Bleach 405 and One Piece 586 English are up!!
Naruto 496 English
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Hi Guys, Zetsu-san here, just to let you know about this
Naruto Shippuden Movie 4
I would recommend watching if you already haven't done so
(we finally get to see Yondaime in action!)
____________________________________________________________Naruto Shippuden Movie 4
I would recommend watching if you already haven't done so
(we finally get to see Yondaime in action!)
by: Ohana - 2Ch

Naruto and Bee success to extract (let him out) the Kyuubi.
Kyuubi goes wild and says something like "You came to control me?".
I think they're brought into a spirit/mind world.
Bee and fist and fist are stuck out. (this line is strange,
Bee uses the hachibi, too, but the octopus tentacles are cut by the Kyuubi."
Kewl said: The second line, like there made no sense.
Even if it only said "first" once.
The newer spoiler says that the Hachibi helps fight but it's legs get chopped off. Hachibi only appeared as legs though (maybe sticking out of Bee).
The Kyuubi feels strangley unconfortable now that there is no darkeness hiding in Naruto.
Naruto releases the seal, he opens the key on his stomach by himself.
Kyuubi cutting of the Hachibi's tails
naruto feels extraneous to the demon inside him.
naruto remove the seal.
by: Prediction.Junkie
(special prediction treats from Prediction.Junkie. check out his Bleach Preds too!)
Naruto 496: Kisame Takes the Stage!
Read Next Chapter Sequel
Naruto 497: Kisames ill Fated Promise!
Naruto: Those rods are so hugeeee!
Bee: Thats the arena your gonna fight the Nine Tails...Those Rods is the things that is gonna contain the Kyuubi.
Naruto: ???
Bee: Ill explain then. Our village has made a breakthroughs with trying to seal the Hachibi...We tried everything and we happen to made this. Thos rods will keep crazy amounts of chakra in that certain arena so the kyuubi has noway to escape.
Naruto: Ohhhh...But how am I suppose to fight the Kyuubi if the Third Hokage from my village couldnt?
Bee: That is true but we also have another breakthrough we made. *Smiles*
Kisame: If this kid harness its power than he'll be unstoppable...Just taking out my leader alone puts me at a disadvantage since the perfect Jinchurricki is here. *Should I wait*
Might Guy: Hoooyy Naruto! Are you sure you want to go through with this? You already have enough power to defeat the leader and there was no one above him?
Naruto: Your wrong..
Might Guy: ?
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Naruto: ill talk later about that with everyone but first I cant have no delay.
Yamato: Hey Guy-Sensei? I have a seat up here with Bee-sama.
Bee: Come on and chill up here wierdo with the speedo.
Guy: *I felt this presense before* Ill be right up there.
Bee: Naruto we gonna stay far back from you so goto the middle of the arena.
Naruto: *Jumps off the benches and land in the middle* Hoyy! Now what?
Bee: This is the fun part dettabayo kid.*well for me to be in the middle ages ago it was fun for the Brother-neechan*. Wait let me put my sword down first.
Yamato: Wierd looking sword...*Is that sword of the seven mist ninja I saw in the bingo book*.
Might Guy: Hmph..*Konoha Senpuu*.
Bee: Dude you kicked my sword?
Yamato: Naruto get out of there!
Naruto: I saw this sword before? *Naruto starts to poke it with his kunai*
The sword starts to throw up and a monster comes out
Naruto: Ewww.*Naruto starts to barf*
Might guy is seen coming in and throws Naruto out of the way...
Might guy: Come for a rematch have we?
Suddenly the sword starts to stretch back to Bee...
Kisame: *Shit without it I wont be able to take the jinchurrikis on* How about we fight at a different location?
Yamato: Guy we have to report this...Akatsuki has infiltrated the island!!!!
Bee: Chillout I brought him here...He seemed powerfeul so I thought he could be a dummy to Naruto harnessed powers.
Yamato: Idiot...Im going to report this! *Starts to make a wood clone*.
Guy and Kisame seem to head to the other side of the arena
Bee: Naruto were wasting time..let the wierdo handle him....Then he presses the button on the control panel.
Naruto looks around as the rods starts to electrify around him...
