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Read Naruto 452 Predictions and Discussions

Read Naruto 452 Predictions and Discussions

Read Naruto 452 Predictions and Discussions

Read Naruto 452 Predictions and Discussions

Read Naruto 452 Predictions and Discussions

Kakashi 's Face Revealed!!
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Contributed by: Victor/Far (52manyou), vered (NF)
Credits: vered and serenity 85
by: Ohana-2Ch
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Yamato build a huge one.
the jounins says :
"In a blink of an eye, Konoha is reborn !" to Yamato
Sasuke & co are coming to Konoha.
They jump from trees to trees ... ( Oh thank you for this one )
Sasuke has a flashback about Itachi.
Frame 1
(Panting by Yamato)
Frame 2
"You ask me like it's easy."
Frame 1
"What's up with Sasuke?"
Frame 2
Frame 1
"...what kind of guy is that ____?" (I can't make out the first two kanji)
Frame 3
(Flashback of Naruto's to Pain)
"...Do you understand a little of my pain now?"
"If you don't know the same pain, others can't really understand."
Frame 1
"...(We/I are/am) here to reinforce _____." (Can't make it out - could be a name)
Frame 3
"Anyway, give our lineup to the Hokage."
Frame 1
"Hey! Calm down and listen up!"
"Tsunade was removed as Hokage!"
Frame 2
Frame 3
"The 6th is decided to be a guy named Danzo!"
"I don't really know much about him, but he seems to be a ____ human." (again, can't make out the kanji - sorry!)
Frame 4
"It's Danzo!"
"...Just as I predicted..." (can't quite make out the second character of what Kakashi says, which could add more detail)
Frame 5
"Yeah, well the surprising thing is not just that!" ( -_- difficult kanji just don't appear well in scans... I'm guessing this is the one for "surprise")
"That 6th has gone off and..."
Frame 6
"Given permission to do in with Sasuke!"
451 Sasuke's Punishment 451
Genma and the others looks for trees.
Yamato : Mokuton Renchuuka no jutsu
Yamato build a wood house.
Everyone cheers !
before Naruto and Sakura, comes Inari and Tazuna !
Tazuna : Where's Sasuke ? I need to talk to him too.
Naruto has been deceived.
Naruto think : "Where the hell are you Sasuke ?"
Omoi and Karui : Now I understand. The ones who should understand Sasuke's revenge goals more than anyone, doesn't understand anything about it.
Comes a Byakugan user : "Kou" ?
Then secret talk probably from some messenger (Hishou) : "Please, give our message to Lord Hokage. We have a letter for him, from the Raikage."
Then we see Shizune talk with Hishou
Hishou : "Hokage's messenger ? I would like an answer to my letter."
Shizune : "As the Hokage's assistand, I'll take it."
Then Danzou comes.
Danzou : "I'm the new 6th Hokage ! I'll take that letter." He reads. "Sasuke huh ? I knew this day would come sooner or later."
Kiba comes to Naruto.
Kiba : "The 6th gave the order to kill Sasuke !"
Join Naruto 452 Discussions
Pain : Now you understand Pain. There's no understanding of eachother before feeling Pain.
Samui : Anyway, please give our line up to Lord Hokage.
Tazuna : Where's Sasuke ?
Yamato : It sounds so easy when you say it.
Kiba : Listen, Lady Tsunade is no longer Hokage !
Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi : What ?
I don't know everything but the new guy is named Danzou.
Sakura : What ? Danzou ?
Naruto : No !
Kiba : I have a baaaad feeling about this.
Kiba : This 6th Hokage guy gave the order to kill Sasuke.
rest is too blurry for me.
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Kakashi 's Face Revealed!!
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by: Ohana-2Ch (NarutoFan)
Contributed by: Victor/Far (52manyou)
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by: 52manyou - Taz
The spine is the rear end of Manda and Katsuyu
From what I can make out. Naruto finally passes out. All the new gen Ninjas are mentioned. Shikaku gets back to the tent and tells them Danzou was chosen as 6th. Tobi and Kabuto are mentioned and the Lightning messengers arrive to Danzou. It say the back cover , i think spine, is of Manda and Katsuyu.
