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One Piece 591 (English) 19-Pages are up!!
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by: Ohana - 2Ch / NF
ohana on the cover
187 :Both naruto n sasuke are on their stomachs looking straight ahead. Cute. The eyes are open.
195 : itach already has some gorugo(golgo13) lines.
dont ya give a shit bout your brat? says madara. minato goes ' out.'
'its u who needs cooling im cooler than ever.'
Says maddara and tosses naruto into the air tries to stab it with a kunai
Minato grabs the baby in his syunnsoku(fleet feet no jyutsu?) to see the explosive tag on the towel around naruto.
he pulls naruto off the towel and goes hiraishin to the outside of the cave however he is forced to use the jyutsu and parted from kushina
He again uses a jyutsu to lay naruto in a safe place and then heads for kushinas.
meanwhile kushina is taken to somewhere away from the cave, tied up in some sealing formula.
What kind of joke is this? says kushina. Madara tells her that he'll pull 9b out and smash konoha. he knows that the seal on kushina includes a formulated marking for minato to run to her whenever needed that hes alienated him by forcing him to use the jyutsu.
madara puts kushina in do-jyutsu with his sharingan. 9b although senses madara, it also gets taken in the do-jyutsu.
After that the seal which looks like a wedge suddenly gets released and 9b is dragged out
Because of her life force of uzumaki clan, kushina doesnt die immediately, but breathing feebly tries to stop madara leaving for konoha. madara is about to pulverize kushina with the controlled 9b when minato saves her. Kushina askes minato of narutos safety and minato tells her the babys in a safe place. He gives a glare at madara.
kushina informs minato that madara is trying to destroy konoha. Minato goes the jyutsu agan to back to narutos.
'why?'asks kushina to whom minato tells to just go near naruto and lays her by the sound asleep naruto. Kushina holds naruto tight but minatos face is clouded.
Clenching his fist tightly minato is getting ready to go to konoha. Kushina greets him with 'thank journey! (ill be waiting here for your safe come back)' to which minato replies 'ill be back soon...' putting on his special fighting gear...'the 4th hokage' on the back.
'What is this feel?' Itachi with sasuke in his arms senses something odd is going on.
:Anyway, Minato looks cool.
:In an instant, (閃光 = Flash) Minato retrieves baby Naruto from Madara's grasp.
:Minato teleports [Naruto and himself] back home (using his special kunai technique)
:Madara extracts the 9tails from Kushina.
:Kushina's breathing is faint
:The 9tails goes wild.
:Everyone can see (the rampage) clearly.
:There is a scene of Minato on top of a tree, holding (pos. hugging) Kushina.
:Minato takes Kushina to where he took Naruto earlier.
:Minato puts on his Hokage cloak (hells yeah!) and leaves.
Itachi senses something is wrong (Iyana-kanji, lit. bad feeling). He is looking up at the sky whilst holding baby Sasuke.
Minato grabs naruto back and send him back home instantly by using hiraishin.
madara extracts the kyuubi out and kushina dies.
The 9 tails goes crazy
evryone's looking at kyuubi and minato is standing on a tree carrying kushina.he sends kushina back to his house and wears the hokage shirt and goes out.
special moment:itachi is carrying baby sasuke,looking at the moon and felt strange.
Another spoiler:
donno why minto took kushina to narutos but i guess so.
because kushina while laying down, holds naruto tightly
in the last panel
itachis carrying sasuke with a piggyback belt
on a wooden deck by the(his) house.
tobis face hasnt been disclosed yet but the sharingan is seen on the right side of the mask
only dragon quest is there
*baby naruto and baby sasuke on the chap cover
by: The Egyptian
Naruto 501 Double Issue week!!
Naruto's Sudden Birth as the New Jinchuuriki!!!
Masked Man: Step Away from the Jinchuuriki, I would like to see its release , or else your Son will die!!
Kushina: Leave me Minato, Dont Let him hurt Naruto, Just do as he says so our son can live!!
Minato thinking ( How was this guy able to defeat 5 Elite Anbu, dispose of both elders who were rumored to be some of the most powerful Nin back in the time of the 3rd Hokage, and Take MY SON hostage all without alerting anyone to signal an alarm or even make any sound in the process of dispatching everyone!!)
Masked Man: The Fabled Yellow Flash, That fast thinking brain of yours is calculting every option other than listening to reason!! LET ME ASSURE YOU, I will have no second thoughts or hesitations in Killing this baby unless you comply with me.
Minato: ( I need to stall him!!) Why do you want the Kyuubi!! You cannot control it, Only one man was ever gifted enough to control such a beast and he died at the hands of our 1st Hokage!!.
Masked Man: Or so you thought!!
Kushina: !!!! WHAT!! You know what that means MINATO, he is.........
Minato: ...Uchiha Madara!!! Alive and well? No matter, This man has my son, and you will not threaten my Family with Death, Neither Kushina or Naruto will be harmed, I dont care if your Madara or not, If you threaten my Family YOU DIE!!!!
Suddenly many actions happen all at once, Madara Goes in for the Kill ,
While the Clone which Minato placed at the edge of the door disgusing himself as the door gets turned back into Minato's form and Rushes Madara from behind, As Madara Turns his back to see the Clone the Real Minato Disappears from sight and reappears infront of Madara with a Rasengan to his belly, Madara allows the Rasengan to pass through him and hit the clone but as he does so he allows him self to become intangible and Naruto Falls to the ground, But Minato Grabs Naruto before anything more can happen to him and jumps back to Kushina.
Kushina: You saved Naruto, Now get him out of here and beat this guy Minato!!!
Minato activates his Transfer Tag at the Third Hokage's bedroom and sends Naruto via SpaceTime Jutsu to his room, Saving Naruto and Alerting the Third Hokage that there is a threat at the Delivery station for Naruto!!.
Madara: You certainly are a well prepared Ninja!!, Nothing short of what I would expect from the Yellow Flash!!. But even without your son as leverage, I will still have my way!!
Kushina: Ahhhh, The kyuubi is trying to break the seal Minato, Just Leave me, Naruto Needs a father and both of us cannot die!!
Minato: I will not leave you Kushina, Madara is messing with the Wrong Dad and I will Save us all ,Just hold on I have been gathering chakra this whole time to call the two great sages, so I can get into Sage Mode, Then I can do some damage!!.
Madara: What makes you think I will give you the time!!
Madara makes his move and appears right behind Minato stabbing him with a kunai to his back!!!,
Kushina Screams for Minato as she fades away and the Kyuubi is released outside of Konoha!!
