For the Sasu-Saku Fans - as promised here are Fan Fics for you! As for the Naru-Hina Fans, I have added several more Fan Fics for you!

Read Naruto Chapter 443 Predictions, Discussions & Spoilers

Read Naruto Chapter 443 Predictions, Discussions & Spoilers

Read Naruto Chapter 443 Predictions, Discussions & Spoilers

read next chapter: Naruto 443
Status: CONFIRMED (as per WSJ Preview)We'll be getting a Naruto and Sasuke colour page next week. Furthermore in the WSJ preview, it mentions something about a chronicle mini-book of Naruto, 36 pages long.
Here's the colour page we will be getting:
CLICK Image to Enlarge

This one mentioned about the Mini-Book

by: Heji-Sama
Status: CONFIRMED Spoiler
SJ cover is of Naruto( and Sakura and Kakashi)
Spine is of Sasuke
There's a pullout: "10th Chronicle Book"[or something like that]
(You'll know the history of 10 years of Naruto if you look at it)
Two-page colored cover: Left half has young Konan, Orochimaru(Nagato) and Yahiko. Below that, is how they are of the current day. Right half is exactly the same, only with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura instead.
Now, details of the color pages:
Everyone is standing around Sakura & Hinata. Sakura is healing Hinata. (Huge emphasis on Hinata's breasts. [Their size:] three cupfuls of rice.[or something like that])
Sakura is talking about how/why it came to be like this. Seems like she's thinking along the lines of "This is for Naruto's sake..."[OR "This is because Naruto...", I'm not sure.]
Gai: Let's go and back Naruto up!!
[Something about Katsuya telling Gai that'll they'll get in the way, and that Naruto left the village in their care, or something like that. Not sure]
[Long story, short, of Naruto VS Pain:]
Naruto does an attack with KB and Rasengan. Pain evades the attack. Naruto does decides to do a Tajuu KB, and have all of them throw debris at Pain, or something. Pain deflects them all, and kills every one of them except two. Pain tells Naruto to give up. Naruto fires up another FRS. Pain thinks he's safe at his range. Naruto tells Pain that he's given up... on giving up. And then some shit about a successful attack with KB and Rasengan.
The end.
by: nightjumper
Status: CONFIRMED Spoiler
Colour page. Everyone stands in a circle, with Sakura healing Hinata in the center. (Hinata's boobs are emphasized. This alone can make people feel like eating 3 cupful of rice)
People are wondering how this happened.
Sakura thinks to herself: She did it because of Naruto.
Gai says they're going to help Naruto. He seems to be in high spirit.
But Katsuyu tells him not to, because he would only get in the way. Naruto has his own plan and they should let him handle it alone.
Team Gai gets treated like air.
Scene changes to Naruto.
Double FRS. In order to prevent Tendou from dodging it, Naruto tries to grab his legs with 2 KB. But Tendou produces black rods from both his hands, and dodges the FRS attack.
(Sage mode ends)
100 Naruto who previously disguised as huge amounts of debris charge toward Tendou altogether.
However, they fail to beat the time interval and get blown away, except for 3, who then makes a Rasengan.
Tendou: (That one can't be thrown. It is nothing at this range.)
"Brat who couldn't answer my question, give it up!" so he lectures Naruto.
Naruto: What I'm going to give up... is my real body!
Then he lets 2 KB throw his real body towards Tendou and the chapter ends with him hitting Tendou with a Rasengan.
Tendou shouts at Naruto, “Those who can’t produce an answer should….give up!” (The spoiler writer can’t remember the lines exactly)
ナルト 俺が諦めるのを…諦めろ!
Naruto: Maybe you should give up on…me giving up!
*As Naruto says this the two kagebunshin throw Naruto and the chapter ends with Naruto and the Rasengan hitting Tendou Pain.
Status: CONFIRMED Spoiler
ジャンプ表紙はナルト (ナルト・サクラ・カカシの3人)
The cover of Jump is Naruto (Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi)
The little picture on the spine of Jump is Asuma
とじこみ付録で 10thクロニクル・ブックが付属
There is a “10th Chronicle Book” included in this issue of Jump
(It’s basically a summary of the last 10 years of Naruto)
The two page color spread is of Konan, Nagato and Yahiko as children and as they are now
With Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke on the other page as children and as they are now
The color page is of everybody surrounding Sakura as she heals Hinata
(Spoiler Person comment about the sheer size of Hinata’s boobs)
As everyone talks about how all this could have happened (Pain coming, Konoha getting blown up, etc.)
サクラ (ナルトの為にこんな事を…)みたいな事思う
Sakura thinks something along the lines of “You'd do all this for Naruto's sake…” (likely thinking about Hinata)
Gai says that he will go help Naruto!!
But Katsuyu tells him that he’ll just get in the way so he shouldn’t go…