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Sakura tells him he should rest, but Naruto says that it's his fault the village ended up in this state
Ino, Chouji , Guy's team, Shino's family etc. meet up with Naruto.
They encouter Hinata and Kiba too. Naruto expresses his thanks to Hinata, but she doesn't seem to remember much about what happened (NOTE: not entirely sure here. Could be the other way round.) Naruto heads off to see more of the village.
Kiba wants to say something to Hinata
Hinato says "yeah" and there's a flashback to the scene from the previous chapter, where Hinata smiles. She blushes? (not at all sure about this, might actually be Kiba who blushes?!) [in brackets: "Might be wwww." (no idea what that's supposed to mean.)]
When they get back to the tent, Shikamaru and his dad are there. An agitated Sakura tells everyone that Danzou is now Hokage.
Tobi is looking for Kabuto. Now he's fused with Orochimaru, he can make up for two lost men (presumably referring to Nagato and Konan?).
The Raikage's messengers arrive before Danzou.
Manda and Katsuyu are on the spine.
Contributed by: Taz (unknown source)
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Accdg to a contributor: Cover is Danzou? (please verify this)
The text below mentioned the following names (sorry its the only ones I can read and translate): Danzou, Kakashi, Shikaku, Yamato, Sai, Karui,
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From a contributor: "I managed to roughly translate it, it says something about everyone gathering around shikaku and root then danzou smiling from ear to ear, then something bout the raikages team of ninjas, naruto remembering something from the past..."
Chapter 451: The New Regime
by: The Special One
(Shikaku is displeased with the Feudal Lords' decision)
"This is nonsense, I humbly request my lord that you reconsider," said Shikaku. "On what grounds," said Head Lord.
"No need. My Lord, the decison has already been decided by you, the head of the Fire Country's council, that's all that needs to be said. Stand down Shikaku, or in the name of the law they may punish you for breach of power," said Danzou.
"Why you little... Where were you when we needed your unit the most," asked Shikaku. "Settle down, or this meeting will be postponed," said one of the Fuedal Lords. "I'm just trying to defend these travasties this man is throwing at me, please for give my manners," said Danzou. (He stands up and then bows.)
"Do you want Konoha to end up like Mizugakure? Please, here my out. This man stands for everything that is wrong in the shinobi world. He is not the example our past Hokages set for us," yelled Shikaku.
"Who is to say the new system is worth giving a try? Under the past Hokages the village has always been in turmoil," said Danzou.
"ENOUGH. Danzou is now the 6th Hokage. Anymore complaints and I'll retain each and everyone of you in confinement," said Head Fuedal Lord. (Shikaku thinks to himself.)
"I can't let this happen. I must do something. If I can, then maybe Konoha will have a chance," said Shikaku. (They leave. 3 Guards escort Danzou and others outside.)
"Now, considering that this area is heavily guarded, I might cause a huge commotion .Kage Mane, complete," said Shikaku. "What's going on," said Guard one. "I can't move," said Guard three. "Damn," yelled Guard 2. "Kage Mane," said Danzou. "Shikaku, what are you doing," said Anbu 1. "I have to do this, this man is not what Konoha needs right now," said Shikaku. "You'll never get away with this," said Danzou.
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"Shame. Did you think you could plot something as drastic as this and not be caught? This place is heavily patrolled," said Head Council Leader. (They move to the commotion.)
"So, it seems Konoha has some internal problems as well, this is no good," said Council member.
"He'll most likely recieve the ultimate punishment," said Next Council Member.
"DAMN it. I was so close," said Shikaku. "ASSASINATION ATTEMPT. SHIKAKU of Konoha will immediatley be retained in confinement for high treason to the Hokage," said Head Fuedal Lord. (Who appears with more guards.)