Bee: The special thing about these rods is they automatically seperate the will from the cakra so you and the nine tails will have a fair fight.
Naruto: Wait! I have to hurry and summon the scroll! *Naruto summons it and the frog knows whats happening so he releases the whole seal*!
This is a PREDICTION not a spoiler
The room automatically turns black and the rods power starts to fade awayy.
Yamato: Shit!
Bee: Dont worry...The Massie amounts of chakra in this room is blocking any type of light.
Bee: I heard in your report Naruto went 8 tails in your village and survived but guess what?
Yamato: What?
Bee: If he had the scroll power with the seal in his body then....
Yamato: ?
Bee: The kyuubi wouldve took down the whole country in minutes!
Yamato: *And the full version one is in this cave alone with us*? This is dangereous!
The chakra in the air starts to burn Yamato skin...
Yamato: Shit! Mokuton: Chakra Barrier no jutsu
Bee: Its cool for me...Im used to this type of chakra...
Bee arm starts to burn alittle
Bee: *Even I cant handle chakra form this Bijuu, Come on Naruto you can do this*.
The lights seem to come back on and Guy and Kisame seem to be in awee while Yamato and hidden in his barrier and the sword seem to be having orgasms.
Kyuubi: IM FREEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naruto seem to be in a 9 tail cloak
Naruto: Amazing! Lets see If Sage mode works with this!
Starts to cancel his kage buushin at the frog mountain..
Bee: WTF??? Hes becoming something new??
Next time on Naruto: Naruto mixes Sage mode with full power Kyuubi mode and is starting to become something else!
Read Next Chapter Sequel
Naruto 497: Kisames ill Fated Promise!
by: Prediction.Junkie
Naruto 496: Kabuto Plot of Vengance
Madara is seen jumping throught the forest and suddenly starts to slow down
Madara: I know your following me Sasuke, give it up.
Sasuke: I see my injuries has cause me to be heavy on my feet.
Madara: Im heading to a rendovous point and its a lone mission.
Sasuke: Hmph..None of my concern, I just was making sure your intentions was not trying to run away.
Madara: I see someone is full of themselves. Dont forget I have those eyes too and a matter of fact i had them for a while now. So If you wanna fight then go right ahead.
Suddenly a portal opens up behind Sasuke and he leaves
Madara: I see he got used to it...This may be harder than I thought, Zetsu!
Zetsu begins to crawl out of a rock
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Madara: Make sure Sasuke Does'nt follow me anymore, If he becomes 100% healed then fighting at my current state would make my plans meaningless.
Zetsu white: Yes Madara-san.
Zetsu black: Hahah the great Madara scared of a Uchiha child!
Madara warps up behind zetsu and starts to use a forbidden to take him out the ground
Madara: Dont forget that I was the one who freed you from that wretched village, If it wasant for me you still wouldve been locked up and used as a weapon.
Zetsu Black: Sorry Madara-san.
Zetsu White: Idiot.
Madara: Im gonna meet up with the Mist Village Fuedal Lord so make sure Sasuke dosent get near Kabuto either.
Kabuto is seen checking the base out and remembers he trailed the Konoha nins
Kabuto: So should I let them have their way with Sasuke or Zetsu-san?
Zetsu: Dont try it Kabuto, were under strict orders by Madara-sama.
Kabuto: I was just checking the place out...
Zetsu leaves and as he begins to get farther from the base he heard some sounds in the bush
Zetsu: Well lookey here a bunch of rats. I guess we can have our meal early.
Kabuto: Looks like I distracted everyone from Sasuke-kun and there suppose to be S-class Nins
Mist Feudal Lord: Its been a while Madara-Sama
Madara: It has and Im glad your loyalty is still with me old friend.
Mist Feudal Lord: This is looking bad...A joint Shinobi Army against a measly squad of Missin nins?
Madara: I see your faith in me still waivers..
Mist Feudal Lord: Sorry Mardara-Sama But Its too much for me to handle.
He pulls out bomb strapped to his body with chakra strings attached to them.
Mist Feudal Lord: Sorry Madara-Sama but we know which side this war is gonna favor and if my name gets out i've been helping you then my name will be shamed like yours in history!
Madara: How could you?!?!?!.......hmmm....Im sorry old friend...