In the meanwhile The Third Hokage and many top class nin, appear at the delivery room only to find the Ninetails Unleashed and wreaking Havoc in the woods!!!
Third Hokage: Something has gone wrong, Create a barrier, we cannot allow the Kyuubi to set its eyes on Konoha. This is where we hold our Line!!, and I need someone to Guard this baby While I am fighting!!
Madara: Welcome back 9tails, Before I put a leash on you, I will let you have a little fun by destroying Konoha!!! Haahahahah, In the meanwhile Im going to find a nice place to watch and see you have some fun!!
Kyuubi: ROAAAAARRR FINALLY FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now to destroy the ones that held me in that Prison!!
Minato Comes to and see's the Kyuubi standing above him terriorizing the Forest, and headed towards Konoha.
Minato: NOO Kushina, I failed you my love, Im sooo Sorry, I have to do something before all is lost though!!, I cannot summon the two Sages, But I do have enough for Gamabunta!!.
Summoning Jutsu!
The Kyuubi Turns around and see's the Large toad and Roar's in Defiance!!
Minato: Ok you dumb Fox, Lets see what youv'e Got!!
Gamabunta:Minato, Why would you summon me to this place, I am no match for the Kyuubi and it looks like the birth has Gone terribly wrong!!, You should have summoned Fukasaku and Ma toad, They could have fused with you and been more Helpful!!.
Minato: I know Bunta, But Alas I couldnt, I had to act fast and I need your help to stop the Kyuubi from Destroying Konoha!!, Do not worry though I plan on ending this quickly, I see The Third hokage down there, and Good Naruto is there as well. I am leaving you for one moment, Just keep your distance and send a barrage of your Water Bullets at the Kyuubi, That should keep him occupied long enough not to notice me!!.
Minato Vanishes and appears infront of the Third hokage, Hey old man, I see you got my message!!
Third: Yes but what happend!!.
Minato: No time to talk now, but thank you for bringing Naruto, I am summoning the Death God and I will seal the Kyuubi inside of Naruto!!, But please do not allow anything to happen to him, I am leaving his protection in your hands Sarutobi!!
Sarutobi: I will always have one eye on him Minato!! Good luck 4th!!!
Minato holds his son for the last time, and tells him his dying words as he is sneaking his way through the forest so he can come up behind the kyuubi and start the Sealing jutsu!!.
A fathers last words to his son:
I am sorry Naruto for leaving you to grow up without a father or mother, But you will have the Village who will raise you and think of you as a Hero for stopping the Ninetails, I am sad that I will not be able to teach you your First Rasengan, or show you how I am known as the Yellow Flash!!. But Please know that I will always Love you my Son. Your mother and I did everything we could to help you but it wasnt enough,!! Maybe with the power of the Kyuubi, you can be the first to truly control its powers!!! Well here we are , lets seal this fox for Good!!
Minato makes the contract the Death God and starts the sealing process on Naruto, the Kyuubi is Frozen in its steps as its soul is being Sucked out and sealed into Naruto!!
Kyuubi: ROAAAARRRRRRR, The kyuuib's eyes Fiercely look at The Fourth Hokage as it is helpless to move or stop the process!!.
Minato: Whew This Fox wants to Tear me apart!!. Good thing it cant move or else I would be really introuble!!!....
Wait, ...What is this chakra?? I can feel you in there Kushina!! Your still alive Inside of the Kyuubi!! But how!!,
Wait I have an idea, I can seal portions of our souls into the Seal so that if it ever breaks or is about to Break we can be there to help Naruto!!!. I hope you approve of this My love! we can still watch over Naruto even though we wont be able to be able to be apart of his life!!!
With Minato's last actions, He saves Konoha from the Kyuubi , seals the 9tails inside his own son!!
Sarutobi then appears with a few nins at the place of where the seal was conducted and they all see a Crying baby Naruto with his father dead on one side and his mothers corpse on the other side!! and The seal appearing on Naruto's stomach takes form and sets in!!!
by: Minced Meat
Naruto 501: Unsealed Love
Minato and Kushina stare in shock as the masked figure holds their baby hostage.
Minato: Who are you?
Masked Man: Thats irrelevant release the kyuubi or your son dies
(Kushina begins to squirm): NARUTO! Give me back my son.
(Minato looks around the room at the dead bodies then looks back at the masked figure)
(Minato moves his foot an inch)
Masked man: Easy now Yellow flash you wouldn’t want your son to get hurt would you?
Minato: Tch! (In thought) what do I do?
(Kushina grabs Minatos hand and has tears in her eyes)
Kushina: Just do what he says Minato.
Masked man: there’s a good girl...
Minato: Shut up you monster... (Looks at Kushina) But... (tears begin to well up in his eyes as he swallows his pride) Okay then.
Minato places his hand against Kushina’s seal and looks down at her as tears fall down from his face.
Kushina: I was always so lonely until you arrived that day and saved me ever since then I knew I Loved you Minato (Gets her goofy grin)
Minato: I love you too (Musters a sincere smile then closes his eyes and twist his hand) I’ll fix this Kushina.
(Fox chakra begins to envelop kushina’s body)
Masked man: CATCH! (Masked man tosses Naruto into the air and uses swirly out technique to get away)
Minato: NARUTO! (Minato catches Naruto and looks around for the masked man) Tch! He’s gone
(Minato looks down at his son and rubs his son’s chin but behind him Kushina has gained two tails and is beginning to arise from her table and take the fox stance on the ground against Minato)
Minato:Kushina... (Flashes to the third hokage’s home)
(Hiruzen look’s disappointed and stands to his feet walking towards Minato) What’s happened?
(Minato looks around erratically) Someone infiltrated the birth and has killed everyone; he forced me to break Kushina’s seal by holding Naruto hostage. (Holds up Naruto in his arms)
Hiruzen: Minato you’re still young I will go and defeat the kyuubi.
Minato: No I will go and face her I promised I would find a way. (Hands Naruto to the third and turns around flashing off leaving the third standing there)
(Hiruzen looking down at Naruto then looks up and walks outside to wear a ninja stands gaurd)
Hiruzen: Alert the Village to prepare for battle
(Minato appears to where he left Kushina who has now got 8 tails and is just finishing the transformation)
Minato: KUSHINA! Can you hear me?