(Danzou Smiles.)
Switch Scene to Akatuski Hideout
(Madara approaches Falcon.)
"I know you are extremely anxious about going to Konoha. But Sasuke, two of your members will have to stay behind and help with the sync of the Eight Tails," said Madara.
"I aint goin no where. I'm with Sasuke regardless," said Suigetsu. "Afterall, it is up to Sasuke. But two of you will still have to stay behind," said Madara.
"Heh, Sasuke needs my chakra sensing abilities, I have no need to worry," said Karin. "So, have you decided," asked Madara. "Suigetsu is coming with me. Juugo and Karin will have to remain behind," said Sasuke. "Yeah, that's my pal," said Suigetsu. "If its Sasuke's orders, I'll have to follow," said Juugo.
"How dare you? Afterall I've done for you," said Karin. "Let it go, this is for the best," said Sasuke. "Before you go to Konoha. I need to warn you of Naruto. He defeated the former Akatuski Leader. I'll replay back the viewing of the battle via my sharingan," said Madara. (Apparently Zetsu recorded it. Like he did with the viewing of Sasuke vs. Itachi.)
"Naruto hmm," mumbled Sasuke.
switch Scene to Konoha:
(Team Samui are wondering around Konoha.)
"So, is the Hokage even alive considering the state of the village," asked Karui "I dont' want to feel like wasting my time but its for Raikage," said Omoi. "Guys. Look over there. There is a huge crowd of villagers. Perhaps we'll find the Hokage over there," said Samui.
Switch Scene to Kisame:
(He is walking over an ocean of water.)
"Looks like I'm all alone on this one. Its been a long time," smiled Kisame. (He pictures walking alongside Itachi.)
Next Chapter: Team Samui Contacts the Leaf
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Status: Prediction
Naruto 451 “The Plunge”
The long, oak table, where Konoha and the Land of Fire’s top officials gathered, was shocked at the Fire ruler’s sudden outburst, particularly Shikaku.
“It is decided, Danzo shall be the Sixth Hokage of Konoha,” declared the Fire Daimyo to sparse applause from his retainers and scowls from the assembled shinobi, outside of the Elders who seemed undecided.
“My lord, as jonin representative I really must protest, perhaps a vote among the chunins and jonins would better reflect the majority’s belief that Hatake Kakashi is the best successor to the Fifth,” reasoned Shikaku.
Seeing his only bastion of firm support, the Daimyo and his retainers, waiver Danzo jumped to his feet.
“The cowardly Third and those who follow his philosophy have brought this village to near ruin, after years of the Third, it’s only right that a man of action is put in charge. We cannot have votes in a time of emergency such as now, we must be swift and relentless in showing the other villages our strength” the “Root” leader retorted.
“Enough!” bellowed the strange Daimyo, “We’ve made our decision: Konoha is under your command Danzo, do not let us down.” With that the Land of Fire’s political elite followed their master out of the airy conference chamber.
Danzo gets to his feet and walks past Shikaku to the exit, where two masked ‘Root’ members await their commanding officer.
Shikaku glances dangerously at Danzo and rushes to an alternative exit to warn Kakashi to look after the bed-ridden Fifth.
Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Shizune sombrely surround Tsunade, the once stunningly beautiful Senju princess. Covered in easily seen wrinkles and her face robbed of its youthful lustre, Sakura could barely hold back her tears. Her master, the medical genius of Konoha, was still in a coma and even Shizune was unsure if she could recover.
I promise to make you proud, Tsunade-sama! Please be around to watch me grow into someone you can be truly call your apprentice....Sakura mentally pleaded as Naruto and Kakashi got up to fetch some food and water for their exhausted comrades.
“I am sure Tsunade-sama will recover,” Shizune quietly surmised. “She needs you more than ever Sakura, you’re her legacy in Konoha, her gift to the village.”
“Why me, you’re her first pupil Shizune-sempai!’