Madara then gets behind and teleports him away where he blows himself up
Madara: *Damn Naruto*..If he had'nt taken out Pein then the fear from Akatsuki would've have been greater and smoother.Oh well Ill just show the world I have them back. *smirks*
This is a PREDICTION not a spoiler
Sasuke is seen lying down on a tree thinking hard about what Naruto was saying
Sasuke: *So it looks like you can read my feelings* And he begins to smile.
??????: Hello Sasuke-Kun.
Sasuke: ?!?!?!? Brother nee-chan
Itachi: Its been a while. Somehow I was able to survive.
Sasuke: But how?
Itachi: How about we take a walk and ill explain.
Kabuto is seen in the shadows with the last seal of Edo Tensei!
Next time on Naruto: Will Sasuke Be Lead Into A Trap?!?!?
by: Prediction.Junkie
Naruto 496: A Battle with the NineTails!
Naruto: So What is this place?
Bee: Me and my brother built this place to train me and the Hachibi.
Naruto: So can I call you Bee Sensei from now on? Hehehe
Bee: You can call me whatever you like but I aint no tool. Now take off your shirt little detatbayyo kid! *Looks at the seal* Minato sure was something.
Naruto:What was that?
Bee: Just a old friend I thought about.
Naruto: Now what do we d....! *Bee strikes Naruto seal*
Bee: Almost there! *5 Prong Seal Release No Jutsu*
Naruto falls to the ground as he remembers Jairaiya smiling the same way as his new teacher!
Bee:Now this is where it begins.
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Meanwhile at the Akatsuki hideout
Kabuto: We make quite a powerful dont you think so Madara?
Madara: Yes we do Kabuto yashuki. *Wait till you see how much powerful Sasuke has become since the last time you encountered him*.
Kabuto: So where is Sasuke?
Madara: Dont tell me your already gonna break our deal Kabuto. Now lets get ready to go after the Hidden Mist Village. *Theres someone I need to see*.
Zetsu: I see that rat is now a member of Akatsuki! Madara, what is the meaning of this?!?!
Madara: He's much more powerful than you think Zetsu. He is now a valuable asset. Hows Kisame doing?
Zetsu: *Stares at Kabuto* hmph. Kisame has infliltrated Kumo Successfully and has both of the Jinnchuriikis in a remote island off the coast of Kumo.
*A door slams Open and smoke bombs are being thrown in the room*.
*Anko voice is heard in the shadows*
Kabuto: Just as planned.
Madara: Looks like me have some hinderance to get rid off.
Anko: Dont take me so light Madara. *Stares at Kabuto* I see your still kiniving as ever Kabuto.
Leaf Ninja 1: Suiton: Water Fang Bullet
Leaf Ninja 2: Katon: Solar Flame Bullet
Double Penetration No Jutsu!
Kabuto: *Jumps back and see's he lost a Arm* Konoha still have strong shinobi's after both of its attacks against it by Orochimaru and Pein.
Anko:What are you doing here? Orochimaru has long since been dead, have you run to a new master now heh?
Madara: Heh, foolish Konoha nins as usual.
*Kabuto grows his arms back with snakes forming around it*
Konoha Nins:!!!
Zetsu: Now I see.
Anko: You monster. *Throws Kunai and runs towards Kabuto*.
*Kabuto catches the kunai with his tongue and grabs Anko*
Kabuto: *Whispers* Dont worry Im not here for the Fourth Shinboi War.
Madara: Enough play Dispose of them Zetsu.
Kabuto: I want to talk to this one for a minute, she seems to have some information for me.
Madara: What is he up to now?
Loud Horrific Roars are coming behind the waterfall
Bee: Naruto wake up!!
*loud roars are going off in the background*
Naruto:*Opens eyes slowly* Huh? Why do I feel so bad?
Then bee is shown bleeding from the chest and mouth
Naruto: Bee sensei are you okay?!?!?
Bee: Look out!!!
Naruto and bee run behind the pillars
Naruto: Whats going on?! *ROAR*!!!
Bee: I released the seal and i've been battling the Kyuubi since you been asleep this last 4 hours.