(Kushina roars as the kyuubis ninth tail sprouts out and she becomes the beast)
(Minato bites his finger and shuts his eyes as he flashes back through the fun times then suddenly opens his eyes and plants his hand on the ground summoning Gamabunta)
Minato stands on Gamabuntas head while the kyuubi stands across from him with a look of hatred in its eyes, the masked man looks on from a distant tree.
The battle which started it all 16 years ago, the nine-tailed demon fox attacked Konohagakure. It raised chaos and slaughtered many people, until the leader of the Leaf Village - the Fourth Hokage - defeated it by sacrificing his own life to seal the beast away or so it was told...
by: J. Simmons
Naruto 501- True Identity Revealed At Last!!!
Kidnapper- You're in no position to be making demands.
(Anbu surround the kidnapper)
Anbu- Release the boy now or we will not hold back.
Kidnapper- I only want to talk.
Minato- Who are you?!
Kidnapper- Oh, my apologies. I guess I should have introduced myself properly.( takes off mask)
Minato-!? I don't believe it. That you would try this........MADARA UCHIHA!!!!
Madara- Let's head outside. Its so cramped in her.(While outside) Hand over the host or your child dies!
Minato- I will NEVER hand my wife over to you.
Madara- Very well. If that's you're decision then so be it. KONAHA SHALL FALL! PREPARE TO DIE!!!
Minato- Leave Naruto out of this.
Madara- Very well. Now prepare for the ultimate disaster. First let me talk to myself.
Minato- ???
(inside another dimmension inside Madara.) At long last.... I finally meet you.
Kyuubi- Who are you. What do you think you're doing?
Madara-...........MANGEKYO SHARINGAN!!!
Kyuubi- .............
Madara- I am Madara Uchiha. And you will obey me and destroy the Hidden Leaf Village.
Minato- What is this?
Madara- It is the 9 tailed fox! And the instrument of your demise.
Minato- I can't hold back against this thing. Anbu, get my wife to safety.
Anbu- Yes Sir.
Madara- I should have been Hokage. But those two senile fools were too
selfish to see my abilities. Until I showed them myself in battle.
MInato- !!!! You killed them?!
Madara- And you shall join their fate!!! Nine tails attack NARUTO!!!
Minato- NOOOOO!!!!!
Madara- What can you do to stop this creature?
Minato-Secret art: REAPER DEATH SEAL.
Madara- What is this?
Minato- It is..... the last jutsu you will ever see. thinking (Naruto, Kushina. I'm sorry).
{Minato has used the reaper death seal. What is he planning?)
[Naruto 501 End]
by: The Special One
Naruto 501: Parents’ Sacrifice (Part 1)
(Minato and Kushina look on in fear as their newborn child is held at ransom.)
Kushina: “NARUTO!” (She squirms and reaches out for her child’s safety as tears leak from her face, Minato keeps one hand on her seal and places the other hand on her shoulder, trying to console her as sweat drips down Minato’s face.)
Minato (in thought): “This is not happening.”
Kushina: “DO SOMETHING MINATO! OUR BABY BOY! WE CAN’T LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HIM!” (Minato snarls and glares at the masked man.)
Masked Man: “What will it be, the Kyuubi or your newborn child? Your patience is making my hands slip.” (Minato is infuriated by the masked man’s last remark.)
Masked Man: “You threaten me, the captor? That’s a ballsy move given the situation you’re in. Then again you are the Yellow Flash, I should expect no less.”
(A striking flash of the Kyuubi’s fierce face can be seen through Kushina’s mind as she snaps back to reality. Kushina grabs Minato’s arm.)
Minato: “Kushina?”
Kushina: “It’s ok Minato. I know what must be down.”
Minato (in thought): “He was able to take down 5 elite Anbu without a single one of them alerting his position to us. He must be skilled. He also managed to get to this room and defeat Biwako and Taji right in front of my eyes, yet there were no signs of infiltration from the door in back of me. This guy, he’s using a space time transfer all right and he’s passing right through solid matter . He’s holding my son, so there must be a time in which he’s solid. I’ll use that opportunity.” (Minato squints as he squeezes out more of his chakra onto Kushina’s stomach.)
(Masked man takes notice of Minato’s action, but doesn’t commit to anything.)
Kushina: “Minato?” (Minato bends down and whispers to Kushina.)
Minato: (Whispering) “I used some of my chakra to keep the seal at bay. It won’t last long, but it will be enough to save Naruto. Just believe, I won’t let anything happen to Naruto as long as this body of mine draws breath.”
(Kushina blushes after hearing Minato’s words. Minato removes his hand from her belly and he digs into his pocket.)
Minato (in thought): “Sarutobi sama did say be prepared for anything. It wouldn’t be wise if everyone else was on guard yet the Hokage wasn’t. I’m sorry old man, I’ll avenge your wife and all those who was killed today.”
Masked Man: “Have you made your choice?” (Not even a second after the Masked man uttered his last word, Minato vanishes in a cloud of smoke and resurfaces in another cloud of smoke right in front of the Masked Man.)
Masked Man (in thought): “The fuck?” (Minato immediate reaches out for his son; his hand barely brushes up against the forehead of Naruto. The Masked Man uses the swirling affect beaming off of his mask to send Minato into another dimension. The scene switches over to that realm of boxes. Minato is shocked at what he sees.)
Minato: “Where am I? No way… That guy… He placed me here. Not good. Crap, my next check point is marked at the Hokage’s office. But that’ll take too long to get from there to where the others are… WAIT! (Minato remembers that he touched Naruto’s head.) I got to him in time.” (The scene switches back to the real world. The Masked man laughs manically.)
Masked man: “AH, HAH, HAH, HAH! Yes! Konoha’s Yellow Flash has been permanently put out of the picture. Now, the Fox is mine. (Kushina looks displeased.) As for the child, he’s worthless now.”
Kushina: “NARUTOOOOO!” (Masked man fails to realize that on top of Naruto’s head is a rite, left on there by Minato before being whisked anyway. In seconds Minato appears on the Masked man’s right side, before he can use his distortion affect, Minato delivers a straight cross puch, cracking the mask near the right eye. Masked man is still stunned from the blow. Minato completes a spinning maneuver and delivers a spinning punch off of his offhand.)
Minato (in thought): “Sharingan!?” (As the Masked man goes flying, Naruto is loose in the air. Minato goes out to catch him, he succeeds... Minato places Naruto on the ground and then summons a medium sized toad, it turns out to be Gerotora. Minato places Naruto in Gerotara’s hands.)
Gerotora: “This your kid?”
Minato: “Get out of here and keep him safe!”