“I may be her first, but you are her favourite,” declared Shizune with one of her trademark radiant smiles.
Outside of the large tent for the Fifth, an entire unit of ANBU ‘Root’ lay in wait for the confirmation from the Sixth. The 4-man unit stays hidden behind the large trees surrounding the tent, grasping their standard-issue ninjatos.
Samui, Omoi and Karui march to the make-shift tent city built where Konoha once was and are pointed to the largest tent, the new office of the Hokage.
“I wonder who it is...,” ponders Omoi, “maybe they chose a hottie as their leader like last time! Or maybe she’ll be a beast like that’s depressing.”
Omoi barely ducked under the barrage of shuriken thrown by his angered teammate. They managed to reach the large, but amazingly drab tent that was the Hokage’s new residence. All around masked ANBU were on guard and only after showing their Land of Fire permits were they let in to meet with the new shinobi ruler.
Samui’s beautiful face erupted in confusion when she saw Danzo sit on a makeshift throne, surrounded by his sychophantic operatives.
That man! He was Raikage-sama’s ally in Konoha about 4 years ago, how did he become Hokage so soon? Was it a coup as they had discussed? That’d explain the heavy guard... she pondered, ignoring the looks from her teammates. “Welcome to Konoha, Cloud ninja. I am the lord and master of this village, the Rokudaime Hokage,” Danzo bragged with a smile from ear-to-ear.
Naruto and Kakashi gather water at a nearby stream only to have Shikaku run up, out of breath and rambling incoherently.
“Danzo...he... the Fire Daimyo....he’s the Sixth!” exploded the jonin representative.
The son and former pupil of the Fourth could only gaze at Shikamaru’s father with utter confusion and allow the man to re-gain his breath.
“It’s Danzo, he overcame my objection, he’s the newly appointed Sixth!” he finally blurted after several rasping breaths.
Naruto’s eyes grew in shock as Kakashi’s one eye narrowed menacingly.
Next time! Naruto 452: The Will of Fire Extinguished?
Status: Prediction
Naruto Chapter 451
Shikaku is pissed about this decision while Danzou is already taking out some blueprints. "This is the right decision Daimiyo. I already prepared blueprints for rebuilding for such a case because I knew under the old lead this will happen at some point." Danzou says.
"Fine, fine Rokudaime. Since I have to bear the costs for rebuilding this is a good opportunity to look at them." The fire Daimyo thoughtful says.
"Of cours lord. I kept the cost as low as possible. You sure will be pleased." he conspiritional says.
Shikaku now is really pissed. "Wait a moment sire. Shouldn't we at least listen to what Kakashi says. He just visits the unconscious Tsunade to see if she has awaken."
"Indeed, if she awakens there won't be any need to appoint another Hokage right now to protect the village. I accept this pledge." The Daimyo agrees.
Danzou is now the one who is enraged but for now he can't change things. "besides of this I wonder if he has something to counter Danzous arguments" the Daimyo concludes.
Scene Switch Akatsuki Hideout
"I have to speak with Sasuke and his Team." Madara said.
He goes where Sauske is supposed to be at the moment. but He and his Team already left.
"Where the hell is he? I know he is somewhere between here and Konoha. I am totally not in the mood to search him now..."
Switch scene to Kakashi and Naruto.
"So this is how she really looks... even older than old man Sandaime was. Just skin and bones..." Naruto noticed. (note no panel with her old body is seen)
"Well, she already is over 50 and the side effect of her Genesis Rebirth causes and speed up of aging." Kakashi commented.
"Yeah she doesn't look healthy." Naruto adds. "Shizune will she be all right?" he asked.
Sakura already left the shelter because she couldn't bear seeing her master that weak and pathetic.
"She sure will but it could take weeks or even months. It doesn't seem she will wake up soon. For this time we need a temporary Hokage." Shizune spoke.
