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Naruto 473: Brothers
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Naruto 473 RAW Pics
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Naruto 473: Brothers
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Naruto 473 RAW Pics
Will even the Hachibi be captured by Akatsuki...!?
Chapter 473: Brother
Part 1
Kisame tries to cut off Bee's legs.
Sabu-chan is running to where Bee is.
Bee: (Over here!)
Bee turns around.
Kisame: !!?
Bee throws a pencil at Kisame.
Kisame: (A Pencil!!?)
The pencil cuts the side of Kisame's face (his cheeks). The pencil pierces a tree.
Bee: (That was close...)
Kisame, who's face is bleeding: You were aiming at this weren't you. That was certainly a close call wasn't it. I'd forgotten that pencil you threw earlier landed over there.
Bee: ...
Samehada starts moving in the tree. Kisame will now stop Bee.
Swinging the sword, a shuriken cuts and breaks the sword.
Kisame: !?
The Raikage and his escorts appear.
Shii: Sorry for the delay Bee.
Kisame: Raikage!? Why are you here...!?
Shii: Hoshigaki Kisame...thanks to you, we saw that massive amount of water and were able to detect the Hachibi's chakra mixed in it.
Darui: You were reckless by sucking up other people's chakra and using it. You gave yourself away.
Samehada follows Bee.
Bee: ...yep, you gave yourself away didn't you...
Kisame: ...! (That Samehada...he likes the Hachibi's chakra after all...)
Raikage: Let's do it...
Bee and the Raikage dash out, Kisame's put his hands in front of his head (seals?)
Bee combos with Raikage: Double Lariat!!
Bee does the lariat from in front, Raikage in back. Kisame is in-between. Kisame gets decapitated.
Kisame: As expected, that was quick huh...
Sabu-chan is running.
Kisame's head falls in front of Sabu-chan.
Sabu-chan, surprised: Ehh!!
Raikage grips Bee's head.
Raikage: How dare you going at it alone!!
Bee: ...even without my dominant arm, it was effective in this crisis♪
Part 2
Snow falls in the country of the samurai.
Samurai A: How is it below?
Samurai B: Besides us, annihilated.
Samurai A: We have yet to find 2 of Sasuke's subordinates I didn't seem them?
Samurai B: ...Didn't see them. They must've died yeah? There's nothing left down there.
Mifune's escort's? left eye was damaged; he's like a Buddhist priest: No...Kumo's sensor confirmed that they are alive, and left it to us to take care of as promised.
Samurai B: O-oh, so that's it?
Mifune's escort unsheaths his sword: You two...remove your armor!
Samurai B: ...
Other samurai gather round.
Samurai B removes his helmet (Suigetsu): Haha...we've been given away huh.
Samurai C (Jugo): As thought, it wasn't such a good plan after all.
The sickle is holding the puppet by it's clothes.
Ao: Ha Ha I've been saved...
Mizukage: What happened?
Ao: I was caught in the enemy's jutsu...I couldn't control my body and would have died had you not saved me.
In that moment Ao, as a puppet was thrown at the sickle, the Mizukage saved him.
Chojuro: This place was really dangerous.
Mizukage: To lose the ability to control your body, this type of debilitating jutsu, it's...
Ao: ... from the same family line as the Shintenshin no jutsu.
Chojuro: Even as a senior sensor type, we were worried we wouldn't make it in time.
Ao: I'm sorry to have worried you...
Mizukage: ... that right eye...they were after the Byakugan.
Ao: I was almost done in...forgive you think you can untie my hands now?
Mizukage unties Ao: Eh...I'll undo your right eye's jutsu too.
Ao: Forgive really saved me.
Mizukage undoes the rope.
Chojuro, while looking at the puppet: ! What the heck is that?
The Puppet (Ao): (It's no use!! The Shintenshin no jutsu hasn't been undone yet!!
Ao (Fuu): (That went's convenient that the Mizukage would remove that right eye's jutsu for me...when the Byakugan is destroyed I'll cancel the Shintenshin.
Puppet (Ao): (...That's it! This chakra is that Konoha ninja's! He's a sensor type! When he sensed that girl following Sasuke, like me, we had that same reaction.
Ao remembers the events from the conference.
Puppet (Ao): (He was able to sense that the Mizukage and Chojuro were coming! He's been waiting for this!
Mizukage: Alright, here we go!
Ao (Fuu) still tied up: ?
Mizukage: Lend me HirameKarei Chojuro.
Chojuro: ?
Mizukage: You aren't Ao are you...Even I can't undo the jutsu of that right eye...Ao knows this very well. And the real Ao wouldn't have apologized like that toward Chojuro.
Ao (Fuu): cover's been blown cunning hag.
Mizukage hits Ao.
Ao, collapsed: W-was it something I said...
Mizukage: Hm, it seems he's back to normal now.
Chojuro: Good thing she used the side of Hiramekarei.
Danzo's line.
Fuu's jutsu undone, he awakens on Torune's back.
Danzo: How was it?
Fuu: ended in failure.
Naruto, intently.
Sai in front of Naruto.
Kakashi: It's a bunshin...
Naruto: Sai...why did you...
Sai: Earlier, what Sakura was telling you. I will tell you what she could not.
Naruto: ? this for real?
Hachi was reclaimed safely...!! And Sai, moving independently, informs Naruto...!?
The End.
by: Nja-2Ch

by: Shishi-Inu
A simple spoiler.
Kisame went berserk and used the Hachibi's chakra and was found by Raikage and co.
He gets hit with a Double Lariat from the brothers and is decapitated and dies. (Not sure about the decapitation but he does die)
Ao is caught by the Mizukage and pretends to be an ally at first but is found out by Mizukage right away.
She hits him in the face and brings him back to his senses.
It ends with Sai trying to tell Naruto the things that Sakura couldn't.
the fight is settled with the 'Cross bomber' and just then his [?] body turns black and his head ejects off the body.
the final lines are as the head flies off
"Suiton: somethingorother~ VROOM! (head flies off) that's pretty...impressive....speed"
kisame's last words
"Suiton: somethingorother~ VROOM! (head flies off) that's pretty...impressive....speed"
then he dies >< --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Also Read This!! Another SPOOF From Numinous
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Naruto Chapter 12 Abridged Version

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Naruto Chapter 12 Abridged Version
By: N.V.O
Chapter: 473: Once friends, now enemies.
(Kisame & Kirabi scene)
Kisame: Now die..! -swings the sword towards Kirabi aiming to cut off his legs-
Sabu: BEE NO..!!
-Sabu rushed over and got the attack instead, the sword went through his left arm and it is stuck there-
Sabu: Gah! -closes his eyes because of pain-..
Kisame:...Tch, protecting such an unworthy person..but what do ya say? you're just the same. -removes the sword as Sabu falls-
Kirabi:..Uh...-opens his eyes- S-..Sabu....Master Sabu! are you ok?!
Kirabi: Now you're gonna pay!
Hachibi: (Just grab that mighty shark blade and use it against him! it would be good to use version 1 now as he can't absorb our chakra anymore, but I don't have any! so just take advantage of that blade!)
Kirabi: (Ok Ok you're being such a pain, I know that there's nothing left from you that I can gain!)
Hachibi: (Quit your rapping idiot!)
-Kirabi rushes towards Samehada and grabs it- Kirabi: Now let's see how you're gonna fight this sword of yours hehe!
Samehada: GYA GI GI GI GI GI GI GI!!
Kisame: Tsk..I still have my Jutsus! -Water Style: Twirling Water Wa-- -Kirabi swings Samehada towards Kisame absorbing his chakra- *Like Kisame did to Naruto before*
Kisame: MY CHAKRA!
Kirabi: YO! taste this ink blast! -spits a big amount of ink-
Kisame:..Oh boy. -Water Style: Water Wall..!- -some the water that left from the water dome forms a water wall, the ink gets mixed with the water as both the water and the ink falls on the ground-
Kirabi:..! Hmm..he got away?
Kisame: -Behind giant rocks- *Whispers to himself* Darn you..I would never run from the likes of you..I can't believe that..Samehada actually replaced me by him..that's, unacceptable! I will fight him until one of us dies! -clap his hands together- argh..I'll use what's left from my chakra, for these three forbidden Jutsus of mine..-Secret Water Style Jutsu: Rising rough Waterfall..!!- *A huge amount of water forms a water fall*
Kirabi: *Looks above*..what the..?
Kisame: *Lands near Kirabi* Now, behold this transformation, which is even stronger than Samehada and I fused!
Kirabi: What!? yo quit your transformations will ya?!