(Gerotora throws Naruto on his back, claps his hands, and then poof into a cloud of smoke. Minato looks over to Kushina.)
Minato: “How’s the seal holding out over there?!”
Kushina: “It’s nothing compared to having Naruto!”
Minato: “Good, just hold on a little longer, I’ll reinforce the seal after I figure out a way to beat this guy.”
(In the crack of the wall, the Masked man stumbles to his knees.)
Masked Man (in thought): “I should have prepared for this. He’s much more troublesome than I gave him credit for. He tagged his son, which was his plan from the beginning. He used that to deliver his counter attack all the while getting his son to safety; he did it in a flash. He’s lethal, and there’s no way I can win conventionally. I’ll have to play my ace. I rather not do this.”
(The Masked man begin making handseals Minato looks to the Masked man location, immediately, underneath the ground, disturbances can be heard. The ground begins to crack underneath Minato, so he leaps out of the way and lands near Kushina to protect her.)
Kushina: “What’s going on?” (Immediately, Gedou Mazou emerges from the ground and faces Kushina and Minato.)
Minato: “What the hell is that?” (The statue has its eyes covered up. Before Minato can react, a beam of light hits Kushina, Minato has a horrified look. Kushina yells out in pain.)
Minato: “KUSINA! (The seal around Kushina’s stomach stars to unravel.) NOOOOOO! (Kushina’s face turns pale as Minato loses it. He firsts uses body flicker and instantly appears on top of the statue. He repeatedly slaps the statue with rapid Rasengan shots from both hands. He then notices he can’t even put a dent in it. He then turns to face the masked man, who is standing proudly. Minato goes through him with a Rasengan, but it doesn’t affect him. Minato then attacks from every angle, hitting the he
does it again, again, and again. He constantly pounds through the Masked man to no avail. Thick tears run down Minato’s face as he continues his onslaught.)
Masked man (in thought): I can’t control the statue as well as Nagato can, but since the seal is so weak on the host, the amount of chakra I used to jump start the Bijuu extraction should be suffice. The statue will likely crumble, but I can always use Nagato to create another one at a bit of a cost.” (Minato gives up on attacking the Masked man and notices that the statue is cracking, but he also sees his wife going through the Kyuubi transformation as spiraling red chakra beings to erupt. Minato rushes to her aide despite desperate hope.)
Next time: Parents’ Sacrifice Part II.
by:Human Rasengan
Naruto 501: Tails if Two Cities (double issue)
Kushina: yes Naruto I was the vessel for the Kyuubi before you
Kushina: haven't you ever wondered why there aren't many female jinchuriki..
Naruto: cause if I fell in love with one we'd make a super baby..
Kushina: Umm yes and no ttebayo!
if a female jinchuriki becomes pregnant then the biju must be removed through a risky technique that uses the child's chakra as a buffer to keep her alive and anchored in this world.. that's why you have whiskers. the separation of the biju and the interacting chakra left an imprint on you
Naruto: Ohh
Kushina.. the night you were born your father and his sensei Sarutobi used a technique to put the Kyuubi in the sealing pot partially in order for me to give birth to you
Naruto: why not just leave it out and have a normal life..
Kushina : because one it is risky .. I din't want to loose you .. if they completely remove it from me you could have possibly died .. and if they would have left it the stress of childbirth would have caused me to loose control and the fox would run free.. and we were trying to keep it safe
Naruto: Safe from who?
Kushina: the Uchiha.. it was believed by your father that Madara had not died and would use a plant in the village to get the Kyuubi back
Naruto : Back what do you mean .. he had it before?
Kushina yes! he used it like a puppet when he fought against the first Hokage.. it is an ability of the Uchiha eyes to controls and manipulate biju and summons but lord Hashirama was able to defeat him by placing the Kyuubi in a trap much like we did in your mind and then they fought one on one and Madara was thought to have died
When the first Hokage handed out the biju it was not only to bring peace but to ensure the Uchiha couldn't gain access to such power.. and the 9 tails was given to the Uzukage to keep it safe.. at that time the whirlpool country was the lands just east of the Nara forest between the fire country and the Land of Waves
The Uzukage was entrusted with this because he was a cousin of the first Hokage and was second only to great uncle Tobirama in terms of water jutsu
Naruto:wow you're related to the first and second Hokage
Kushina yes and so are you My father Dan was from the whirlpool country and he met a and fellin love with the slug princess of Konoha .. after our lands were severely weakened during the third great war.. shortly after the death of the second Hokage Hiruzen assimilated our lands to protect the Kyuubi form gettin in the hands of other villages and kept it secret from the Uchiha .. or so he thought
Kushina:while I was giving birth to you and most of the Chandra of the Kyuubi was safely sealed int he pot .. Madara showed up and unleashed it.. Hiruzen and your dad being linked with me and you couldn't break free to help for if the connection between us was severed improperly you and I as well as those two would die.
Naruto: all this for me
Kushina : yes.. I loved you even before you were born and I still do
Naruto... Mom...
Kushina: once the jutsu was undone Minato faced off against Madara and defeated him and the Kyuubi was running rampant destroying everything..
with me having special chakra I was the only one who could tame the Kyuubi.. so Fukasaku reversed summoned me and I was holding you .. and we were right there on the battle field.. the fox was about to crush you but my motherly instinct kicked in and my chakra chains subdued the Kyuubi but it was much to powerful for me to become it's host again ..I had been severely weakened and Hiruzen said he was unsure if I would be able to keep the Kyuubi contained..
Sarutobi noticed you shared my kind of chakra and Minato and I instantly knew what to do.. I gave him some of my chakra and he formed the tech that sealed the fox in you ..
Naruto: so I have special chakra too.. yes you are a descendant of Hashirama Senju .. why wouldn't you .. your grandma never told you ..
Naruto : Grandma..
Kushina: why Tsunade of course.. she's only my mom..
.. oh I bet after she lost everyone and there was a gag order to protect you she left the village as so no one would be the wiser and had uncle Jiraiya watch after you..he would have been glad to since he never had any kids..odd for such a perv
Naruto:Madara is alive mom..
Kushina: Then now that you have control of the fox Naruto you must put an end to him once and for all.. if not no one is safe.. I have faith in you my son
Naruto... thanks... mom
Yamato.. you did it Naruto
Naruto :yea.. now I have to stop the man in the mask.. i must stop Madara Uchiha .. and Sasuke at all cost
Sameheda: gigigigigig
Kissame:emerges from sameheda.. you have to get through me first runt
Next time: The bijuu without tales faces two

by: Ohana - 2Ch / NF
ohana on the cover
187 :Both naruto n sasuke are on their stomachs looking straight ahead. Cute. The eyes are open.
