Featured Contributor of the Week: NUMINOUS
Portugal, somewhere NOT in Spain :P

Zetsu-san: Tell us more about yourself.
Numinous: My real name is Jorge, I'm from Porto (you know, the place where FC Porto and Porto wine come from, so you know where's the quality from) and I'm a 21 year old Naruto manga reader that wrote some predictions for Naruto and people loved them so much for some odd reason that know I'm writing my own manga with Rahul (aka MTUV or Minato the Ultimate Villain), another "costumer" from Naruto Addict's lovely blog. I'm writing a novel too, but that's on hold because of the manga.
Zetsu-san: So, Numinous, can you tell me, how do you write your predictions - any 'rituals' you go through to mentally prepare yourself?
Numinous: My rituals are having a net window on a manga reader, to avoid plot holes and quick access to flashback material, and another on the music player with the fantastic work of Nobuo Uematsu, Bach, Mozart, Verdi, Schubert, Chopin, among others, to set the mood accordingly. Then, is just waiting for inspiration to strike me and type like crazy. It's much fun, since English is not my first language and I put extra effort to make sure people understand the message I want to portray, and of course, making crazy predictions on the manga. Of course Kishimoto trolls me and the other prediction writers every week, but that's even more funny, to compare his writing to mine.
Zetsu-san: When you read other predictions, how do you feel towards them, can you admit sometimes they may be better than yours - or are you fairly confident yours are the best predictions out there?
Numinous: Of course my predictions are the best! I'm just kidding, I like to read others' predictions to see what they think and I recognize that some of them are better than mine, since I simply suck at action scenes, where TSO-senpai and Jeanricuser shine. Also, the new wave of prediction writers promise, but I must send an hint: guys, predictions must be awesomely realistic, not just awesome. Keep the good work, guys!
Zetsu-san: Inspiring words there, you heard him kids, keep it realistic! So... how's the manga coming along? any spoilers you can leak like what it’s about, when its set etc?
Numinous: The manga is still in the beggining, we have a few chapters done (mostly by me, Rahul is a little behind on schedule) but we have the major plot already defined. I can only say that it has lots and lots of demons! And no, it's not Devil May Cry! It's set in two different times, one being 2007 and the other somewhen in the golden age of the Mayan culture. And no, it's not 2012! The funny thing is, we still don't have a tittle for the manga, but we have already so many scenes and jokes we want to include! Even a rather hot wet dream scene. And no, it's not an hentai manga, it's shonen! If you find this contridatory, you haven't seen us getting stuff under the radar!
Zetsu-san: What is your favorite character in Naruto?
Numinous: Well, Hinata, Shikamaru and Tobi (NOT Madara, just good ol' Tobi) tie at the top, because those are the characters I can relate the most. Shikamaru is a lazy genius, Hinata is shy but determined and Tobi is just plain goofy, and that's practically my description. If you asked the character I hate the most... I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE Madara. When I thought no villain would beat Yu Yevon in fail and misery, Kishimoto introduces Madara, the only guy that can do all but doesn't do an ass of a thing!
Zetsu-san: If you were a Ninja in the Naruto universe - what rank would you be and which village would you come from?
Numinous: I'd be a Jounin from Amegakure (aka Village Hidden in the Rain). I really liked the feeling that Amegakure has in Naruto and with Konan as leader, how can you go wrong?
Zetsu-san: What are your top 3 fights/moments from Naruto? explain why?
Numinous: For now, Kirabi against Sasuke is in third place, because Kirabi is simply funny and moped the floor with Sasuke, it was rather enjoyable. Jiraiya's Death comes in second, because it was extremely emotive, even more in the anime. I liked Ero-sennin so much, he'll be missed. And call me pairing freak, but Hinata's confession is my favorite scene... is just the best reality check Naruto manga ever had, and it's WAY better than the other two confessions made by the same girl to two different guys... you know who I'm talking about... ;P
Zetsu-san: What are your favorite manga/anime and why?
Numinous: Well, I like Naruto (duh) and One Piece, because they're fun to read and lighthearted. For more mature reading, I prefer Berserk and Full Metal Alchemist, the first for the simply gorgeous artwork given every single panel, and the latter for its great plot.
Zetsu-san: What is your guilty leasure?
Numinous: The only Pop Singer I like is Lady Gaga. Yes, people, flame me as you want!
Zetsu-san: What is your motto?
Numinous: My motto is "Carpe Diem", we need to enjoy every day of our lives, only that way life is worth it.
Read all of Numinous' Predictions
Visit Numinous Home Page: http://numinouswashere.blogspot.com
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