Kisame: Don't worry, you will be dead soon. -Secret Water Style Jutsu: Water Armor Formation!- *Water goes all over Kisame's body forming a huge blade on his left arm, water spikes on his back, and a water staff is holden by his right hand- Now, behold my ultimate transformation! you should be very proud, this is the second time I ever used this jutsu!- I'm coming! -rushes towards Kirabi as Kirabi prepares for a clash-
(Sakura Platoon scene)
Sakura: -Leaping from tree to tree- there any sign of Sasuke..?
Kiba: Unfortunately, no.
Sakura:..(This time I gotta do this right..I must not fail..) Let's just continue searching, we might find some signs.
(Naruto, Kakashi & Yamato scene)
Naruto: Why is Sakura and the others are heading that way..? KAKASHI SENSEI!
Kakashi: Yeah?
Kakashi: I don't know, but trust me, they know what they're doing, oh and by the way, lower your voice down, I can hear you.
Naruto: eh..-.-
Kakashi: (What are you doing Sakura..?) Sai, you can come out now.
Sai:..! -comes out-
Naruto: Sai..?!
(Kisame & Kirabi scene)
Kisame: Take this! -he goes towards Kirabi to attack him with the left arm's blade, but kirabi dodges, and swings Samehada towards Kisame, Kisame ducks and throws some spikes from his back on Kirabi while he's in mid-air, Kirabi blocks with Samehada as it absorbs the water and gives it's chakra to Kirabi, Kirabi lands and back-flips then kicks Kisame from behind, Kisame is kicked, while he's sent flying in mid-air, he spread his staff as it goes towards Kirabi and it goes through Kirabi's arm then Kisame lands on the ground sliding-
Kisame: Got ya!
Kirabi: GAH! ...I...can't...*Samehada moves and absorbs the water's chakra as the water is un-harden and falls on the ground-
Kirabi: Thank you, -grabs Samehada- now take this! -throws Samehada towards Kisame as it is swinging in the air towards him-
Kisame: TCH! -he dodges, then Kirabi suddenly gets infront of him and punches his stomach sending him towards a faraway ground, Samehada goes on that ground Kisame is falling on and spread it's spikes-
Kisame: If I land on Samehada's spikes...I'm done for..grr..I have no more chakra so...-Water Style: Water wall!!- *he uses all of his water armor to form the water wall jutsu, as he hits Samehada with no pain and lands over far away, Samehada absorbed water wall's chakra and rushes over to Kirabi to give him it's chakra-
Kisame is standing on top of the water fall:...well..I have no other choice..-raises his hand towards the sky- the third and last forbidden water style Jutsu in my arsenal! -Secret Water Style Jutsu: Giant twirling Water Drill..!!!- -a huge amount of water forms as a huge drill on Kisame's right arm-
Kisame: NOW YOU DIE! -Jumps over to Kirabi down-
Kirabi: No way!
Hachibi: (NOW YOU IDIOT! That blade gave us enough chakra! let me out now! there's no way any person can defend against that jutsu! I'm a huge Tailed Beast and I can guard against it!)
Kirabi: (RIGHT! HAAA!!!!!!) -he transforms into the 8-tailed mode as Hachibi is fully out now-
Hachibi:..WHAT?! -Hachibi is hit with the huge water drill straight ahead, as he gets hurt alot and falls on the ground shaking it- GAAH!!! SUCH...POWER....-it keeps drilling in him- GAH..!
Kirabi: (Go back in! you guarded enough!)
Hachibi: (..........Right.) *Kirabi returns to normal as the water drill drills the ground instead*
Kirabi: *Pant*..*Pant*..keep drilling the ground idiot fool!
Kisame: -Lands as the water drill unhardened and water falls on the ground- No..way..that was my last Jutsu..*falls on his knees-
Kirabi: *falls on his knees as he looks at Samehada far away, and then looks at Kisame* Face it, it's over, I am the winner..(I have to end this now...even though Hachibi took the attack instead of me, I still got badly hurt..such jutsu..)
Kisame:...No...(Samehada has no chakra to give him..that would be my advantage to defeat him but, I have no chakra left..darn this mission! Samehada and I would never been separated if it wasn't for this mission! I don't care about the Akatsuki anymore! I'm gonna kill him!) I DON'T WANT TO TAKE YOU ALIVE! I WANT TO KILL YOU!
Kirabi: Just how will you do that huh!?
Kisame:......Argh..(With this technique, my life-span will be shorten and I'll die..grr but I don't care anymore!)..*Ram - Serpent - Dragon - Serpent - Boar - Horse - Monkey - Hare - Hare - Tiger - Dragon* -then he claps his hands together- with this final Jutsu, it is not a's suicide!
Kirabi: .......WHAT?!
Kisame: -Concentrates chakra in one point- GIANT WATER SUICIDE EXPLOSION! -All of Kisame's chakra gets out of his body and it is visible, his chakra turns into water destroying everything there is on the area, as Samehada begins to break apart and shatters-
........*3 minutes later*.........
???: Are you alright?!
Kirabi:...Who...who is it..?
Raikage:..It's me!
Kirabi: Big brother?! wait..where's Sabu and Ponta?!
Shii: They're both fine.
Kirabi: Thank God!
Sabu: Oooh...
Kisame: GAH..-coughs up blood-..I--I'm gonna die.....too soon.....-walks towards Samehada and lay's near it on the ground- Guess, we'll die together....*coughs more blood* ah..sorry..and thank you for your support all this time, Samehad-- *He dies*...
Raikage and Others:....
Kirabi:..-Closes his eyes-...he was one tough guy...and that sword helped me alot...
Raikage:..Akatsuki...-closes his eyes and then opens it again- Bee, the 4th-Great-Ninja-War was declared on us!
Kirabi and Sabu:..W-what?!
The ultimate pair is finally dead, what will Kirabi and the others do now that the news has reached them?!
Next Time: Chapter 474: War Preparation!
Status: FAKE
Anything not from Nja or Ohana (2Ch) will be tagged UNCONFIRMED

Bee avoids the attack from Kisame. 8 tailed beast says
something that they will not win with their tactics.
Kiba can no longer track sasukes smell because
of the snow and the time gap. Sakura and team
worry about it.
A crow carrying a scroll delivers a message to Danzou. Danzou read and says its no good. Worrying about Torune.
Kisame prepares to attack Bee but Bee transforms into
another tailed beast combo.
Samehada is excited. Yelling gi gi gi.
by: Numinous
Posted: 17 November 2009
Kisame: Wha...? How are you with Kirabi, Samehada?!
Samehada: Gigigigigigigigi! [As I said, Kisame, I love Kirabi! You don't mean anything to me anymore! I don't know why I could love anyone like you... I'm giving your chakra to him right here, so don't stop me."
Kisame: But why...? How come...? If you're joking, then this isn't funny at all... Samehada.... Just... What the hell happened to you ...?
Samehada: Gigigigigigigigi! [Nothing, really... I just opened my heart... I don't need to love someone who is a missing-nin and a criminal, do I? I'm not going to be your sword forever. I'm going to look reality in the eye.] Gigigi? [So, Kisame... I don't need you anymore. Won't you stop battling Kirabi...?]
Kirabi: Don't look at me!
Kisame: "What happened to you, Samehada? Why did you so suddenly change your opinion of me...
Samehada: Gigigigigigigigi! [I'm telling you, I don't need you anymore! I've fallen in love with Kirabi, with all my heart, that's why.]
Kirabi: Get me out of this scene, yo...
Samehada: Gigigigigigigigi! [I've just grown apart from octopus-flavored chakra... But you've always been at my side, Kisame, with your stinky fish chakra. You just used me on every fight not regarding my feelings... I've realized... how mean you really are. You're a criminal who defected from the village. Everyone in the villages hates you now.... I've just become one of them... You were that cool swordsman... but little by little you've grown bloodthirsty and fishy... You were close to me so I saw it. But Kirabi keeps singing Enka... It just heals my heart... He's just become someone close to me.]
Kisame: ...
Samehada: Gigigigigigigigi! [But Kisame... When I can touch Kirabi like this... I feel at peace... I'm telling you this from the bottom of my heart...]
Kisame: Cut the bullshit, Samehada... I told you I can't laugh at a joke like that.
Samehada: Gigigigigigigigi! [What're you angry for...? I've just gotten over you, that's all. A sword's heart is like the Autumn skies...]
Kisame: I... I thought we had something special!
Samehada: Gigigi? [You really think you were my first one, don't you?]
Kisame: I'm not?!
Samehada: Gigigi! [Of course not! I had so many masters before...]
(Flashback Scene)
Eiko: Hey, are you a sword collector?