195 : itach already has some gorugo(golgo13) lines.
dont ya give a shit bout your brat? says madara. minato goes ' out.'
'its u who needs cooling im cooler than ever.'
Says maddara and tosses naruto into the air tries to stab it with a kunai
Minato grabs the baby in his syunnsoku(fleet feet no jyutsu?) to see the explosive tag on the towel around naruto.
he pulls naruto off the towel and goes hiraishin to the outside of the cave however he is forced to use the jyutsu and parted from kushina
He again uses a jyutsu to lay naruto in a safe place and then heads for kushinas.
meanwhile kushina is taken to somewhere away from the cave, tied up in some sealing formula.
What kind of joke is this? says kushina. Madara tells her that he'll pull 9b out and smash konoha. he knows that the seal on kushina includes a formulated marking for minato to run to her whenever needed that hes alienated him by forcing him to use the jyutsu.
madara puts kushina in do-jyutsu with his sharingan. 9b although senses madara, it also gets taken in the do-jyutsu.
After that the seal which looks like a wedge suddenly gets released and 9b is dragged out
Because of her life force of uzumaki clan, kushina doesnt die immediately, but breathing feebly tries to stop madara leaving for konoha. madara is about to pulverize kushina with the controlled 9b when minato saves her. Kushina askes minato of narutos safety and minato tells her the babys in a safe place. He gives a glare at madara.
kushina informs minato that madara is trying to destroy konoha. Minato goes the jyutsu agan to back to narutos.
'why?'asks kushina to whom minato tells to just go near naruto and lays her by the sound asleep naruto. Kushina holds naruto tight but minatos face is clouded.
Clenching his fist tightly minato is getting ready to go to konoha. Kushina greets him with 'thank journey! (ill be waiting here for your safe come back)' to which minato replies 'ill be back soon...' putting on his special fighting gear...'the 4th hokage' on the back.
'What is this feel?' Itachi with sasuke in his arms senses something odd is going on.
:Anyway, Minato looks cool.
:In an instant, (閃光 = Flash) Minato retrieves baby Naruto from Madara's grasp.
:Minato teleports [Naruto and himself] back home (using his special kunai technique)
:Madara extracts the 9tails from Kushina.
:Kushina's breathing is faint
:The 9tails goes wild.
:Everyone can see (the rampage) clearly.
:There is a scene of Minato on top of a tree, holding (pos. hugging) Kushina.
:Minato takes Kushina to where he took Naruto earlier.
:Minato puts on his Hokage cloak (hells yeah!) and leaves.
Itachi senses something is wrong (Iyana-kanji, lit. bad feeling). He is looking up at the sky whilst holding baby Sasuke.
Minato grabs naruto back and send him back home instantly by using hiraishin.
madara extracts the kyuubi out and kushina dies.
The 9 tails goes crazy
evryone's looking at kyuubi and minato is standing on a tree carrying kushina.he sends kushina back to his house and wears the hokage shirt and goes out.
special moment:itachi is carrying baby sasuke,looking at the moon and felt strange.
Another spoiler:
donno why minto took kushina to narutos but i guess so.
because kushina while laying down, holds naruto tightly
in the last panel
itachis carrying sasuke with a piggyback belt
on a wooden deck by the(his) house.
tobis face hasnt been disclosed yet but the sharingan is seen on the right side of the mask
only dragon quest is there
*baby naruto and baby sasuke on the chap cover
by: The Egyptian
Naruto 501 Double Issue week!!
Naruto's Sudden Birth as the New Jinchuuriki!!!
Masked Man: Step Away from the Jinchuuriki, I would like to see its release , or else your Son will die!!
Kushina: Leave me Minato, Dont Let him hurt Naruto, Just do as he says so our son can live!!
Minato thinking ( How was this guy able to defeat 5 Elite Anbu, dispose of both elders who were rumored to be some of the most powerful Nin back in the time of the 3rd Hokage, and Take MY SON hostage all without alerting anyone to signal an alarm or even make any sound in the process of dispatching everyone!!)
Masked Man: The Fabled Yellow Flash, That fast thinking brain of yours is calculting every option other than listening to reason!! LET ME ASSURE YOU, I will have no second thoughts or hesitations in Killing this baby unless you comply with me.
Minato: ( I need to stall him!!) Why do you want the Kyuubi!! You cannot control it, Only one man was ever gifted enough to control such a beast and he died at the hands of our 1st Hokage!!.
Masked Man: Or so you thought!!
Kushina: !!!! WHAT!! You know what that means MINATO, he is.........
Minato: ...Uchiha Madara!!! Alive and well? No matter, This man has my son, and you will not threaten my Family with Death, Neither Kushina or Naruto will be harmed, I dont care if your Madara or not, If you threaten my Family YOU DIE!!!!
Suddenly many actions happen all at once, Madara Goes in for the Kill ,
While the Clone which Minato placed at the edge of the door disgusing himself as the door gets turned back into Minato's form and Rushes Madara from behind, As Madara Turns his back to see the Clone the Real Minato Disappears from sight and reappears infront of Madara with a Rasengan to his belly, Madara allows the Rasengan to pass through him and hit the clone but as he does so he allows him self to become intangible and Naruto Falls to the ground, But Minato Grabs Naruto before anything more can happen to him and jumps back to Kushina.
Kushina: You saved Naruto, Now get him out of here and beat this guy Minato!!!
Minato activates his Transfer Tag at the Third Hokage's bedroom and sends Naruto via SpaceTime Jutsu to his room, Saving Naruto and Alerting the Third Hokage that there is a threat at the Delivery station for Naruto!!.
Madara: You certainly are a well prepared Ninja!!, Nothing short of what I would expect from the Yellow Flash!!. But even without your son as leverage, I will still have my way!!
Kushina: Ahhhh, The kyuubi is trying to break the seal Minato, Just Leave me, Naruto Needs a father and both of us cannot die!!
Minato: I will not leave you Kushina, Madara is messing with the Wrong Dad and I will Save us all ,Just hold on I have been gathering chakra this whole time to call the two great sages, so I can get into Sage Mode, Then I can do some damage!!.
Madara: What makes you think I will give you the time!!
Madara makes his move and appears right behind Minato stabbing him with a kunai to his back!!!,
Kushina Screams for Minato as she fades away and the Kyuubi is released outside of Konoha!!