Naruto:!!!!*Looks around the pillar and see's mouth as black as night and eyes as bright as day*
Bee: On the count of three were gonna attack together so we can weaken it for your battle.*1....2....!!!!*
Kyuubi: Its been a while brat, thank you for freeing me and in return ill give you a painful death!
Naruto: *Looks down at his stomach and see's a hole that looks like Kakashi's technique*.
This is a PREDICTION not a spoiler
Bee emerges from behind the pillar
Bee: When you defeat him were gonna lock him back up but with such a huge blackhole there's not that much time left. We have to do this quick!
Naruto: I know. *Looks up at the Kyuubi with SAGE MODE*! Im gonna bring Sasuke back and I need your power. Your my second greatest obstacle from standing in the way of my title as Hokage.
Kyuubi: What makes you think you can beat me brat?
Naruto: Because I never go back on My Way of the Ninja!
Bee: *Smiles* This kid is truly something.
Naruto: Tajuu Kage Bushin No Jutsu!
Next time on Naruto: Kisame emerges from the sword and teams up with the kyuubi in a 2V2!
Kakashi 's Face Revealed!!
Click Image to Read Full Manga
Click Image to Read Full Manga

by: Prediction.Junkie
Naruto 496: Sasuke's and Naruto's Ninja Way
Bee: This is the Temple of the Hachibi.
Naruto: Wow, did you and Raikaige-sama make this on your own?
Bee: This place was built by the founders of my village in order to seal the Hachibi inside the next host. Its been abandoned now since I was able to be one with the Hachibi and stop the cycle of jinnchurikis.
Naruto: Your really amazing Octodude!
Bee: Shut your mouth up and go take a chill pill before we start.
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Yamato: Hey Motoi-san? When are you coming back?
Motoi: The boat im leaving on isnt gonna come back to the island till the next morning.
Gai: Ohww Yamato-san...Where's Naruto?
Yamato: Behind the waterfall with bee-san, their about to get ready to train.
Naruto Is seen laying down with Bee-sensei admiring the Hachibi on the wall.
Naruto: Hey Octodude?
Bee: Whats crackalacking?
Naruto: What if the Kyuubi overpowers me again?
Theres a loud scream behind the waterfall *Dynamic Entry* Gai and Yamato appear!
Gai: May I get permission to watch Naruto's spring time of youth? *smiles with a thumbs up*
Yamato: *sigh* Didnt I already tell you he already said yes!?!?
Bee: Sure thing Konoha wierdos.
Naruto: Heheheh.
Yamato: *Behind Naruto with a scary face* Whats so funny Naruto?
Naruto: hehe Nothing *rubs the back of his head*.
Bee: Now Naruto I want you to focus on being infront of the cage of the Kyuubi!
Near the plains of the Akatsuki hideout, there seem to be black flames everywhere and we see a huge figure slowly disappates
Zetsu: Dont over do it Sasuke, even Madara took time his time when he got those eyes.
Sasuke: Do I look like Madara?
Zetsu: Hmph Cheeky Brat.
Sasuke suddenly appears behind zetsu and calls out Amaratasu
Madara appears and teleports Sasuke away
Sasuke: This place again? He suddenly appears in front of Madara
Madara: Stop!! We are not your enemy! Why dont you just save your rage for Naruto and Konoha.
Sasuke: *grins* Heh
Madara: Now Im gonna show you how to use th...
Sasuke: Final secret of the EMS.
Madara: Who told you? That was supposed to be the most secret Technique of the clan *Well to me actually*.
Sasuke: Dont worry Itachi tld me but even he didnt go into full details since Konoha made me kill him. *His eyes become darker*
Madara: I see your still fired up. Now The final secret is...
Mean while, Naruto remembers the clear instruction's on how to release the Kyuubi.
Naruto: Heh here I go.
Kyuubi: *Laughs evily*
Naruto: You dont scare me anymore. Your just a monster that hurts people for his own stupid reasons.
Kyuubi starts to back up and he silently hides in the dark
Naruto: Where did he go? *He starts to walk near the cage and puts his head through the cell. Hey fox?? *Guess he ran off*
The Kyuubi eyes and teeth starts to show and instantly jumps at Naruto with Naruto head 2 inches away from the foxs teeth.
Kyuubi starts to laugh histerically.