Tot: Well, no. I did make my living as a writer, so I don't k-
Eiko: Will you help me pick a sword for Zidane?
Tot: A sword? But I don't k-
Eiko: Okay, then. Follow me. (Eiko walks away.)
Tot: That girl has no manners... no manners at all... oh and a horn... I had completely forgotten about it until now... I'd never been as surprisedas I was that day. A ship drif-
Eiko: (Eiko comes back over) Hey, will you hurry up?
Tot: Oh, excuse me. (mumbling) Damn horned brat...
(Inside the armory)
Eiko:That's the one! Zidane will fall in love with me the instant he grabs this sword! MP drain and bleeding bonus it's a sure way for the win!
Thank you, mister!
Tot: Ha ha... It was my pleasure, my lady. (mumbling) Die in a fire, stupid brat...
Eiko: Oh, I forgot to tell you. My name is Eiko! I'm from Madain Sari! I hope to see you again! Buh-Bye! (Eiko runs out with her sword.)
Tot: From Madain Sari...? Madain Sari is the village of the summoners... But I thought it was only a legend. What could this mean...? Meh,
probably nothing...
(Eiko runs into the balcony screen.)
Eiko: Oh, I can't wait to hand this sword to Zidane! Where did he go, anyway? (Eiko starts running along a balcony side, but Baku inadvertently belly-bumps her off.) Aaaah! (She gets stuck on a jutting piece of architecture and dangles.) AHHH!!! HELP!!!
Baku: Hey, are you okay?
Eiko: C-C-Can't breathe...!!!
Baku: Sorry! I didn't see ya jump out. But yer too high up! I can't getcha down! Gwahahaha!
Eiko: Stop laughing, you Gluttony wannabe! Oh, shoot. My sword... (The sword she dropped is near Baku.) Hey, if you can't get me down... deliver that sword to Zidane! Alright!?
Baku: To Zidane? Yeah, no problem. Gwahahaha! (Baku walks off with the sword.)
Eiko: What am I supposed to do now!?
(Baku walks out to the castle gondola dock.)
Baku: Hey, the boat ain't here!
(Steiner and two Pluto Knights run by.)
Steiner: Castle patrol, completed! Huh? Why, if it isn't Baku, the leader of Tantalus!
Baku: Who just called my name? Oh, it's you.
Laudo, Pluto Knight IV: Should we capture him?
Steiner: No, he saved my life. You may go. I will handle this.
Laudo, Pluto Knight IV: Yes, sir!
Other Pluto Knight: Yes, sir!
(The knights run off.)
Baku: Bla bla bla?
Steiner: Bla! Bla bla bla! Bla bla bla.
Baku: Bla bla? Bla bla bla? Bla bla bla.
Steiner: Bla bla bla Zidane ? Bla bla bla ... but bla bla bla! Bla bla bla!
Baku: Bla bla? Bla bla bla. Bla bla bla Zidane?
Steiner: Bla bla bla. But bla bla bla!
Baku: Okay, bla! Bla bla bla! (Baku drops the sword in his momentary furor. The boat approaches.) Gwahahaha! Perfect timing! Take me
into town!
(Steiner clenches his fists and runs off. Beatrix walks into the screen and down to where Baku and Steiner were shouting.)
Beatrix: Ah, so it was Steiner... I thought I heard him yelling. Sigh... Alexandria is at peace again... Yet my heart is fullof sorrow. Why...?
Hmm? Steiner must've dropped this. Let's see... (She reads the inscription on the handle, which says: The Spiked Destroyer of Mana
Beasts: 11 PM, gondola dock) Wh-What is this sword!? Did Steiner...gave me a good sword? Steiner...
(Later on, when night hits the castle, Eiko hangs around near the empty gondola dock.)
Eiko: "So, there's only room for Dagger in Zidane's heart... I wish I hadn't given that awesome sword. Zidane looked so sad... Isn't there
anything I can do for him? Aaahhhhhh! Zidane!!!I hate you!!! You insensitive fool!!! You don't even know how I feel.. I feel bad about ditching
him, but I really don't feel like seeing him tonight. I gotta hide before he shows up! Shoot! Someone's coming! Could it be Zidane!?
(Eiko finds a hiding place; Blank and Marcus sneak around.)
Marcus: There's no one here, Bro.
Blank: I guess I'm early...
Marcus: ...Maybe. I wonder who gave you that awesome sword?
Blank: Well... I'll just swing the blade. I bet it's good!
Marcus: Really? Are you sure you didn't buy it yourself? I mean, you caught the sword falling from the floor above you, right?"
Blank: I'm telling you, she was too shy to hand me the sword herself! And if you don't think I'm a ladies' man, you're wrong. Chicks are
intimidated by good-looking guys. That's why...
Marcus: You got a belt over your eyes, no pants, and pink lining on your gloves. Your shoes have some electric blue-thing going on. And I
think you might be a Frankenstein monster looking at the patches over your skin! If you're good-looking, then I don't want to know what is ugly...
Blank: Hey, man, why you're so mean?!
Marcus: Someone coming!
Blank: Marcus! Don't interrupt me while I'm talking!
Marcus: Let's hide, Bro!
Blank: Alright, alright...
(The two run to hide and Blank drops the sword in the hustle. Steiner appears and looks around.)
Steiner: "I must tighten up security around the castle from now on! Dusk to dawn, rain to shine, I must patrol the castle! Right, clear! Left,
clear! Huh? It's a metallic thing... This looks like a sword. Let's see..."The Spiked Destroyer of Mana Beasts. 11 PM, Gondola Dock) M-M-My
goodness! Th-This has MP drain! Who gave it to whom!? Hmm... No address or addressee... Did someone drop it here, knowing that I would
pass by? Who could it have been...?
(Beatrix walks by.)
Beatrix: Steiner...
Steiner: Beatrix... Was it you...?
(Eiko watches from her hiding place.)
Eiko: A-Are they in love?
(Blank and Marcus watch, too.)
Marcus: B-Bro...
Blank: Shh! Quiet!
Beatrix: Steiner...
Steiner: Beatrix...
Eiko: Ooo! What's gonna happen?
Marcus: I got a boner...
Blank: Then stick your thump up it! Wait, you're supposed to have a nosebleed since we were designed in Japan!
(The three hiding move to a better position to watch. Beatrix and Steiner move in for the kiss,but--)
Voice: Yey, a sword! (Kid Kisame and Kid Zabuza walk into view; Beatrix ducks out of sight.)
Eiko: Oh, you totally ruined the scene!
Kid Kisame: Look, a sword, and it has spikes! I'm gonna call it Samehada!
Kid Zabuza: Can I play with it?
Kid Kisame: No!
Kid Zabuza: You're mean! Just because of that I'll kill everybody in Academy just to show you I can play with it!
Kid Kisame: Fine, see if I care!
Kid Raiga: Can I be in this parody?!
Everyone: NO!!!
Kid Raiga: Awww....
(Back to the Present)
Kisame: Hey, since when Alexandria is anywhere near Kirigakure?! But that's not the point, you're a slut as a sword!
Samehada: Gigigi! (At least I have better luck than the other swords...)
Excalibur: Well, I'm stuck in a rock and all these dumbasses still couldn't get me out... it just takes carving the stone around my blade and voilá, but noooo, they have to stupid to not think that... next thing you know, the guy who gets me out of here will be King of England! (Years later) Me and my big mouth...
Decapitating Knife: No, Suigetsu, leave me alone!!! I'm broken, just shatter me, pulverize me, do anything to end my suffering in the hands of a noob like you!!!
Brotherhood: Goddamn, Wakka, why did you gave me to Mister I'm-emo-because-my-father-was-a-drunkard-and-he-only-cared-about-himself-and-I'm-now-blond-for-no-good-reason-oh-and-my-voice-is-so-high-pitched-and-annoying-that-could-break-glasses... I can't wait to be ditched by him when he gets Caladbolg... what do you mean "He has to do win a Chocobo Race with a timing of 0.0.0"?! F*CK YOU, SIDEQUEST DEVELOPERS!!! DIE IN A F*CKING FIRE!!!
Frostmourne: How come that I'm frozen in an ice block miles away from my rightful owner?! Damn, all these years alone... wait, someone's coming! It's a dwarf and... holy cow on a big sandwich with cheese on top, it's Fabio Lanzoni! Oh wait, it's just Arthas... wait a minute, is this guy who supposedly I have to corrupt?! Jesus, I can't take this anymore, I have to use my last Death Strike... that will be retconned in World of Warcraft, but who cares?! Here it goes... for god's sake, why it had to hit the dwarf... someone kill Arthas and loot me before I go insane...
by: The Special One
Naruto 473: The Last Resort
(Kisame continues the attack. A grin comes across Killer Bee’s face. Killer Bee instantly extends his right hand much to Kisame’s dismay. In a split second the Samehada is in Killer Bee’s right hand. Killer Bee grabs hold of the Samehada, flips to his back pulls his knees in and blocks the downward, horizontal slash of Kisame.)