In the meanwhile The Third Hokage and many top class nin, appear at the delivery room only to find the Ninetails Unleashed and wreaking Havoc in the woods!!!
Third Hokage: Something has gone wrong, Create a barrier, we cannot allow the Kyuubi to set its eyes on Konoha. This is where we hold our Line!!, and I need someone to Guard this baby While I am fighting!!
Madara: Welcome back 9tails, Before I put a leash on you, I will let you have a little fun by destroying Konoha!!! Haahahahah, In the meanwhile Im going to find a nice place to watch and see you have some fun!!
Kyuubi: ROAAAAARRR FINALLY FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now to destroy the ones that held me in that Prison!!
Minato Comes to and see's the Kyuubi standing above him terriorizing the Forest, and headed towards Konoha.
Minato: NOO Kushina, I failed you my love, Im sooo Sorry, I have to do something before all is lost though!!, I cannot summon the two Sages, But I do have enough for Gamabunta!!.
Summoning Jutsu!
The Kyuubi Turns around and see's the Large toad and Roar's in Defiance!!
Minato: Ok you dumb Fox, Lets see what youv'e Got!!
Gamabunta:Minato, Why would you summon me to this place, I am no match for the Kyuubi and it looks like the birth has Gone terribly wrong!!, You should have summoned Fukasaku and Ma toad, They could have fused with you and been more Helpful!!.
Minato: I know Bunta, But Alas I couldnt, I had to act fast and I need your help to stop the Kyuubi from Destroying Konoha!!, Do not worry though I plan on ending this quickly, I see The Third hokage down there, and Good Naruto is there as well. I am leaving you for one moment, Just keep your distance and send a barrage of your Water Bullets at the Kyuubi, That should keep him occupied long enough not to notice me!!.
Minato Vanishes and appears infront of the Third hokage, Hey old man, I see you got my message!!
Third: Yes but what happend!!.
Minato: No time to talk now, but thank you for bringing Naruto, I am summoning the Death God and I will seal the Kyuubi inside of Naruto!!, But please do not allow anything to happen to him, I am leaving his protection in your hands Sarutobi!!
Sarutobi: I will always have one eye on him Minato!! Good luck 4th!!!
Minato holds his son for the last time, and tells him his dying words as he is sneaking his way through the forest so he can come up behind the kyuubi and start the Sealing jutsu!!.
A fathers last words to his son:
I am sorry Naruto for leaving you to grow up without a father or mother, But you will have the Village who will raise you and think of you as a Hero for stopping the Ninetails, I am sad that I will not be able to teach you your First Rasengan, or show you how I am known as the Yellow Flash!!. But Please know that I will always Love you my Son. Your mother and I did everything we could to help you but it wasnt enough,!! Maybe with the power of the Kyuubi, you can be the first to truly control its powers!!! Well here we are , lets seal this fox for Good!!
Minato makes the contract the Death God and starts the sealing process on Naruto, the Kyuubi is Frozen in its steps as its soul is being Sucked out and sealed into Naruto!!
Kyuubi: ROAAAARRRRRRR, The kyuuib's eyes Fiercely look at The Fourth Hokage as it is helpless to move or stop the process!!.
Minato: Whew This Fox wants to Tear me apart!!. Good thing it cant move or else I would be really introuble!!!....
Wait, ...What is this chakra?? I can feel you in there Kushina!! Your still alive Inside of the Kyuubi!! But how!!,
Wait I have an idea, I can seal portions of our souls into the Seal so that if it ever breaks or is about to Break we can be there to help Naruto!!!. I hope you approve of this My love! we can still watch over Naruto even though we wont be able to be able to be apart of his life!!!
With Minato's last actions, He saves Konoha from the Kyuubi , seals the 9tails inside his own son!!
Sarutobi then appears with a few nins at the place of where the seal was conducted and they all see a Crying baby Naruto with his father dead on one side and his mothers corpse on the other side!! and The seal appearing on Naruto's stomach takes form and sets in!!!
by: Minced Meat
Naruto 501: Unsealed Love
Minato and Kushina stare in shock as the masked figure holds their baby hostage.
Minato: Who are you?
Masked Man: Thats irrelevant release the kyuubi or your son dies
(Kushina begins to squirm): NARUTO! Give me back my son.
(Minato looks around the room at the dead bodies then looks back at the masked figure)
(Minato moves his foot an inch)
Masked man: Easy now Yellow flash you wouldn’t want your son to get hurt would you?
Minato: Tch! (In thought) what do I do?
(Kushina grabs Minatos hand and has tears in her eyes)
Kushina: Just do what he says Minato.
Masked man: there’s a good girl...
Minato: Shut up you monster... (Looks at Kushina) But... (tears begin to well up in his eyes as he swallows his pride) Okay then.
Minato places his hand against Kushina’s seal and looks down at her as tears fall down from his face.
Kushina: I was always so lonely until you arrived that day and saved me ever since then I knew I Loved you Minato (Gets her goofy grin)
Minato: I love you too (Musters a sincere smile then closes his eyes and twist his hand) I’ll fix this Kushina.
(Fox chakra begins to envelop kushina’s body)
Masked man: CATCH! (Masked man tosses Naruto into the air and uses swirly out technique to get away)
Minato: NARUTO! (Minato catches Naruto and looks around for the masked man) Tch! He’s gone
(Minato looks down at his son and rubs his son’s chin but behind him Kushina has gained two tails and is beginning to arise from her table and take the fox stance on the ground against Minato)
Minato:Kushina... (Flashes to the third hokage’s home)
(Hiruzen look’s disappointed and stands to his feet walking towards Minato) What’s happened?
(Minato looks around erratically) Someone infiltrated the birth and has killed everyone; he forced me to break Kushina’s seal by holding Naruto hostage. (Holds up Naruto in his arms)
Hiruzen: Minato you’re still young I will go and defeat the kyuubi.
Minato: No I will go and face her I promised I would find a way. (Hands Naruto to the third and turns around flashing off leaving the third standing there)
(Hiruzen looking down at Naruto then looks up and walks outside to wear a ninja stands gaurd)
Hiruzen: Alert the Village to prepare for battle
(Minato appears to where he left Kushina who has now got 8 tails and is just finishing the transformation)
Minato: KUSHINA! Can you hear me?
(Kushina roars as the kyuubis ninth tail sprouts out and she becomes the beast)
(Minato bites his finger and shuts his eyes as he flashes back through the fun times then suddenly opens his eyes and plants his hand on the ground summoning Gamabunta)
Minato stands on Gamabuntas head while the kyuubi stands across from him with a look of hatred in its eyes, the masked man looks on from a distant tree.