Katsuyu says that Naruto has an idea so they should leave it to him
Another comment from the spoiler person comment insulting Team Gai.
Scene changes to Naruto
The two kagebunshin try to grab Tendou’s feet so Pain can’t dodge the second Rasenshuriken but Pain produces black rods from each of his hands and manages to dodge the second Rasenshuriken.
(Sage mode is now over)
大量のガレキに変化していたナルト100人位が一斉に天道めがけて攻撃を仕掛けるが時間切れで 全員吹っ飛ば されてしまうが
Around 100 or so Naruto’s who had used Henge to turn into debris around the battlefield all pounce on Tendou Pain at once but they run out of time and Pain uses his technique to push them all away.
The remaining three Narutos then produce a Rasengan.
天道 (あれは飛ばないこの距離なら大丈夫だ)
Tendou (thinking): That version of the technique can’t fly so I should be fine at this distance.
Tendou shouts at Naruto, “Those who can’t produce an answer should….give up!” (The spoiler writer can’t remember the lines exactly)
ナルト 俺が諦めるのを…諦めろ!
Naruto: Maybe you should give up on…me giving up!
*As Naruto says this the two kagebunshin throw Naruto and the chapter ends with Naruto and the Rasengan hitting Tendou Pain.
by: Nightjumper
Status: CONFIRMED Spoiler
Cover page is Naruto, Sakaru and Kakashi.
Side cover is Asuma. Color page is young Konan, Nagato and Yahiko three people on the left. And Sakaru, Naruto and Sasuke on the right.
HINATA receive treatment from Sakura is on color page
People are thinking why it's happened.
Sakura's thinking about hinata (doing such things for Naruto ...)
Gai: Let go to backup Naruto!
Katsuyui: Don't go. Naruto has his own idea. Just leave this to Naruto.
Scene changes to Naruto:
Naruto uses rasen shuriken twice. Naruto uses two kage bunshins to hold Tendou's legs. Tendou grabs black rods from two hands and both rasen shurkens missed.
(Sage mode is over)
Before there are about 100 bunshins pretended to be rocks. They all attack to Tendou at the same time but they all get blowed away.
Only three bunshins left and make a rasengan.
Tendou: That one cannot be thrown so the distance would not be too far. You cannot answer my question before. You should give up!
Naruto responds that what he would give up his body instead.
Then two bunshins throw the real Naruto to Tendou. Naruto hits Tendou with rasengan. Chapter ends.
Another translation by Nightjumper
SJ cover is of Naruto( and Sakura and Kakashi)
Spine is of Asuma
There's a pullout: "10th Chronicle Book"[or something like that]
(You'll know the history of 10 years of Naruto if you look at it)
Two-page colored cover: Left half has young Konan, Orochimaru(Nagato) and Yahiko. Below that, is how they are of the current day. Right half is exactly the same, only with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura instead.
Now, details of the color pages:
Everyone is standing around Sakura & Hinata. Sakura is healing Hinata. (Huge emphasis on Hinata's breasts. [Their size:] three cupfuls of rice.[or something like that])
Sakura is talking about how/why it came to be like this. Seems like she's thinking along the lines of "This is for Naruto's sake..."[OR "This is because Naruto...", I'm not sure.]
Gai: Let's go and back Naruto up!!
[Something about Katsuya telling Gai that'll they'll get in the way, and that Naruto left the village in their care, or something like that. Not sure]
[Long story, short, of Naruto VS Pain:]
Naruto does an attack with KB and Rasengan. Pain evades the attack. Naruto does decides to do a Tajuu KB, and have all of them throw debris at Pain, or something. Pain deflects them all, and kills every one of them except two. Pain tells Naruto to give up. Naruto fires up another FRS. Pain thinks he's safe at his range. Naruto tells Pain that he's given up... on giving up. And then some shit about a successful attack with KB and Rasengan.
The end.
Info about the movie, huh? Well, I didn't watch much of it, but...
Something about other countries bloodline limits being abducted one by one, and it's close to outbreak of a Great Ninja War as nobody wants to claim responsibilty for it. Kakashi becomes a nukenin, or something...(I don't remember all of it)
by Anonymous Poster below
What I am anticipating in the next chapter is the promise that the battle of Sage Mode Naruto and Nagato/Deva Pein will be in FULL COLOR!!! I don't know about you guys - but a full color manga makes it really, really good especially Naruto 442 will be a heated battle between the two. Now these are my thoughts...
Why is it that SASUKE will be with NARUTO on Next Week's Colored Pages???
Does this mean that Sasuke will show up in the next chapter??? These are the Naruto-Pein chapter! I just hope Kishi won't re-introduce sasuke in a heated confrontation between SM Naruto and Nagato.
Status: Prediction
Danzou was planning this stuff from the beginning. Remember how he killed that messenger frog? CLICK Image below:

