara is standing over Nagato's body.Madara reaches out to Nagato's left eye,and then he plucks it out.The Rinnegan pattern of the eye starts fading away until the eye completely turns white.Madara looks shockingly.He then plucks out the right eye,and the same thing happens)
Madara: So this is what you were planning all along eh,Konan.Very well,your just delaying the inevitable.
(Naruto scene)
(They're all jumping from tree to tree.Suddenly Naruto stops.He puts his hands on his eyes as if in pain)
Yamato: What is it,Naruto!?
Guy: Are you okay?
(Naruto looks at them.Naruto's eyes are now completely changed into the Rinnegan)
(Everyone looks at Naruto and are shocked by what they see)
Naruto: Guys,I feel weird.
The End.
Next Chapter: Nagato's Legacy!
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