The battle which started it all 16 years ago, the nine-tailed demon fox attacked Konohagakure. It raised chaos and slaughtered many people, until the leader of the Leaf Village - the Fourth Hokage - defeated it by sacrificing his own life to seal the beast away or so it was told...
by: J. Simmons
Naruto 501- True Identity Revealed At Last!!!
Kidnapper- You're in no position to be making demands.
(Anbu surround the kidnapper)
Anbu- Release the boy now or we will not hold back.
Kidnapper- I only want to talk.
Minato- Who are you?!
Kidnapper- Oh, my apologies. I guess I should have introduced myself properly.( takes off mask)
Minato-!? I don't believe it. That you would try this........MADARA UCHIHA!!!!
Madara- Let's head outside. Its so cramped in her.(While outside) Hand over the host or your child dies!
Minato- I will NEVER hand my wife over to you.
Madara- Very well. If that's you're decision then so be it. KONAHA SHALL FALL! PREPARE TO DIE!!!
Minato- Leave Naruto out of this.
Madara- Very well. Now prepare for the ultimate disaster. First let me talk to myself.
Minato- ???
(inside another dimmension inside Madara.) At long last.... I finally meet you.
Kyuubi- Who are you. What do you think you're doing?
Madara-...........MANGEKYO SHARINGAN!!!
Kyuubi- .............
Madara- I am Madara Uchiha. And you will obey me and destroy the Hidden Leaf Village.
Minato- What is this?
Madara- It is the 9 tailed fox! And the instrument of your demise.
Minato- I can't hold back against this thing. Anbu, get my wife to safety.
Anbu- Yes Sir.
Madara- I should have been Hokage. But those two senile fools were too
selfish to see my abilities. Until I showed them myself in battle.
MInato- !!!! You killed them?!
Madara- And you shall join their fate!!! Nine tails attack NARUTO!!!
Minato- NOOOOO!!!!!
Madara- What can you do to stop this creature?
Minato-Secret art: REAPER DEATH SEAL.
Madara- What is this?
Minato- It is..... the last jutsu you will ever see. thinking (Naruto, Kushina. I'm sorry).
{Minato has used the reaper death seal. What is he planning?)
[Naruto 501 End]
by: The Special One
Naruto 501: Parents’ Sacrifice (Part 1)
(Minato and Kushina look on in fear as their newborn child is held at ransom.)
Kushina: “NARUTO!” (She squirms and reaches out for her child’s safety as tears leak from her face, Minato keeps one hand on her seal and places the other hand on her shoulder, trying to console her as sweat drips down Minato’s face.)
Minato (in thought): “This is not happening.”
Kushina: “DO SOMETHING MINATO! OUR BABY BOY! WE CAN’T LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HIM!” (Minato snarls and glares at the masked man.)
Masked Man: “What will it be, the Kyuubi or your newborn child? Your patience is making my hands slip.” (Minato is infuriated by the masked man’s last remark.)
Masked Man: “You threaten me, the captor? That’s a ballsy move given the situation you’re in. Then again you are the Yellow Flash, I should expect no less.”
(A striking flash of the Kyuubi’s fierce face can be seen through Kushina’s mind as she snaps back to reality. Kushina grabs Minato’s arm.)
Minato: “Kushina?”
Kushina: “It’s ok Minato. I know what must be down.”
Minato (in thought): “He was able to take down 5 elite Anbu without a single one of them alerting his position to us. He must be skilled. He also managed to get to this room and defeat Biwako and Taji right in front of my eyes, yet there were no signs of infiltration from the door in back of me. This guy, he’s using a space time transfer all right and he’s passing right through solid matter . He’s holding my son, so there must be a time in which he’s solid. I’ll use that opportunity.” (Minato squints as he squeezes out more of his chakra onto Kushina’s stomach.)
(Masked man takes notice of Minato’s action, but doesn’t commit to anything.)
Kushina: “Minato?” (Minato bends down and whispers to Kushina.)
Minato: (Whispering) “I used some of my chakra to keep the seal at bay. It won’t last long, but it will be enough to save Naruto. Just believe, I won’t let anything happen to Naruto as long as this body of mine draws breath.”
(Kushina blushes after hearing Minato’s words. Minato removes his hand from her belly and he digs into his pocket.)
Minato (in thought): “Sarutobi sama did say be prepared for anything. It wouldn’t be wise if everyone else was on guard yet the Hokage wasn’t. I’m sorry old man, I’ll avenge your wife and all those who was killed today.”
Masked Man: “Have you made your choice?” (Not even a second after the Masked man uttered his last word, Minato vanishes in a cloud of smoke and resurfaces in another cloud of smoke right in front of the Masked Man.)
Masked Man (in thought): “The fuck?” (Minato immediate reaches out for his son; his hand barely brushes up against the forehead of Naruto. The Masked Man uses the swirling affect beaming off of his mask to send Minato into another dimension. The scene switches over to that realm of boxes. Minato is shocked at what he sees.)
Minato: “Where am I? No way… That guy… He placed me here. Not good. Crap, my next check point is marked at the Hokage’s office. But that’ll take too long to get from there to where the others are… WAIT! (Minato remembers that he touched Naruto’s head.) I got to him in time.” (The scene switches back to the real world. The Masked man laughs manically.)
Masked man: “AH, HAH, HAH, HAH! Yes! Konoha’s Yellow Flash has been permanently put out of the picture. Now, the Fox is mine. (Kushina looks displeased.) As for the child, he’s worthless now.”
Kushina: “NARUTOOOOO!” (Masked man fails to realize that on top of Naruto’s head is a rite, left on there by Minato before being whisked anyway. In seconds Minato appears on the Masked man’s right side, before he can use his distortion affect, Minato delivers a straight cross puch, cracking the mask near the right eye. Masked man is still stunned from the blow. Minato completes a spinning maneuver and delivers a spinning punch off of his offhand.)
Minato (in thought): “Sharingan!?” (As the Masked man goes flying, Naruto is loose in the air. Minato goes out to catch him, he succeeds... Minato places Naruto on the ground and then summons a medium sized toad, it turns out to be Gerotora. Minato places Naruto in Gerotara’s hands.)
Gerotora: “This your kid?”
Minato: “Get out of here and keep him safe!”
(Gerotora throws Naruto on his back, claps his hands, and then poof into a cloud of smoke. Minato looks over to Kushina.)