"I vote for Kakashi sensai, he is strong and
"Thank you Naruto but I wonder why you won't claim the titel now, after all you just safed the village and beat an enemy not even she or me would stand a chance." Kakashi surprised mentioned.
"Sensei, I still have much to learn before I can be Hokage and I'm sure Jiraya, old geezer, Tsunade and my father would agree with me." he says calm.
Kakashiand Shizune are shocked. "Your father?!"
"Yes, I recently learned the fourth was my father. I tell you more another time but I want to know more about him, do you know something? Can you tell me about my mother as well?" Naruto sad asked.
Kakashi starts to tell a little story. "Well, I can tell you much about him, after all Namikaze Minato was my senpai for a while as well but this is for another time. Regarding your mother not much. I didn't knew her. Tsunade or jiraya would suit besser for this because the fought along Uzumaki Kushina and the former whirlpool country in the last war as well. All I know is short after your birth and because of shinobi shortage which forced her, she vanished on a mission. We assume she is already dead though we don't know, she was pretty strong."
"I see, so why did no one tell me about my heriage." he wondered.
"To protect you from Minatos foes. Because he was so strong and famous he had many enemys, many strong enemies." Kakashi ended.
"I understand but at least I know now there names." Naruto spoke with a soften voice.
"We can talk more another time Naruto. Right now an emergency meeting is held and we should soon go before our rather dim daimyo decides wrong. Tsunade won't awaken soon anyway." Kakashy spoke in a rush.
"We?" Naruto asked.
"Yes, we!" he repeated. "After all you were the one defeating Pain and therfore deserves to have a voice as well in it, besides you will learn something important for a future Hokage" he ends while swirling Narutos hair.
"Thank you sensai" were Narutos last words before the head towards the meeting place.
End of chapter. Next week Narutos opinion.
by: Freakout
Status: Prediction
Naruto 451: A New Pathway Emerges
Naruto, kikashi, yamoto, shikaku, sakura, sai, and shikimaru are all sitting around a camp fire in a field with tents near by. The light shines upon their faces with ominous glow. They all look shocked as they stare at naruto.
Kakashi: "So that is the story of pain. A very interesting story indeed. When this is over you will definately have to write about this."
Shikaku: "Indeed. What you have learned in the last day may be some of the most important information we have ever gotten thus far not only on danzou but also on akatsuki."
Naruto: "But what about the vision I had of my father?"
Shikimaru: "It is possible that pain was trying to inflitrate your mind to force you to not release the seal."
Yamoto: "That is very unlikely. Only someone who understands the seal could regress it as far back as it has become. If not for that than you would surely have been killed had you broken the seal naruto. I guess you can thank your father for saving your life."
Kakashi has a flash back to the fourth hokage teaching him the rasengan in the field for the first time.
Kakashi: "All I know is your father would be very proud of you for what you have done today and Im sure dead or not he will always be with you."
Sai is reading through a book then stops and pulls out some meat from a bag.
Sai: "Anyone hungry? I hear its a common traditions for people to sit in front of a camp fire together and tell ghost stories or sing songs."
Naruto: "....."
Sakura hits Sai over the head.
Sakura: "Now is not the time to joke about ghosts during times like these."
Shikaku gets a concerned look and looks at shikimaru who nods in agreement.
Shikaku: "So what should we do about Danzou? If what you say is correct and then there is sufficient evidence to prove danzou has committed treason."
Kakashi: "Do you think we could get a private audience with the daimyo?"
Shikaku: "Unlikely. Danzou is already making efforts to tighten down any efforts to stop any dissent to his becoming hokage."
Naruto: "What if we forced our way in with a distraction. We might then be able to get into see the Daimyo."
Shikimaru: "Its possible but very unwise. Since the attack the security around konoha has become increasingly tight. Sure many of them are not in good shape since the attack but it would be unwise to make any forced effort."
A figure emerges from the shadows and heads towards the fire. Its Neji and Guy. The others are surprised when they see them appear.