If Danzo didnt kill the frog Naruto would have been alerted much sooner. He would have then headed to Konoha in time to lead Pein away from the village. Damage to the village would have been prevented. Lives would have been saved. Tsunade would have been proven right. Naruto would have been made a hero. Peace would have come to Konoha and everyone would be happy. Everyone except Danzo.
Danzo wants to become Hokage and in order to create that chance he needed to make tsunade seem incompetent. What better time then when the village is under attack.
Now because Danzo killed the frog Naruto showed up too late. The village has been demolished and many Ninjas have lost their lives. Tsunade was also unable to stop pein. If Danzo were to jump in and kill pein he could steal the spot light and blame all of konoha's failings on tsunade. The only thing standing in his way right now is Naruto.
Personally Im really excited for the next chapter. I feel ive been waiting forever to see Danzo show his true colors and it looks like its about that time. *crosses fingers*
by: Gb-rish
Status: Prediction (Opinion)
I've been reading a lot of posts about Sasuke showing up, Madera showing up, or Nagato dieing... but none of them strike me as very 'Kishi'
I'm going with the next chapter being;
Shadow Rasen-Shuriken hits, or, two Rasengans coming from the the sides right after... at any rate its going to take out Pain.
Naruto goes to where Nagato is and confronts him.
Nagato tells Konan not to interfere (or sends her away while Naruto is on his way)
Nagato pulls a 'Darth Vader' and tries to get Naruto to kill him so that his point is made that Pain only spreads more Pain.
Naruto instead tells him that he has lost as well (flash shot of the 4th) but that the people you have lost live on inside of you and it's for them you should not give into revenge. (flash shot of sasuke)
Chapter ends with Nagato crying because Naruto did that thing Naruto does
by: cgloki
2. You are a GONER Pein!!
CLICK Image to Enlarge

- * Hinata will live
- * Pa Frog and Ma Frog is dead
- * Kakashi will also live (see Kakashi's Face Revealed!!)
- * Shizune - no hope for her

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