Naruto then gets up and laughs with him.
Naruto: I see your still acting like a child!
Naruto: Dont worry youll get your chance. *smiles*
Naruto walks near the cage again and grabs the paper seal.
*Kyuubi eyes widen*
Naruto: How about a deal? If I win in a fight against you I get to control your powers but you have to keep your evil will to yourself.
Kyuubi: If I win you will set me free and you cant back out you weak brat
Naruto: I never back down thats My Way Of The Ninja!
Kyuubi pictures Harashima and Naruto with the same Will Of Fire.
This is a PREDICTION not a spoiler
Scene switches over to Madaras Demension
Madara: To control the Nine Tail Fox.
Sasuke: *Smiles*
Madara then teleports Sasuke and himself back to the plains
Madara: Now bring out your Susanoo.
Sasukes calls forth his evil and dark Susanoo
Suddenly a form like Sasukes appear and is evil and as cold like Sasukes
Madara: How about a little parring session?
Sasuke: I was waiting for this. If I win you tell me your real goals and why Kabuto came?
Madara: *How did he know about Kabuto*!?!?!
Kabuto is seen behind a tree on a hill sweating and smiling seeing Sasukes new powers
Madara: Your a suspicious one Sasuke. Anyways if I win you have to sync with Gedo Maza.
Sasuke: *With a confused look on his face*
Madara takes off his mask and reveals the Rinnegan and calls forth Gedo Maza
Sasuke: *Has a shocked look on his face*.
Zetsu: Sasuke is screwed now.
Sasuke: I have a goal to destroy Naruto and Konoha. Thats my Nindo!
Madara pictures himself and Sasuke with the same hatred in eachothers heart.
Next time on Naruto: Determination and Hatred is what made these rivals the strongest in the Shinobi world!
By: Prediction.Junkie
Naruto 496: The Return of Old Foes!
Raikage: Lets begin the raids now! Tsunade tell your scouts to move in, my brother bee students will be your back up......Somoi!
Somoi: Yes lord raikage-sama!
Raikage: Hurry and meet up with konoha forces!
Tsunade: Shikimaru go see things through. This is Madara where talking about!
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Back at the Akatsuki Underground Base
Madara: So we will begin attacks on the Hidden Rock village first, my source confirms their battle power.
Zetsu: Who will we send?
Madara: Oh I have someone in mind *smirks*. Kabuto you will send THEM.
Kabuto: There already on there way.
Zetsu: *Afte her betrayed us now he thinks hes the leader*.There are some Konoha Nins outside.
Madara: *Looks at Kabuto* Well I guess who lead them here.
Kabuto: *Smile* Alittle fun wont hurt. Summoning:Edo Tensei!!!
A Casket begins to creak open
Madara: It seems like a perfect person for the job.
Kabuto: Hmph.
Outside of the Akatsuki Base
Anko: Im in charge here Kumo-nins so listen up!
Somoi: Standing by for orders!
Darui: Huh...Huh...*Somoi speed is impressive as ever*...Im gonna check the surrounding are.
Somoi: Report as soon as possible!
Darui: Hyy!!
This is a PREDICTION not a spoiler
Someone is running through the forest
Anko: Whos there?!?
Neji: Neji reporting for duty.
Shikimaru: Were reporting on Lord Tsunades orders!
Sai: If Kabuto is here then im here to complete my last mission *Smiles*
Anko: Haha well welcome to the team were moving in 1 minute.* Turns around and thinking this presence*.
Orochimaru: Well isnt it my favorite pet.*sssss*
Sai: *Thats the guy who met up with Lord Danzou before he atacked the village*
Somoi: You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Orochimaru: Well isnt it one of my experiment Child.
Somoi: How could you! My mother was only a merchant!
Orochimaru: She was just another unexpecting soul who crossed my path.
Anko grabs Somoi
Anko: What do you want orochimaru? Werent you killed by that Uchiha Kid?
Orochimaru: Well it seems my subordinate took up my mantle.
Anko: Kabuto? How could he?
Neji: *Byakugan* It seems he is being controlled by some sort of technique?
Anko: *Edo tensei* When did that Kid learn that?
Orochimaru: Enough talking! Lets begin!