Guy: "We could not help but over hear your conversation. We may have some good news to inform you about. Anbu is searching for you and requesting that you head to the council chambers tomorrow morning."
Naruto: "What for?"
Neji: "They want to hear what information you have gathered thus far on akatsuki."
Shikaku: "Than I guess we do not need to force the daimyo to listen to us. I guess the fate of the village is in your hands now Naruto. Maybe you can do what I could not and convince the daimyo not to make danzou hokage."
Naruto: "I will try my best."
Team Samui is sitting on a rock overlooking the village along with an anbu black ops ninja nearby looking on at the village.
Karui: "All this was done by one ninja?!"
Omoi: "Must have been one hell of a battle. How many people faught in this battle?"
Samui: "Actually there was several ninja that did this but its kind of complicated since there is a lot of wierd things that happened during this fight."
Omoi: "What kind of wierd things?"
Samui: "Its too long and difficult to explain. The good thing is the fight is over and now akatsuki may have lost not only their strongest fighters but also their leader."
Karui: "Does that mean we can leave now? There is nothing much to do here and I doubt there will be any cute rich guys to date."
Omoi: "Maybe if you actually spent more than just a few minutes staring at the village from a distance and showing some skin you may get lucky."
Karui gets angry and gets ready to charge at Omoi.
Samui: "Cool it you two. We will be leaving this village soon. Besides I just got a request from the Daimyo of the fire country. He has asked that we accept an assignment on our trip back home."
Omoi looks at samui with a curious eye while looking down at the village.
Omoi: "What kind of assignment?"
The council chamber is shown from the outside. Inside many of the people in the room are sitting intently looking at Naruto. Two of the council members are shocked. One of them has a concerned look while another is look at danzou. Danzou is visably shaken while wearing a hokage outfit. The daimyo is looking at naruto with obvious interest.
Daimyo: "So that is how akatsuki was formed? The ambitions of children threatened by war. I had expected there would be something greater but this is interesting."
Danzou: "Are you seriously gonna take this story as being true. It is barely accurate."
One of the elders looks at danzou with a stern look.
Elder: "So this whole attack could have been avoided long ago. Is that not true danzou?"
Danzou: "I made the best decisions I could at that time. If had more resources than maybe I could have stopped akatsuki before this happened."
Daimyo: "What is in the past is in the past. There is nothing that can be done about this now except to use what information we have now. While your actions have indeed been questionable danzou. I can not fault you for trying to eliminate akatsuki even if it meant making an alliance as unwise as what you made."
Danzou smiles and Shikaku gets noticeably upset.
Shikaku: "But he was responcible for provoking the wrath of akatsuki. If not for that than akatsuki could very well have been our allies."
Elder looks sternly at Shikaku. Kakashi puts his hand on shikaku's shoulder and shakes his head.
Daimyo: "The matter of Danzou's actions in the past is done. The more important issue now is dealing with akatsuki in its present form. To that end I am reccomending that Naruto present this information at the meeting of hokages."
Danzou gets upset and looks at naruto with an angry look.
Danzou: "The words of mere genin are meaningless during a time like this. Allow me to present the evidence. Besides this boy is in mortal danger with akatsuki now more than ever attempting to capture him."
Naruto gets indignant and stands up looking at danzou in anger.
Naruto: "I can defend myself just find Danzou. Have you forgotten it was I who defeated Pain?"
Kakashi: "Easy naruto. As much as I hate to say it but I have to agree with Danzou this time. Naruto is not safe alone. If I may I would like to volunteer as his bodyguard and protector."
One of the elders whispers something into the Daimyo's ear and he raises an eyebrow.
Daimyo: "That will be unnecessary kakashi. Apparently the cloud village has already sent a group to inform us concerning the meeting of hokages. It is therefore my decision that you naruto shall accompany this group back to the cloud village where you will attend the meeting of hokages."
A knock sounds at the door and a masked anbu black ops ninja goes over and opens the door.