(As they are parried, Kisame’s voice trembles in disbelief and frustration.)
Kisame: Impossible… It chose him… And the speed at which Samehada returned to him. It’s far greater than my chakra attachment rate to the Samehada! WHAT A FILCH! WHAT A GREEZY, FILCHER YOU ARE!
(Soon the Samehada curves to its left and attempts to lash out at Kisame however, Kisame backs off as Killer Bee returns to his feet.)
Kisame: Is this for real? I’m the one who fought my way this far with the Samehada.
(In Killer Bee’s mind Hachibi speaks out.)
Hachibi: Our chakras… What Irony? Let it feed us.
(Back to reality, Killer Bee extends his left hand in the air and makes the love sign. Then he lets out a battle cry [lol]).
Killer Bee: WHEEEEEEEEE! (As Killer Bee continues his cry, he goes into version 1 with all eight tails, then black clouds of misty like chakra surrounds him, then a paler aura of chakra forms a small dome around him. Basically, these chakra levels are beyond imagination as three different characteristics of chakras envelops Killer Bee. Bonta and Sabu watches in amazement. Kisame watches in horror. Soon Killer Bee dispels the chakra, he then drops his left hand and points the Samehada at Kisame.)
Killer Bee: Yes, lemme take this blade, so you enjoy my escapade as I dance over your broken body!
(Kisame whose face was at first sour then turns into a slick demeanor.)
Kisame: Before you end this life of mine, might I make you an offer? (Killer Bee lowers his blade.)
Killer Bee: Oh righty! Imma man of honor, I hear ya wish!
Kisame: There will be a war soon; Akatuski against the allied forces.
Killer Bee: A War? (In Killer Bee’s mind.)
Hachibi: Don’t listen to him, kill him! (Back to the real world.)
Killer Bee: I don’t like war, too many travesties, yeah!
Kisame: Someone of your caliber is meant to embrace war like environments. I know deep down, this is what you’re longing for.
Killer Bee: You know nothing about me! I long for the easy life and to sing! (Sabu tears up in the distance. Switches to Killer Bee’s mind.)
Hachibi: Tell him BEE! (Back to reality.)
Kisame: How someone like you get all that power is a waste!
Killer Bee: Now you’re sounding like my big bro!
(In Killer Bee’s mind.)
Hachibi: Now kill ‘em.
(Back to reality.)
Kisame: It will be a battle with Bijuu. For the first time you can test your metal against others like you!
(In Killer Bee’s mind.)
Killer Bee: You were against this at first, what gives?
Hachibi: Bee, this is a great opportunity for me to converse, we’ll humiliate my brothers! Let’s show, em Bee; the idiots who fell victim to Akatuski. Those rejects won’t know what’s coming.
Killer Bee: I don’t know, such a thing requires that I return to the Cloud.
Hachibi: We get to meet Nibi again too!
Killer Bee: But those Akatsuki bastards likely killed Yugito!
Hachibi: Well there’s nothing you can do about that. Either way, this war is going to happen whether we consent to it or, not. DAMN IT KILLER BEE OPEN YOUR EYES WHEN WE SPEAK!
(Switch back to reality. Killer Bee looks around notices that Kisame is nowhere in sight.)
Killer Bee: He got away. (Back to inside the Killer Bee’s mind.)
Hachibi: Aren’t you going to go after him? He can’t be too far.
Killer Bee: No, his power is gone, he’s no threat.
Hachibi: You’re too lenient. Like you were with the Uchiha and his pals… Raikage is probably still tossing a fit.
Killer Bee: Well, there’s only one way to fine out.
Hachibi: You’re a glutton for punishment, like always. (Back to reality, Killer Bee lifts up his Samehada and looks at it.)
Samehada: Gi, Gi, Gi, Gi, Gi.
Killer Bee: Nah, his iron claw won’t work this time. (Switch back to Killer Bee’s mind.)
Hachibi: I suppose if it’s just a little chakra at a time, I don’t mind.
(The Scene switches back to reality; Killer Bee smiles; soon Sabu, while on top of Bunta approaches Killer Bee.)
Sabu: I didn’t want to interfere, but why did you let him go?
Killer Bee: I don’t know… Maybe part of me wants to do battle with him again… I just hope I’m not making a mistake… But it doesn’t matter, I have this with me. (Killer Bee swings Samehada. Bonta gets scared and backs up with Sabu on top.)
Sabu: Hey! Careful with that! Bonta’ll get nightmares.
Killer Bee: Chill, I know what I’m doing… (Killer Bee grins. He then jumps on top of Bonta.)
Sabu: Shall we continue our, training?
Killer Bee: Nah, we need to make a trip. (The Scene switches over Kisame as he is rushing through the forest.)
Kisame: I’ll come back for you Samehada… I’ll have something you like this time… Madara already promised me a Bijuu… Mr. Eight Tailed Host… We’ll meet again, on the battlefield…
(The Scene switches over to Naruto, as he sits on top of the roof of the cabin. He is in Sage Mode and is concentrating. Naruto goes over something in his head.)
Naruto: What are they up too? Konoha’s not that way (Scene flashes to Sakura, Kiba, Lee, and Sai as they are rushing off somewhere. The scene then quickly switches back to Naruto’s location.) And I feel an irregular chakra nearby. (Scene flashes to a Sai clone in the brushes somewhere, then flashes back to Naruto’s location.)
There’s three chakras coming this way. (Scene switches to Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari’s location. They are currently in the same small village as Team Konoha. The Scene switches over to Naruto.) Wow… I can even pick up several more chakra sources. I wonder if some are the Kages and their the body guards. Wait, I feel a stranger chakra from the others a little further back. (Scene switches over to Madara’s location, he opens up a spinning whirl of chakra as Sasuke and Karin comes spinning out.)
Karin: WHAAAA. (Sasuke lands expertly on the ground. It seems he has recovered.)
Sasuke: Where’s Danzou!
Madara: Aww, no thank you?
Sasuke: Hmph… (Scene switches over to Team Sakura.)
Akamaru: WOOF!
Kiba: Sakura you won’t believe this… (Sakura has a worried look on her face. The Scene switches over to Naruto’s location. Naruto is still in deep thought.)
Naruto: But who are those two with him? Should I investigate? But there’s so many, I might just be wasting my time. (End of Naruto’s thought, soon Yamato is looking at Naruto.)
Yamato: Naruto, come in before you catch a cold!
Naruto: I’m in Sage Mode, I can hardly feel the chills. (Kakashi appears as well.)
Kakashi: Give it a rest Naruto. You’ve been at it all day. Get some rest. Oh and Sai get out, we know you’re there! (Sai’s clone emerges from the brushes.)
Naruto: Wait, why is he here? (Naruto soon goes into deep thought as he picks up something, so he goes in thought again). Why is Sakura and them heading towards that strange chakra? (End of Naruto’s thought.)
Kakashi: Naruto, what’s wrong? You’ve been acting off as of lately. (Naruto locks eyes with Sai’s clone.)
Next Time: In Pursuit!
Please Also Read
Fan Art Prediction by: Hatifnatten
by: jeanericuser
Naruto 473: The Siren's Call
Kisame is standing over Killer Bee about to slash him when suddenly killer bee turns around and hits kisame point with a burst of pure chakra. Kisame is sent flying backwards before landing at the ground some feet away.
Sabu: "The hachibi must have used its own chakra to repel kisame. I must get to killer bee fast."
Kisame gets up and dusts himself off while looking at killer bee.
Kisame thinking: "That must have been the hachibi but it doesn't have much chakra left. I had better end this now."
Kisame charges forward and jumps into the air. Kisame lowers his sword to stab killer bee as he falls. Sabu suddenly jumps forward and parries the blade of kisame with his axe causing it to land in the ground instead of hitting stabbing killer bee. Sabu raises his axe to make a strike at killer bee and charges forward. Kisame smiles and does a hand sign.
Kisame: "Water style: water prison."
A bubble appears around kisame sealing him in a bubble of full of water. Kisame smiles and takes the axe out of sabu's hand.
Kisame: "Thank you. This blade will do quite nicely for what I have planned."
Sabu struggles to move but can't inside the bubble.
Sabu thinking: "Damn it! I can't get out of this!"