Minato: “How’s the seal holding out over there?!”
Kushina: “It’s nothing compared to having Naruto!”
Minato: “Good, just hold on a little longer, I’ll reinforce the seal after I figure out a way to beat this guy.”
(In the crack of the wall, the Masked man stumbles to his knees.)
Masked Man (in thought): “I should have prepared for this. He’s much more troublesome than I gave him credit for. He tagged his son, which was his plan from the beginning. He used that to deliver his counter attack all the while getting his son to safety; he did it in a flash. He’s lethal, and there’s no way I can win conventionally. I’ll have to play my ace. I rather not do this.”
(The Masked man begin making handseals Minato looks to the Masked man location, immediately, underneath the ground, disturbances can be heard. The ground begins to crack underneath Minato, so he leaps out of the way and lands near Kushina to protect her.)
Kushina: “What’s going on?” (Immediately, Gedou Mazou emerges from the ground and faces Kushina and Minato.)
Minato: “What the hell is that?” (The statue has its eyes covered up. Before Minato can react, a beam of light hits Kushina, Minato has a horrified look. Kushina yells out in pain.)
Minato: “KUSINA! (The seal around Kushina’s stomach stars to unravel.) NOOOOOO! (Kushina’s face turns pale as Minato loses it. He firsts uses body flicker and instantly appears on top of the statue. He repeatedly slaps the statue with rapid Rasengan shots from both hands. He then notices he can’t even put a dent in it. He then turns to face the masked man, who is standing proudly. Minato goes through him with a Rasengan, but it doesn’t affect him. Minato then attacks from every angle, hitting the he
does it again, again, and again. He constantly pounds through the Masked man to no avail. Thick tears run down Minato’s face as he continues his onslaught.)
Masked man (in thought): I can’t control the statue as well as Nagato can, but since the seal is so weak on the host, the amount of chakra I used to jump start the Bijuu extraction should be suffice. The statue will likely crumble, but I can always use Nagato to create another one at a bit of a cost.” (Minato gives up on attacking the Masked man and notices that the statue is cracking, but he also sees his wife going through the Kyuubi transformation as spiraling red chakra beings to erupt. Minato rushes to her aide despite desperate hope.)
Next time: Parents’ Sacrifice Part II.
by:Human Rasengan
Naruto 501: Tails if Two Cities (double issue)
Kushina: yes Naruto I was the vessel for the Kyuubi before you
Kushina: haven't you ever wondered why there aren't many female jinchuriki..
Naruto: cause if I fell in love with one we'd make a super baby..
Kushina: Umm yes and no ttebayo!
if a female jinchuriki becomes pregnant then the biju must be removed through a risky technique that uses the child's chakra as a buffer to keep her alive and anchored in this world.. that's why you have whiskers. the separation of the biju and the interacting chakra left an imprint on you
Naruto: Ohh
Kushina.. the night you were born your father and his sensei Sarutobi used a technique to put the Kyuubi in the sealing pot partially in order for me to give birth to you
Naruto: why not just leave it out and have a normal life..
Kushina : because one it is risky .. I din't want to loose you .. if they completely remove it from me you could have possibly died .. and if they would have left it the stress of childbirth would have caused me to loose control and the fox would run free.. and we were trying to keep it safe
Naruto: Safe from who?
Kushina: the Uchiha.. it was believed by your father that Madara had not died and would use a plant in the village to get the Kyuubi back
Naruto : Back what do you mean .. he had it before?
Kushina yes! he used it like a puppet when he fought against the first Hokage.. it is an ability of the Uchiha eyes to controls and manipulate biju and summons but lord Hashirama was able to defeat him by placing the Kyuubi in a trap much like we did in your mind and then they fought one on one and Madara was thought to have died
When the first Hokage handed out the biju it was not only to bring peace but to ensure the Uchiha couldn't gain access to such power.. and the 9 tails was given to the Uzukage to keep it safe.. at that time the whirlpool country was the lands just east of the Nara forest between the fire country and the Land of Waves
The Uzukage was entrusted with this because he was a cousin of the first Hokage and was second only to great uncle Tobirama in terms of water jutsu
Naruto:wow you're related to the first and second Hokage
Kushina yes and so are you My father Dan was from the whirlpool country and he met a and fellin love with the slug princess of Konoha .. after our lands were severely weakened during the third great war.. shortly after the death of the second Hokage Hiruzen assimilated our lands to protect the Kyuubi form gettin in the hands of other villages and kept it secret from the Uchiha .. or so he thought
Kushina:while I was giving birth to you and most of the Chandra of the Kyuubi was safely sealed int he pot .. Madara showed up and unleashed it.. Hiruzen and your dad being linked with me and you couldn't break free to help for if the connection between us was severed improperly you and I as well as those two would die.
Naruto: all this for me
Kushina : yes.. I loved you even before you were born and I still do
Naruto... Mom...
Kushina: once the jutsu was undone Minato faced off against Madara and defeated him and the Kyuubi was running rampant destroying everything..
with me having special chakra I was the only one who could tame the Kyuubi.. so Fukasaku reversed summoned me and I was holding you .. and we were right there on the battle field.. the fox was about to crush you but my motherly instinct kicked in and my chakra chains subdued the Kyuubi but it was much to powerful for me to become it's host again ..I had been severely weakened and Hiruzen said he was unsure if I would be able to keep the Kyuubi contained..
Sarutobi noticed you shared my kind of chakra and Minato and I instantly knew what to do.. I gave him some of my chakra and he formed the tech that sealed the fox in you ..
Naruto: so I have special chakra too.. yes you are a descendant of Hashirama Senju .. why wouldn't you .. your grandma never told you ..
Naruto : Grandma..
Kushina: why Tsunade of course.. she's only my mom..
.. oh I bet after she lost everyone and there was a gag order to protect you she left the village as so no one would be the wiser and had uncle Jiraiya watch after you..he would have been glad to since he never had any kids..odd for such a perv
Naruto:Madara is alive mom..
Kushina: Then now that you have control of the fox Naruto you must put an end to him once and for all.. if not no one is safe.. I have faith in you my son
Naruto... thanks... mom
Yamato.. you did it Naruto
Naruto :yea.. now I have to stop the man in the mask.. i must stop Madara Uchiha .. and Sasuke at all cost
Sameheda: gigigigigig
Kissame:emerges from sameheda.. you have to get through me first runt
Next time: The bijuu without tales faces two
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____________________________________________________________Naruto Shippuden Movie 4
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