Daimyo: "With that out of the way. Naruto let me now introduce you to your new bodyguards enroute to the cloud village and your future bodyguards, Team Samui."
Team Samui looks stands in the door way. They are smiling and looking at everyone in the room. Samui looks at naruto with a serious expression.
Samui: "Pack your things and say your good byes naruto. We leave at sunset tonight."
by: jeanericuser
Status: Prediction
Chapter 451
Feudal lord: However, Your opponent will be Uzumaki Naruto.
Danzou: SAY WUT?!! He is only a mere child. A container for the demon.
Shikaku: You. Know Danzou. Naruto has done more for this village than you.
Burocrats: Ah yes. He saved us from the sand and defeated Pain.
Danzou: Imbeciles. Don't you see he has caused a huge burden on us?! The village is in this shape because of him. Akatsuki would of never come here if it hadn't been for the Fourth!
Old Man advisor: True. But Naruto is still a mere genin.
Feudal Lord: Bring Uzumaki Naruto here.
*The fodder nin go and seek out Naruto*
-- Scene switch to Naruto --
Naruto: I'm exhausted. Wow Tsuande looks old.
Tsuande true form is shown. She looks like an old woman.
Tsuande springs up
Tsuande: IM OLD?!!! YOU MAYBE SAVED THE VILLAGE! BUT! *Drives her fist into Naruto's face sending him tumbling out of the tent.
Omoi: Whoa. We have a hostile. *Watches Naruto tumbling comes to a close in front of him.*
Omoi: Are you alright little dude?
Naruto: Who the hell are you?
Omoi: We have come from the hidden cloud village to inform the hokage about our 8 tails being captured by Akatsuki.
Naruto Gets up. What does Akatsuki got to do with Konoha?
Omoi: Sasuke Uchiha has captured our Jinchuuriki. He is now in Akatsuki.
Naruto is petrified.
-- End.
by: Silverblade
Status: Long Term Predictions
by: Naruto the Toad Sannin
Here is my long long term prediction.
451-60: Naruto is outraged and tries to stop danzou, as he is a bout to protest, Cloud nin explain about akatsuki and explain that the rock and mist villages plan to start war with leaf ans sand , so cloud lly with them, Sasuke invades. Sasuke is about to murder elders..... Naruto saku and kakashi stop them..........
Saku vs. Karin
Naruto vs. Sasuke
kakshi vs. Jugo.
461-470: Kakashi wins so does sakura, The eldars see how heroic Naruto is...... Sasuke explains what eldars did..... Naruto gets pissed at eldars.
(btw whole area has been wrecked by battle and all of Konoha are fighting Snakes sasuke summoned and Suiguistu Monster sharks.)
Sasuke attacks eldars , Naruto stops him explaining killing won't change anything.......... it breeds hate ( he basically does whole peace thing)
Naruto thinks he has moved sasuke... but sasuke makes intellegent comment that destroys naruto ideals........ Naruto goes mad and goes sage mode and says ......"We'll always be different , you can't find peace or forgiveness your a monster." Sasuke gets offended and goes mangekyou...
Final battle begins.Danzou is revealed to have ordered Itachi.... in one chapter we see Tobi talking to Danzou, calling
We see battle Kisame vs. Hachibi start. Kisame and Hachibi fight for three chapters they are now using their ulitmate jutsu.
471-80: Kisame is nearly killed but protected by an amaretsu Itachi sealed inside his sword. A spirit Itachi tells him , though he is against Kisame he still thanks him for being his partener and to changehis ways. Kisame ignores him and is defeated by Hachibis ultimate jutsu which drives him to the earths core. We see breif battle with Kabutomaru. He has been defeated in unseen Battle sai leaves, explaining he has something to do.
Battle with Naruto vs. Sasuke reaches its conclusion, after a huge summon and jutsu battle, Konoha is in ruin again and it is raining and stormy.
Sai kills tsunade, Sakura fights him in the rain. She is stopped by Danzou, who explains he ordered him, and that he had two reasons, he wants to be hokage and Akatsuki odered for the dead bodies of all three sanin....