Killer Bee is laying on the ground and slowly starts to breath. Samehada slowly struggles free from the tree and moves towards killer bee. Killer Bee finds himself on the ocean. He sees the image of a beautiful woman slowly moving towards him. Killer Bee is almost transfixed by her beauty.
Woman: "Come to me. I will help you. wake up."
Killer bee slowly starts to awaken but still hears the voice of the woman in his head.
Woman: "Come to me. There is not much time."
Hachibi: "What is this? Where is that voice coming from."
Killer Bee slowly struggles to his feet and samehada is laying right next to him.
woman: "Pick it up. You know what must be done."
Killer Bee picks up samehada and slowly struggles to his feet using the blade to help him up. Kisame charges forward to attack Killer Bee.
Kisame: "This time you will not be getting up! Im gonna tear you apart!"
Kisame swings the axe and Killer Bee easily parries it with Samehada. Kisame struggles to swing the axe around but he can't seem to control it as well as samehada so his next attack is too low. Killer bee easily deflects the slash causing the blade to skid towards the ground.
Killer Bee: "Not use to Sabu's axe are you? That blade isnt meant for a weak fish man like you."
Kisame gets enraged and triest to slash killer Bee but he easily dodges the slash and slashes kisame in turn while at the same time samehada takes some of kisame's chakra. Kisame jumps back but nearly stumbles to the ground. Killer Bee smiles at Kisame while Kisame looks extremely angry at Killer Bee.
Kisame: "To hell with Madara and his schemes! Im gonna kill you right now!"
Kisame charges forward and attempts to make a slash at Killer Bee. Killer Bee charges forward and disappears before reappearing and slashing samehada through Kisame. Kisame finds himself back at the same beach that Killer Bee was at before. The woman slowly appears in front of Kisame.
Kisame: "Its over isn't it?"
The woman nods her head and Kisame tries to reach out for the woman. The woman vanishes and the world goes black as Kisame feels as if he is falling. Kisame wakes ups screaming in agony as samehada spreads itself outward until every part of it spreads outward litterally ripping kisame appart from the upper torso down. Kisame slowly smiles as he falls to the ground in two pieces. Killer Bee swings the blade into the air and smiles as the sun glimmers off the blade. Nearby zetsu watches with an extremely disturbed look on his face from a tree branch high above the ground.
Light Zetsu: "Madara is not gonna be happy about this."
Dark Zetsu: "To think Kisame would go out this way. To be killed by his own blade."
Light Zetsu: "This definately changes our plans."
Dark Zetsu: "It changes nothing. Lets report this to madara immediately."
Zetsu merges with the tree and vanishes away. The bubble around Sabu pops and gushes out water as Sabu struggles to breath. He looks up to see Killer Bee in the distance holding samehada. Killer Bee is looking at the blade in curiousity. Killer Bee suddenly finds himself inside his mind on the beach. The beautiful woman walks up to him.
Killer Bee: "Samehada?"
Woman: "That was a name Kisame gave to me when he discovered me long ago. My real name is calypso."
Killer Bee: "Calypso?"
Calypso: "I was once a creature much like your tailed beast that roamed the mighty seas until one day I was taken prisoner by bunch of men."
Hachibi: "Interesting. Go on."
Calypso: "They desired to have me grant their every wishes in terms of controlling the ocean for their own foolish desires but that was not something I was willing to do so I rebelled. As punishment my body was destroyed and my spirit forever trapped within this blade."
Hachibi: "So like me, you two are a prisoner to a weak host."
Calypso: "Correct. I can never leave this sword again less I lose myself to eternity."
Killer Bee: "Hey!"
Calypso: "Since that time I have served many masters but most of them I could sense had only darkness in their black hearts and thus I was tainted by their blood lust. That changed however when I was exposed to your chakras. As your chakra reached me it freed me from their taint and gave me the strength to resist kisame. I thank you for that."
Killer Bee: "You are welcome."
Calypso: "I now request that since I am free of kisame that I now serve you as I did him. Together we shall be a mighty force of nature much like what I once was before my imprisonment. My only request is that I too share in chakra you give and use in battle. As my body is infused with your chakras I will do my part to bring great strength to you in battle. That is all that I ask in return for usage of me in battle."
Killer Bee: "I accept."
Hachibi: "I agree."
Killer Bee slowly walks towards Sabu while samehada returns to its wrapped up form it had before. Sabu looks at the blade in surprise.
Sabu: "Your really should throw that blade away. Nothing good can come from owning a blade like that."
Killer Bee laughs and places it in a holster behind his back. Calypso giggles inside his mind.
Killer Bee: "Its nothing to worry about now. Kisame doesn't need this blade any more. Besides finders keepers."
Sabu looks at the country side and goes over to examine ponta. Sabu listens to Ponta's heart with his ear to his chest.
Sabu: "Ponta sounds like he will be ok. I guess you had best go see your brother if akatsuki is after you again."
Killer Bee grimaces and then nods his head in agreement. Killer Bee suddenly remembers what Kisame said earlier.
Kisame flashback: "To hell with madara and his schemes! Im gonna kill you right now!"
Killer Bee looks at Sabu and scratches his chin.
Killer Bee: "Sabu-chan, Do you know anything about someone named madara."
Sabu: "Madara? MADARA?! Thats who sent him to us!?!"
Sabu looks extremely nerve racked while Killer Bee looks at him with a puzzled expression.
Sabu: "Killer Bee you better get back to your brother immediately. If he is indeed calling the shots than who knows what has already happened while we have been fighting with this one."
Madara is shown standing on a balcony overlooking the city as it rains at night. Zetsu appears from out of the ground and bows to him. Madara continues to look out over the side.
Zetsu: "We have a problem. Kisame failed to acquire the hachibi."
Madara: "So be it. We have no other choice. Prepare the armies for their first assault. They shall leave at dawn."
Naruto 474: The Great War Begins
Naruto 473: Betrayal!
(Kirabi scene)
(Kisame is about to attack Kirabi,when suddenly Sabu-Chan stops the sword with Samehada)
Kisame: What the........
Sabu-Chan: I'am here Kirabi!
(Samehada,which is now near to Kirabi's body,gives Kirabi some chakra while holding of Kisame)
Kisame: No,i won't let you..give chakra!
(Kisame immediately grabs another one of Kirabi's swords using his leg,and puts it alongside the first sword,then pushes back Samehada)
Sabu-Chan: Wake up Kirabi!
(Kirabi now has enough chakra and starts to wake up.Kisame takes notice and rushes to finish Kirabi off.Kisame tries to cut Kirabi's throat,but Kirabi parries with one of his swords)
Kirabi: Not...enough....chakra.
(Raikage and co are jumping through)
Shii: Raikage-Sama,it's fade,but i can sense Master Bee's chakra.
Raikage: Where is he!?
Shii: Turn right here.
(everyone turns right)
(Naruto scene)
(Naruto thinking) : I wonder,why did Sakura do all that?
Kakashi: Naruto,we better be heading back to Konoha as well.
Yamato: It's getting late too,we better catch up with Sakura's team.
(Sai comes out from behind the stone)
Sai: Actually,Sakura didn't return to Konoha.
Naruto: Sai!?
Yamato: Sai,weren't you with Sakura's team?
Sai: And i still am.This is an ink clone which i left behind,just in case.
Kakashi: Just in case what?
Sai: Sakura didn't tell Naruto.
(Naruto has a worried expression on his face): Didn't tell me what!?
Sai: Naruto,Sakura and the rest of the team are going to look for Sasuke.
(Everyone is quiet)
(Naruto hits the ground with his fist)
Naruto: Damnit.I had a feeling this was gonna happen.My sage senses were tinkling.(jk)
Yamato: Kakashi-Sensei,what should we do,they can't possibly face Sasuke alone,wherever he is?
Kakashi: Sai,take us to Sakura's team immediately.
Sai: Right!
(Everyone follows Sai)
(Kirabi scene)
(Kirabi looks out of breath while still trying to hold off Kisame)
(Kirabi thinking): My chakra is finished,i failed,sorry eight-tailed,sorry Sabu-Chan.
(Sabu-chan is unconcious,how weak of him)
(Samehada with a crying voice): Gi,gi,gi,gi!
(Kirabi drops his blade,Kisame is going for his throat.Raikage and co. arrive)
Darui: Ranton:Laser Circus!
(Needles of raiton attack Kisame.Kisame is forced to jump back)
Kisame: Shit.I can't hold of all these.Not without Samehada!
Kirabi: Nii-San!
Raikage: I'll deal with you later Bee,but for now,rest,i'll handle this mutated freak!
Kisame: This is dangerous!
Next Chapter: Kisame vs. Raikage!
by: poonglaya
Naruto 473: Trolled
page 1: Kisame slashes at Killerbee's legs. He cut of both of the legs easily. Killerbee never uttered a groan of pain.