Shikimaru: Tchh....How troublesome.
Back at the exit of the meeting
Anbu: We have reports Orochimaru is engaging our team!
Tsunade: Orochimaru?!!
Gaara: Him!!
Mizukage: How could he still be alive?? Another one of Konoha shinobis making this War so difficult!
Rock village Anbu: Lord Tsuchikage! We have reports that our village has dissappeared in some type of explosion!
Tsuchikage: Impossible!!!! Could it be?
?????: Brother-neechan!
Back at the Hachibi Lair.
Bee: Yo Naruto!!! Watch out for its tails before he makes you pale!
????: Grrrr
Next Time on Naruto: The Return of the Nine Tails!
by: The Special One
Naruto 495: Naruto vs. The Kyuubi!
(Yamato and Naruto are in awe of the environment they are in.)
Naruto: Woah… (Yamato rushes over to the structures in back, climbs up them and inspects the drawings on the wall.)
Yamato: Amazing… (Meanwhile, Naruto and Killer Bee have a little chat.)
Naruto: So, this is where you learned to control the 8-tails…?
Killer Bee: Right-o, the Eight-o is my main’s man! (Naruto rubs his belly with a fake grin.)
Naruto: Well the Kyuubi… I’m sure he hates my guts. (Naruto remembers all the times he asked the Kyuubi to borrow its power, and also remembers the Kyuubi trying to over take him during the Pain arc.) He also tried to control me. I really don’t think we can be friends…
Killer Bee: Probably (Naruto yells at Bee.)
Naruto: HEY, ENCOURAGE ME! (Bee has an annoyed face on.)
Killer Bee: Calm down clown! All hope’s not lost yet, bet! (As Bee points to the designs on the wall in back, Yamato lands near them and interrupts Bee’s lesson.)
Yamato: Hey, uh, Killer Bee… Those arrays, will I be correct in assuming that these are used to bind the Bijuu. (Naruto has a shocked look on his face.)
Killer Bee: Yep! This place was built to make perfect hosts like myself.
Naruto: Cool…
Yamato: Built?
Killer Bee: You deaf foo’? Yeah, we made ‘em. Kumo had been developing ways to control the Bijuu for years. So this place was built. The old foo’ before my bro made it his life’s work to finish it up before he went to kick it with the dead (Short flash back of the 3rd Raikage)…
I made a deal wit my bro, I said I’d become worthy host so that my bro can be Raikage and that we’d make the village proud, instead of bein’ labeled another shameful mistake of the old man, who spent most of his life trying to control the Bijuu for the welfare of this country… The old man got a lot of blame for the failed hosts in the past, brother and I wanted to make sure his sacrifice wasn’t in vain, he went through a lotta pain, but we had faith…
Yamato: You really looked up to the 3rd Raikage hmm?
Killer Bee: You gotta ask?
(Naruto remembers his convo with the 4th Hokage, and how the 4th Hokage always believed in him. The scene switches back to the present.)
Naruto: Alright, I’m ready!
Killer Bee: Ok, that’s what I’d like for you to say!
Yamato: Umm, excuse me by asking Naruto, but do you know what to do?
Naruto: Yeah, just hold on…
Killer Bee: Eh, Naruto, befo’ you do something, step in the center of the room…
Naruto: RIGHT! (Naruto walks to the center of the room. Bee looks over to Yamato.)
Killer Bee: Hey dude! Let’s go this way! (Both Killer Bee and Yamato heads to the right side, far away from Naruto, but still in range to see what’s going on. The scene switches over to the center of the room.)
Naruto: Ok… What was it again? (He closes eyes and begins making handseals. At the last handseal, the ram, he holds it and groans as his jacket unzips itself and opens up… Naruto’s stomach can be seen where the seal is imprinted. It begins to unravel and instantly, Naruto undergoes a transformation.)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Naruto enters the 4th tailed state with his skin flaking off and him donning a dark form like before. Bee and Yamato are bracing themselves as the waves of chakra are hitting them, meanwhile Samehada begins to act up a little.)
Samehada: GI, GI, GI, GI, GI!
(The scene switches back to Naruto… He now enters the 6th tailed state, and forms bones around his body.)