Sakura is beaten up bad. Sasuke and naruto use final Jutsu's, it is thundery and Gamabunta and Susanoo are locked in sword lock and Naruto is preparing a Giant rasengan and sauke is preparing Nagashi Chidori..... they clash, Naruto wins.... he hits sasuke forehead. Itachis gift is that naruto had a genjutsu message from Itachi........ Itachi tells sasuke that the elder Danzou ordered itachi to kill the clan or he would kill sasuke.. He then explains Danzou is a Uchiha and Madaras Little brother. Madara ordered Danzou to order him and Itachi finishes by saying Akatsuki are playing Sasuke from both sides, as Madara needs sasuke's his mangekyou to complete his eternal. one. He adds that Naruto is not a bad person and that he is the one who truly cares about Sasuke.
Madara is seen killing Hachibi
481-90: Sasuke doesn't forgive Konoha but apoligizes to Naruto , explaining he is now an Allie of "new konoha".
Konohas battles all end. they are about to gather roung the mountain where sasuke and Naruto and Hawk and the eldars are. They are about to attack sasuke when. Danzou and Madara Demon Winged lion. The eldars ask if Madara was behind it... Tobi takes of his mask
........... reveal the burnt and old face of Madara Uchiha. and Danzou reveales his Sharingan.........Madara explains the end is near and they will be back for Naruto...and Sasuke.
The cloud see the dead Hachibi and go Mad...........
491-95: Kakashi is Made Hokage. Danzou join Akatsuki. New memebers include a phycho from Iwagakure and a very "special member.!" (yondaimes brother) Madara explains their plans. There is a new rinnengan holder who is hidden by shadow.. He absorbs the eight tailed beast. The gado mazo breaks hand cuffs and makes tiger hand sign in fron of its mouth. it goes black and Purple.
Naruto goes away to train, so does sakura and Sasuke. Sai is forgiven by Naruto after a long talk
496: We see the new Rinnengan holders paths.......... Madara smiles evily.they are very familiar.
Hungry Ghost-Orochimaru in Kabutomaro form, but he is completely orochimaru now.
Asura-First Hokage
Naraka- Second Hokage.
Deva-the Forth
The real body...a Reincarnated Sage of the six paths.... who is insane!
Madara reveals a prophecy where there will be 2 rinnengan users in history, the last will be one of pure emotionless. He explains that hiss great grandfater killed Th sage of 6 paths in order to create sharingan and he has now brought him back using genjutsu.. He explains soon Konoha will be destroyed.
End of Part 2 (End of Naruto Shippuden)
Status: Predictions/Theories
-Naruto will seek the aid of Konan and Rain country, Konan wants Naruto's vision of peace to come true and hates Danzo.
-Sasuke shows up and confronts Danzo in Kohona. Plans to eliminate Him and the elders.
-Danzo's past deals are exposed by Fusasuku (Pa Frog), Naruto, and or Raikage and Cloud Team?
-Civilians and Ninja are outraged by suggestion and rebel.
-Civil War between Tsunade Loyalist and ROOT Anbu.
-Naruto and those who believe in him follow Naruto to Rain/Sand country in exile.
-Naruto fights against Danzo and ROOT anbu
*Danzo may or may not actual be Hokage some sources are saying he is nominating himself to be hokage, considering the Ninja backing Kakashi this might be true.
by: Ironside
I felt so proud for Naruto as if I'm from Konoha too! I would give Naruto a hero's welcome too! He deserves it! In fact, I alsmost cried at this:
But this is something I didn't like - oh well, you know I'm more of a NaruHina anyway. Sakura is always so harsh, can't she just say thank you without snarling and hitting??

by: Ironside
I felt so proud for Naruto as if I'm from Konoha too! I would give Naruto a hero's welcome too! He deserves it! In fact, I alsmost cried at this:
CLICK Image to Enlarge

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