Kisame: " nice clean cut! your sword is pretty decent for a weapon. Now you cannot run, no more escaping, time for you is surely fading. now where has that rap come from?"
page 2: Kisame looks at samehada sadly. Samehada drools.
Kisame: " why? why do you have to trade me huh? and for this? after all we've been through? after all the fights we've had and been together? all those nights we shared? all the times i have fed you and you fed me? now you're throwing it all away?"
Samehada: " gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi"
Kisame: " :'( "
Kisame sheds a tear from the corner of his left eye.
page 3: Kisame remembers all of their moments together. The first time he saw Samehada when he was still just a pup was very unforgettable. Samehada, shimmering under the pale sunlight, it was a marvelous sight to see. the first time he has held samehada with his hands was very nerve wracking, never knowing whether he would be allowed to hold him was filled with fear and excitement. He remembers the fights they've fought and won together and the celebration that follows. he remembers the nights they shared, sleeping together while holding samehada in his arms, or under his head for pillows. He remembers, all those memories, now down the drain because of this legless man.
page 4: Kisame wonders how he would fare now, that he can no longer hold samehada in his hands. He looked at his hands, and saw Killerbee's short sword. That's right, his hands are free now. free to hold different swords.
Kisame: "You think you can hurt my feelings by dumping me for this man? well guess what, you won't get him. I'll be taking him and he will die after his bijuu's extracted. and another guess what, i don't need you anymore, i found my new sword, and i'll also be taking it."
Samehada: " gigigi gigi giigigigigiiigigigig, gigi igigiigii giggiigigi"
page 5: Kisame laughs hysterically.
Kisame: "You dare threaten me? what can you do? nothing! you dumped me for nothing. I have the last laugh samehada. gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk."
Kisame took Killerbee and put him over his shoulder. glanced at samehada slumped at the foot of the tree one last time, then disappeared through a poof of mist.
page 6: Sabu chan arrived at the scene of the crime. He looked around the ink stains and saw samehada drooling far back slumped beside a tree. Of Killerbee he found no trace except for his legs. His legs!! exhaustion must be getting to him because of his delayed reaction. Why can't he have run faster, he could have done something to prevent bee from being taken..
Sabu: "Killerbee i'm sorry, I wasn't strong enuf and i was just a burden to you."
Sabu chan slumped on the ground in front of the 2 legs of Killerbee.
page 7: Sabu chan noticed that samehada is crawling towards them, he backs away from it, and notices that samehada continues crawling forward. not to him, but towards the legs of KB. Samehada upon reaching KBs legs, layed rest on top of it.
Sabu:" it's not planning to eat Killerbee's legs? WTH?"
page 8: Suddenly Sabu-chan was startled. Killerbee's head pops out of the cut portion of his legs. looking around until eyes met Sabu chan's
Killerbee: " he is gone isnt he?"
Sabu: " WTH? you scared the shit outta me?! you look an awful mess!!"
Killerbee: "i gotta escape from him somehow. good thing Samehada here likes me more. Good boy!" *pats samehada on his spiky body*
Sabu: " will you come out now? i'll be having nightmares the way you look right now"
page 9: Killerbee emerges from his legs. He manages to troll once more using replacement jutsu. He thinks he should call this move something special, first he was able to troll Sasuke and company, now Kisame. This jutsu deserves a decent name, he thought.
Killerbee:" If samehada didn't suddenly decides to be my ho, i'm a fuckin goner the way things go."
Sabu:" The way Samehada senses chakra, surely if Kisame still wields it, he would know you were just hiding inside your legs. but i was surprised samehada chose you over his former master"
page10: Killerbee picked up a drooling samehada while wagging its handle, just like a dog. He feels his chakra replenishing. Hachibi also feels the same effect.
Killerbee:" now this is more like it. i feel unstoppable now, i can even make my brother kneel down with this! This feeling is awesome!! Makes me want to rap my throat out yyyeeaaaahhhhh!!!"
Sabu: "Our Enka lessons is far from over yet, Killerbee. Let's go back, maybe you can heal Ponta."
Killerbee: "Of course i will learn this Enka, Enka + rap i'll be a mastah!"
page11: At distance behind a tree, a shadow looks on the backs of the departing Killerbee and Sabu. Killerbee looks notices the gayest chakra he've ever felt with the help of Samehada, and met eyes with this shadow, before turning away and leave. He saw eyes of yellow pigment. He remembers seeing that kind of eyes before on a cold blooded animal. he remembers now, those are eyes of a snake.
Kabuchimaru: " i should have gotten here earlier while i could have gotten Samehada for my own... I can do that for later, now i have to meet with Konoha's Hokage... hissssss"
page12: At Konoha infirmary, medic nins are bustling around. It seems to be very festive inside the clinic, a lot of them are gathering in front of a room trying to see what is going on. The other patients are also astounded by the medics' attempts at ignoring their calls just to look at what's going on inside the room. Shizune is on one of the beds, and on top of her is Tsunade.
Tsunade:" I said give me sake!! sake will surely nurse this bones flesh and skin of mine!"
Shizune:" But, you have to continuously take medication first, in one week you can..."
Tsunade:" I said now! I know my body better than you think you do... my strength is regaining fast.. btw, where is Naruto?!?"
Page13: Naruto is slumped at the roof of the rest house while under the torrent of snowfall. He is on sage mode, trying to determine the location of Sasuke. He realized now how he can manage to stay a lil bit longer in sage mode. and he has also managed to make the chakra detection through Natural Energy disturbance farther in radius. On his side is Sai, looking intent.
Naruto: " what is it that bothers you sai?"
Sai:" oh! uhm, nothing... i just wonder what your next moves are now that you know what sakura and the others think about sasuke."
Naruto:"You are still not telling me something. That is not all that concerns you. Is there a seal on your mouth or tongue or something that makes you lie?"
Sai is surprised how naruto knew. no, more likely it was just a guess, a punch in the dark, and that was a question to him. Naruto knows he is hiding something, and would he catch the lie if he said "no"?
page14: Just after Naruto's query, Kakashi and Yamato came up the roof.
Kakashi: " Sai, show us your tongue."
Yamato: " Kakashi senpai, you also know of this seals?"
Kakashi: " It was just hearsay, but i do heard it a lot back then, You were in anbu longer than i am Yamato, are the seals really imposed on root?"
Yamato: " I am not really sure if the information i got before was correct. but we will definitely find out, right Sai?"
Naruto: "Huh!?! WTF?!? jump!!!"
page15: the rest house they were on suddenly exploded from a fierce gale of wind. Debris flew around the house engulfing it and chased Naruto, Sai, Yamato, and Kakashi's trail. A hooded person flew towards them to engage them and Naruto's Kagebunshin collided with it, diverting the direction before it went poof.
Naruto: "wood."
Kakashi: " what was that Naruto?"
Naruto: " It's a puppet. And that (pointing at the chasing debris) is sand. I was not so sure before when i felt three people approach. Now i'm sure"
page16: The sand chasing them was fast, and in a few moments they are bound by it. At the clearing, Kakashi, Yamato, Sai, and Naruto saw the people who attacked them. pointed at the necks of those 3 are kunais held from 3 different Sage Mode Naruto Kagebunshins.
Naruto: " Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara of the Sand. What brought you here. and that was some greeting you have for us."
Gaara: "Uzumaki Naruto. I've heard a lot about you, i was making sure that i am making the right decision."
They both smiled,Then the Sand prison dissipated, Kagebunshins lowered their weapons, Gaara and Naruto shook hands.
page17: Madara is in front of the Gedo Mazo statue and is surprised at how kisame came back with the 8th tail host. He was pretty much beat up.
Madara:" You've lost your cloak. And you've lost Samehada."
Kisame:" It's a small price to pay for this. This one tough bastard though, tough to hear him yap all throughout the fight. as for the cloak, we have spare ones i believe."
Madara: " I see, now that we have him, let me make preparations for the extraction. Are you sure you weren't trolled like sasuke?"
Kisame: " Humph, don't compare me with those noobs."
Next Chapter:
What will Madara do when he finds out they were trolled a second time by Killerbee? What will Kisame use now for pillow during cold cold nights? What is Sai thinking? What will Gaara do? When will Kabuchimaru show himself again? Is tsunade still a grandma who's hot? or not? find out on
Naruto 474: Origins of the Akatsuki Cloak
Naruto 472:
A Deadly Battle in an Underwater Prison

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

A Deadly Battle in an Underwater Prison

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

Also Read Naruto 473, 474, 475, 476 Predictions
Read the story behind Kisame and Samaheda

Kakashi 's Face Revealed!!