Naruto Kn6: *ROAR* (Kn6 then enlarges in size and scale. It now has a full skeleton with 7 tails. It continues to grow and mature, develops muscles, and finally, an 8th tail forms, resembling the state that broke out of Chibaku Tensei. Immediately, chakra doused chains erupts from the designs and restrains the Kn8 from all angles. The scene switches over to Yamato and Bee. As they continue to preserver, Yamato uses Mokuton to create a barrier of wood for them to hide behind.)
Killer Bee: Just keep it up dude! (As the scene switches over, a silhouette of the completed Kyuubi can be seen. Then, the panel focuses entirely on the Kyuubi. It roars and struggles as it tries to break free of the sealing method placed on it by the cavern. The chain around the Kyuub’s mouth shatters.)
Kyuubi: KU, KU, KU, KU, KU! IMPUDENT FOOLS, AS IF THESE CHAINS WILL BOUND ME FOR LONG! *ROARRRRRRRR* (The magnitude of the roar shakes the cavern. Meanwhile, Yamato and Bee emerges and lands in front of the Kyuubi.)
Yamato: Woah… (His teeth chatter) Naruto… Are you in there?
Killer Bee: If the kid can overcome the will of the Kyuubi, the battle is won!
Kyuubi: Ku, Ku, Ku, Ku! AS IF. NOW LOOSEN THESE CHAINS, I WON’T FLINCH TO BLOW THIS HELL HOLE SKY HIGH! (The scene switches over a realm of pitch darkness. Naruto is falling into a bottomless pit. Immediately, flash backs of the Kyuubi terrorizing the terrains of fields and causing global catastrophe as it swings its tails are shown. The scenes then show the Kyuubi thrashing villages, then a large vivid image of the sharingan is seen. Then an eternal Mangekyou Sharingan is seen in the next panel. As Naruto continues to fall, his voice can be heard.)
Naruto: All of these images… It’s, it's too much! It’s like, it’s like…. (Then the Kyuubi voice can be heard in Naruto’s mind.)
(The Scene switches back to the present, the Kyuubi preparing a chakra blast, Yamato falls to his knees in assumed defeat.)
Yamato: It’s over, we’re dead…
Killer Bee: Hmm, what happened fox? Can’t do it can ya…? (Yamato stands up and looks and notices that the Kyuubi is having trouble letting off the blast.)
Yamato: You’re right, he can’t fire it off… (The chains around the Kyuubi’s tails begin to snap.)
Killer Bee: That’s because he hasn’t given in yet! The foo’ ain’t cooked yet.
Yamato: Then I’ll help too! (Yamato makes a few handseals and wood stretches from both of his palms and reaches out to restrain the Kyuubi.)
(Meanwhile the Hachibi speaks up as the scene switches to inside Bee’s mind.)
Hachibi: Let me out BEE! I WANNA DO SOMETHIN TO IT! YOU JUST GOTTA! (Bee On top of the Hachibi’s head.)
Killer Bee: Not yet… First, I need to see how much fight this Naruto guy has in him.
Next Time: Naruto’s rigors training continues!
by: jeanericuser
Naruto 496: Unsealed at Last
Naruto is walking through the structures while Yamoto looks amazed at what he is seeing. Bee is busy looking at something written on a wall. Naruto looks at something in particular near the ground.
Yamoto: "What is this place? This looks like it has been abandoned for centuries. Who built this place?"
Naruto: "I think I see the answer. Look at this."
Naruto points to a long crystal obelisk with a stone tablet below it with tons of writing on it.
Tablet: "If you are reading this you have found my final legacy to you my future sons and daughters. This place was created at my behest as a chamber for harnessing the power of the latent remains of the Juubi. Within here you will find all the necessary means to control the beastial power of the bijou much like how I attempted to do so. I leave this now to you as your final inheritance with my blessing. Farewell my children. May this place help you in your times of great need. Rikudo Senin"
Yamoto looks shocked while Naruto smiles as he studies the obelisk. Killer bee walks over and smiles as he looks at the obelisk.
Killer Bee: "Come with me Naruto. Time for the first real test of your training."
Naruto follows Killer bee over to a small pyramid with a circle of 9 small obelisks jutting from the ground surrounding the pyramid. Naruto looks at each of the obelisks and notices that each has scribed a number on it.