Click Image to Read Full Manga

by: Numinous
Posted 13 November 2009
Naruto 473: Humanity
Also read previous chapter
Naruto 472: Anxiety
(Danzou Scene)
Fuu: They’re here.
Danzou: Hmm…
Mizukage: (appears from behind a tree) How kind of you to stop. Danzou, you are to answer for the accusations of mind-controlling Mifune and for trying to steal Ao’s Byakugan. (Ao and Chouujurou come out of hiding)
Danzou: The Byakugan is property of Konohagakure, I only want to return it to its rightful place.
Ao: You…!
Mizukage: Nonetheless, we have to reunite with the other Kage.
Danzou: What if I don’t reply to that? (Mizukage’s group adopts a battle stance)
Mizukage: We’ll have to use force.
(Kirabi Scene)
(Sabu hits a tree with his back and falls)
Sabu: Gahh! (thinking) Such power… it blew me off just with the shockwaves. (gets up slowly; talking) Hang on in there, Kirabi
(A cloud of dust lifted by the attack settles down, revealing basic Kirabi and an unharmed Kisame still fused with Samehada)
Kisame: Gigigigigigigi….
Kirabi: You’re still alive, freakazoid? How many times do I have to kill you for you to stay dead?!
Kisame: Since I’m fused with Samehada, it only takes your jutsu to touch my skin for me to absorb it. (his skin starts to get more spiky) And I must say, that jutsu had the most delectable chakra I ever tasted, you’re making me frisky… gigigigigigiGIGIGIGIGI!!!!
(Kisame suddenly freezes on place; his spikes take over him, and Samehada emerges in the place of Kisame, making him vanish; Sabu arrives; Samehada burps an drops on the floor, with its mouth open)
Sabu: W-what happened?
Kirabi: (turns to Sabu) I dunno, I think the sword ate the guy…
Sabu: I see. The sword must have gone berserk from all the chakra it consumed and starved for even more, so it absorbed its host.
Kirabi: Well, that was anticlimactic…
Sabu: (looks nervous) Hummm…
Kirabi: He’s behind me, isn’t he?! (turns around)
Raikage: YOU MOTHERF*CKING KNUCKLEHEAD!!! (knocks down Kirabi) Do you have any idea what’ve you done with that silly prank?! How could you leave Kumogakure without a word and, even worse, play dead?! (Kirabi gets up; Darui pokes Samehada with his sword)
Darui: Interesting sword, it has a mouth.
Kirabi: And it just ate its owner.
Darui: Oh. (gets away from Samehada, horrified)
Kirabi: (to Raikage) That’s kinda why I didn’t say a word, bro! You never let me leave the village!
Raikage: And for a good reason! The Akatsuki came for you not once, but twice! And there’ll be a third time according to Madara, and who knows what’ll happen then!
Kirabi: Madara?! Are you high, brudda?
Raikage: Of course I’m not high! But enough of this, I need to teach Danzou some manners! Shii, find me that old rat!
Shii: Yes, Raikage-sama.
Raikage: And don’t think you’re off the hook! You’re coming too, Kirabi!
Kirabi: (grumbles) And there’s go my Enka career down the toilet…
Raikage: Could you stop with your Enka?! There are things of higher importance to pay attention!
Kirabi: Like what?!
Raikage: Like the Fourth Great Shinobi World War!
Kirabi: WHAT?!
(Naruto Scene)
Naruto: What?! Is everyone mad?! How could they do such a thing?!
Kakashi: Calm down, Naruto! You know very well why they’re acting like this.
Naruto: But…!
Yamato: Kakashi-senpai is right.
Naruto: Grrr… we need to stop her, she doesn’t know about Sasuke and Madara!
Kakashi: Naruto!
Sai: Sasuke and Madara?!
Naruto: Uh, nevermind, the thing is, we got to stop her!
Sai: I see.
Kankurou: Long time no see, Naruto! (the Sand Siblings appear from behind)
Naruto: Gaara! Kankurou! Hummm…
Temari: Temari… is my name that hard to memorize?
Naruto: Sorry. But what are you doing here, weren’t you at the Summit? (he remembers) And the Raikage, you know where he is?
Gaara: He’s after his brother, to deliver the same warning I have to say to you.
Kakashi: And that warning is?
Gaara: Madara declared the Fourth Great Shinobi World War. (Naruto, Yamato and kakashi look apprehensive)
(Sakura Scene)
Kiba: They’re here! (the group catches up Team Samui in a forest’s clearing)
Karui: What, you again?!
Omoi: I told you the Konoha chicks wouldn’t get enough of me.
Karui: Shu-
Samui: Quiet, you two! Well, what’s your purpose for reaching us like this, Konoha?
Sakura: You’re still searching for Sasuke, aren’t you?
Samui: Yes, why do you ask?
Sakura: Do you mind if we help you in the search?
Samui: I don’t see why not. Just make yourself useful. (Ounoki, Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi arrive to their location)
Ounoki: I guess we’re lucky! Let’s just leave the message for the Fire and Lightning Daimyo to this kids and we’ll just have to go to the Wind, Water and Earth Daimyo.
Kurotsuchi: I knew that “new” Ounoki wouldn’t last long… (Akatsuchi grins)
Ounoki: Could you be quiet? (to Team Samui and Sakura’s group) Sorry to interrupt your chat, but we have a message that we’d like you to deliver to your respective Daimyo.
Samui: And what it is, Tsuchikage-dono?
Ounoki: The Fourth Great Shinobi World War is coming. (everyone looks shocked)
(Madara Scene)
(He’s in an hideout; complete Zetsu appears in a wall)
Madara: So, Kisame’s battle is already finished?
White Zetsu: Yes, it was a quick one.
Dark Zetsu: Samehada absorbed Kisame, the Hachibi’s Jinchuuriki is alive.
Madara: It seems that I underestimated him. Well, time to adapt my plans to the current situation…
White Zetsu: What about Sasuke?
Madara: Don’t worry about him, when Karin finishes treating him the second phase of the plan will begin…
Next Chapter: They Finally Meet
Also read previous chapter
Naruto 472: Anxiety
by: MinatoTheUltiVillain
Posted: 13 November 2009
Naruto 473 : REVELATION
Also read previous chapter prediction
Naruto 472: The Secret Weapon
(Danzo Scene )
Torune is carrying the body of Fuu on his shoulders.
Ao opens his eyes ……..thinking……… I am alive ???
Danzo “ Fuu , it looks like you took care of that Kiri – nin , now the Byakugan can go to its rightful place – Konoha “
Ao…….. his technique backfired somehow , I didn’t die , he died. But along with him my body is gone too………..Danzo , bastard Kiri did lose its only byakugan………But I am in the konoha nin’s body now…..must think and act fast.
Ao (in Fuu’s body) “ ……..Yes , Danzo-sama , but I need to go back and retrieve the head first.”
Ao (in Fuu’s body) hurries towards where his body lay.
(Mizukage Scene )
Mizukage “ Chouujuru , have u noticed something strange? “
Chooujuru “ Mizukage-sama , I ……..there is something wrong , I cant figure it out. Why are the seals protecting the Byakugan on Ao- sama’s head ??”
Mizukage looks around and finds the puppet in which Ao had been trapped.
Mizukage “ Something wrong happened here ………………….”
Ao (in Fuu’s body) is seen approaching …………….
Chooujuru “ Look Mizukage –sama , it’s the konoha nin with Danzo , I bet he is responsible for Ao-sama’s death “ and starts charging towards Fuu.
Mizukage “ Chooujuru , don’t be hasty !” and stops him with her hand”
“Let’s talk first , I want to know what happened here !!
(Bee Scene )
Kisame looks up and frowns………………. He sees 5 large rods with a metal intrument on top of each of them (kind of like prongs) with electricity flowing in between their tips…………
Bee shouts “Lightning Style: Thunder Dragon God jutsu “
The prongs start to spin around rapidly with raw electricity running through them forming a spear.
Bee shouts “ No die , Fish face !!“
And the spear pierces kisame’s body.
Kisame “ ughhh…..” spits out blood, “ when ?? …….When did you do it “
Bee “ When you hit me with the Suiton - Daibakusui shouha , I realized , you won’t notice me while I am trapped in your water ……….. This jutsu needs time , that’s why I asked you those stupid questions ……………as if I cared …“
Kisame”…….. y…you’ve earned it 8 tails …….i’ll tell you something………something that will eventually help you…….ughhhh” spits out more blood.
( Raikage Scene)
Omoi looking at the sky , “ Did you see that !!???”
Karui “ ….what ….?? “
Raikage “ Yes !! That’s bee , my idiot brother, and it looks like the fight with that akatsuki has begun . Hurry ! “
(Naruto Scene)
Naruto ' Sai............ I want you to follow sakura and give me constant updates. Can you do that for me? '
Sai ' I will keep you updated naruto....'
Sai leaves.
Kakashi goes to naruto and puts a hand on his shoulder “ You are carrying a lot of burden on these shoulders naruto !!.......”
Naruto looks up tears in his eyes.
Kakashi , “Naruto , we believe in you ! “
Gaara , Temari and Kankuro arrive.
Kankuro ' What do u know?? the Raikage was right indeed , they are here .......'
Yamato , Kakashi ' ??!!'
Yamato ' Shouldn't you all be at the summit ? '
Gaara ' It is a long story …..‘
Kankuro “ We are here to warn you about something ……..”
Gaara , looks at Naruto and says “ Naruto , sasuke attacked the summit and all the kage’s .”
“ It seems he has joined with Akatsuki and ………….and he is with madara Uchiha “
Temari “Madara interrupted the fight with sasuke and asked us to hand over you, naruto and the 8 tails , Raikage’s brother “
Kankuro “ Which of course , we refused and now he has announced the 4th great shinobi world war !”
Kakashi “ Isn’t Danzou supposed to take care of it ? Why are we being informed? “
Gaara “ Its because Danzou defected and lost the trust of all of us even before Sasuke attacked”
Kakashi thinking………..i should have known …..the old bastard.
( Bee Scene)
Kisame “ Its about Mad…………. Madara Uchiha“
Bee “ Who Madara ?? The Madara Uchiha of the konoha , isn’t he dead already ? What do u wanna tell me ? ”
Hachibi………………….u fool he’s going to die soon , just shut up and listen………………….
Kisame “ Madara …………………….. I ……… I …know ..his ….true …..plan……….”
Also read previous chapter prediction
Naruto 472: The Secret Weapon
by: MinatoTheUltiVillain
Posted: 02 November 2009
Naruto 473 – THE UNLIMITER
Also read next chapter prediction
Naruto 471: The Truth
Naruto 472: Samaheda Unleashed
Naruto 473: The UNLIMITER
Naruto 474: Grand Finale
(Konoha Scene )
Shizune thinking……………. If this is true then the most advanced bloodline that ever existed has been living with us ……………. Though it should have been treated right from the beginning….
Outside ,
Shikamaru – “what happened ? Is Tsunade-sama alright ? “
Shizune “ she is fine , she asked about naruto , I told her what’s been going around since she fainted , but well she fell asleep in the midway…………..but most importantly , she’s starting to do better than before.”
Shikamaru “ ok ! “……………….. thinking ….’ She is hiding something from me , she duznt speak so much………..
( Danzo Scene )
Fu turns to face Ao’s collapsed body and starts moving forward.
Ao……thinking ….’ I have no choice , this is it. And I need to hurry , or there wont be a body left to save , I’ll first need to get rid of the puppet‘
Ao looks around and spots a snake , he closes his eyes and whispers ‘ Soul Release : Mind Transfer ‘
He opens his eyes , and is now in the snake…………………. Thinking……………………..’ that jutsu turned out to be very useful , Thank you Mizukage ‘
Mizukage telling Ao and several other shinobi ‘ The jutsu that I am going to tell you is very useful and at the same time very harmful as well ‘
Some shinobi ‘ I didn’t get it , please explain further ‘
Mizukage ‘ This jutsu is very useful as it can make you win a lost battle, but very harmful to the user who uses it , as it doesn’t use your chakra , it uses a part of your soul , the very essence of your being. The more you use it , the weaker your soul gets and the weaker your life energy. ‘
Ao , now starts crawling and reaches to the place where Danzo , Fu and Torune are standing with Ao’s body.
Ao thinking………………that rascal , he is using medical jutsu to extract my eye , I’ll have to use the technique again
Danzo , suddenly, “ Fu , Stop ! I sense something is wrong here “
Torune “ I thought so too , I sense that something is ………………different “
Danzo “ We’ll continue the extraction at a safe place , let’s go from here , take the body with you Fu “
Ao , thinking…………………….. I think I’ll stick around like this more , let’s find out what that konoha bastard is upto………
Shizune is seen heading towards the hokage building .
Shikamaru , behind her , …………………….’ What’s she upto ? ‘
Shizune surprisingly notices that there are no anbu or infact there is nobody guarding the Hokage monument.
Talking to herself “ Looks like the Office has shifted to the Roots Head-Quarters ……….that stubborn old bastard wont come here “
She hurriedly climbs the stairs and reaches the hokage office , opens the door and then reaches for the desk that Tsunade mentioned.
She opens the second drawer and murmurs “ Release ! “ and finds an old rusty document appearing in the previously empty drawer.
She reaches and touches the document and the whole world starts spinning around. She closes her eyes and when she opens them again , she is still standing in the hokage’s office, but in front of her are Jiraya and Tsunade talking
Shizune thinking……………….. “ what sort of a jutsu is this ? Gen-jutsu ?”
Jiraya and Tsunade don’t seem to notice Shizune and are talking with a serious look on their faces
Tsunade “ what ?? Naruto , an unlimiter ?? …………………….. its impossible, that bloodline ceased to exist long ago “
Jiraya “ No , I can assure you that Naruto is an unlimiter , I talked with the kyuubi myself. It was when we were training………………….”
Tsunade “ wtf ??!! u must be kidding me !! “
Naruto is sitting , meditating.
Jiraya is watching him intently , thinking……………..something is odd today.
Jiraya touches naruto’s head and gets suddenly sucked into a hole……………..
Jiraya opens his eyes and looks at the long corridor with a jail holding the giant red creature ………………. “ the Kyuubi !! How did I get in here , this………….this place………………it’s inside naruto’s mind. “
Naruto , standing outside the great jail , turns around and frowns ………….looking at jiraya , “ what are you doing here ?? How did you get here pervy sage ? “
Kyuubi , hissing loudly “ Good, now you both are here ! I have something to tell you brat , I wanted him to be here too because when you wake up you won’t remember a thing. But you , hermit will remember everything”
( Kirabi scene )
Kirabi is seen leaping and charging at kisame with the lariat …………….
But before bee can reach Kisame , Samehada breaks the ice barrier and comes in front of kirabi………………………..
Kirabi thinking……shit !!!!
Samehada takes a direct hit of lariat and absorbs all the chakra.
Bee falls but manages to stand up , panting………” this is it !! now I AM MAD “
Sabu ,sitting nearby , at a tree and watching the fight…..“ it looks like the sword is now channeling its chakra to that shark face and bee looks exhausted…………… “
Bee “ Hachibi , I need your chakra now , I am going to use that jutsu , I never thought I would use it again , but the time has come “
Sabu shouts “ Kirabi , that thing is channeling its chakra to the shark face , watch out !!”
Hachibi …….i think its time too……….lets do it
Kisame “ This is it , it ends now ………..“ and starts making handseals…..
Kirabi is seen firing up and transforming to hachibi…….. “ You’re right for once yo ♪ shark face , it ends now , ♪ but I’ll be endin it for you now ♪ “
Also read next chapter prediction
Naruto 471: The Truth
Naruto 472: Samaheda Unleashed
Naruto 473: The UNLIMITER
Naruto 474: Grand Finale
This weblog gives the updated spoilers and predictions for Naruto 473. Raw spoilers and summaries are released Tuesday night (Japan time) and several RAW Pics are released Wednesday night (Japan time). Read it all here!!
In the meantime, please read predictions from our contributors: Numinous, TheSpecialOne, Jeanericuser, ShiverX, Woo, Ironside, Zetsu-san, Freakout and TheSixthHokage.
____________________________________________________________In the meantime, please read predictions from our contributors: Numinous, TheSpecialOne, Jeanericuser, ShiverX, Woo, Ironside, Zetsu-san, Freakout and TheSixthHokage.
TAGS: Naruto, Naruto 473, Naruto 473, Naruto 472 Raw, Naruto 472 Prediction, Naruto 472 Spoiler, Naruto 473 Raw, Naruto Manga 473, Naruto Spoilers, Naruto Manga Spoilers, Naruto 473 Spoilers, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 473, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 473, Naruto 473 Predictions, Naruto 473 Wordpress, Naruto 473 Blogspot, Naruto 473 English, Naruto 473 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 473 Read Online, Naruto 473 Download, Naruto 473 Onemanga, Naruto 473 Mangahelpers, Naruto 473 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto 473 Narutofan, Naruto 473 Narutocentral, Bleach 383, One Piece 565
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