Naruto: "What are these?"
Yamoto: "These according to the pyramid contain the latent essense of the original jubbi sealed forever in stone. They each contain a portion of the juubi that now is a bijou.
Killer Bee points to a particular one that has the nine symbol on it. Naruto touches it and suddenly feels the kyubi roar within his mind. Naruto immediately takes his hand off the obelisk while the Killer Bee smiles.
Killer Bee: "Now place your hand on this obelisk and get ready to rock and roll. Now is time you learn bijou control."
Naruto places his hand on the obelisk and it suddenly glows red. Naruto feels pain in his stomach and falls to his knees as the seal glows white. Naruto stands up and keeps his hand on the obelisk as it continues to glow. All the other obelisks begin to glow as one. Yamoto looks around as suddenly hundreds of obelisks all over the chamber glow in unison. Suddenly beams shoot from all of the obelisks all over the chamber and connect in one spot in mid air as an intense vibration occurs throughout the chamber.
Motoi is running in the jungle when he feels an earthquake occuring throughout the island. Motoi stops and looks around noting the intense vibration occuring throughout the island. Motoi smiles as he thinks back to an image of Naruto smiling.
Motoi thinking: "Good luck kid. You will need it."
Naruto is sweating profusely as he looks up to see the beams create a sphere. The sphere grows and suddenly a small version of the kyubi appears inside. Slowly the Kyubi begins to grow larger and larger in size as the sphere grows. The Kyubi gives off an evil laugh as it continues to grow.
Kyubi: "At last! At long last I am free once again!"
Yamoto looks terrified while Killer Bee looks up and smiles. Naruto looks surprised at what he is seeing as the kyubi continues to rapidly grow bigger and bigger.
Yamoto: "What have you done you idiot!? This place has released the kyubi from Naruto!"
Killer Bee: "Shut up foo. Let Naruto my man do his thing."
Naruto looks up as the kyubi grow rapidly. The beams vanish and the kyubi looks around with an evil smile as it reaches its full size and lands on the ground causing the ground to shake violently. Naruto takes his hand off the obelisk and starts climbing a nearby tower close to the kyubi.
Kyubi: "At long last I am free from that accursed prison."
Naruto: "You are not free. You are only here because I have summoned you here. I have summoned you here because it is time that I learned to control you once and for all."
The kyubi turns to face Naruto who is standing on the roof of a tower looking right at the face of the kyubi. The kyubi moves in close to look at Naruto.
Kyubi: "You have nothing you can do to control me now brat! I could kill you right now if I want to."
Naruto: "Than how about we settle this one on one. If you win you will get your freedom but if I win you will do as I say from now on."
The kyubi laughs and then looks at Naruto with an evil smile.
Kyubi: "So be it brat! I will enjoy tearing you apart and eating you after so long of being locked away by that accursed fourth hokage. Let me know when you are ready to die!"
Naruto turns to face Yamoto as he looks down at him. Yamoto has a shocked face as he looks up at Naruto and the kyubi.
Naruto: "Yamoto stay back. This is my fight and I do not want you to be killed."
Yamoto thinking while clenching his fists: "I hope you know what you are doing Naruto. I can not help you this time."
Yamoto: "Alright naruto. Good luck!"
Killer Bee smiles as he looks at the Kyubi and Naruto.
8 tails: "You can see the potential of the boy now can't you Bee. Now we will see if he is truly powerful enough to master the power of the strongest of the bijuu."
Killer Bee thinking: "This fight is gonna be bad. I just hope the damage that beast does don't make my bro mad."
Kisame face appears on the side of Samehada and looks at Naruto in the distance.
Kisame thinking: "This should be interesting. Either way I will still get them both soon."
Naruto turns to face the kyubi and goes sage mode with a serious menacing look on his face. Naruto prepares to make a hand sign while the Kyubi looks at Naruto with an evil smile.
Naruto: "Lets do this!"
Naruto 497: The Heavens Shake! Sage Naruto vs The Kyubi
Bleach 404 and One Piece 585 are up!!
Naruto 495
Read This!! Another SPOOF From Numinous
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Naruto Chapter 60 Abridge Version

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