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(this is the most complete translation - enjoy reading! special thanks to mangahelpers)
Ino: Shikamaru!
Ino, Ino's dad, ANBU, ANBU carrying Shizune arrives in Shikamaru's location
Shiho: ?!
シカマル:! いの無事だったのか!?
Shikamaru: ! Ino, are you okay?!
イノ:うん… でも…シズネさんが…
Ino: Yes... But... Shizune-san...
Shikamaru: Oi... That's...
Scene Change
ガマブンタ:わりゃくそが!(体中の骨がいってもうとるがな! 痛いっっ…!)他の蛙達も倒れてる
Gamabunta: ****! My whole body hurts all over! Ouch...!
The other frogs are also down.
Scene goes back to Shikamaru
Shikamaru: I see... That's terrible...
Shizune is laid down
Ino: If only we were more careful... This wouldn't have...
シカマル:…シズネ先輩の死を無駄にはできねェ…先輩が解こうとしたペインの謎を解き明かして その本体ってのを見つけ出すまでは泣き言はなしだ!
Shikamaru: ... We can't let Shizune-senpai's death be for nothing...
We must solve and reveal the mystery of Pain that senpai was working on until the real body is found.
シカク:…シカマル もう少しやんわりとだな…
Shikaku:... Shikamaru, take it easy...
イノ父:いや シカマルの言う通りだ シカク 我々のできる事は すげにでもペインの本体の居場所を探し出すことだ
Inoichi: No, Shikamaru's right, Shikaku. What we can do now is find Pain's whereabout.
シカク:いのいち… お前ほどと術者なら 敵のチャクラを拾って 逆探できるハズだろ!?
Shikaku: Inoichi... With you and your jutsu, can't you find him by picking up the enemy's chakra?!
イノ父:…すでにやってみた が 敵は常にチャクラの周波を変えていやがる 逆探は無理だ
Inoichi:... I already tried but with the frequency of the enemy's chakra constantly changing, it's impossible.
Scene goes back to Naruto...
Fukasaku... was stabbed by Pain using the same sword Jiraiya was stabbed with
長門:かなりの やり手だよ
Deva-Pain: You're quite a fireball
Naruto falls over
Shima: Touchan!!
Naruto glares at Pain
ナルト:てめェ ホンっ…!!
Naruto: Bastard, I really..!!!
長門に殴りかかる が 長門刺さったフカサクを剣ごと振る フカサク剣から抜けナルトのとこに飛ぶ
Naruto tries to strike at Pain but Pain swings the sword still piercing Fukasaku.
Fukasaku gets thrown towards Naruto.
長門左手を上げ 万象天引
Deva-Pain raises his left hand and uses Banshou Ten-in (Pain's Attraction Jutsu)
ナルト動きが止まったところで長門 ナルトの首を掴む ナルト、フカサクを落とす 長門、ナルトを地面に叩きつける
Pain grabs Naruto's neck, Fukasaku is dropped, Naruto is then slammed into the ground by Pain
Naruto: Gwaaa!!
叩き着けたところで、長門ナルトの左手に剣を刺す ナルトの脳裏に輪廻眼が…
After he was slammed, Pain stabs Naruto in the left hand. Naruto thens sees the Rinnegan eyes in his mind...
Deva-Pain: Can't you calm down a little now, Nine-Tails?
Naruto: Ugugu...
フカサク倒れてる シマ涙流してる
Shima sheds some tears for the fallen Fukasaku
Naruto: Bastard, what are you?!! What the hell do you want?!! Why are you doing all this?!!
長門:何で…か… 出来事は いつも突然だ 理由は後になって気付く この状況… そうだな…少し話をしよう
Deva-Pain: Why?... Events always happen unexpectedly. The reasons for these circumstances are only realized after they happen... Fine... Let me tell you a little story
Scene goes to Shikamaru
シカマル:ペインと接触した人達からカツユを通して なるべく詳しく情報を集めるんだ 死んだ者も何かしらの情報をのこしてるかもしれねェ 死体を運び出してでも徹底的にやるぞ!
Shikamaru: Through Katsuyu, gather detailed information from the people who came in contact with Pain! Even the casualties might have left behind some information. Carefully carry out the dead bodies.
イノ父:…!(死体を運ぶ…) 待てよ…そうか分かってかたぞ!
Inoichi:...! (Carry out the dead bodies...) Wait!... I just realized something!
by: MH
435 万象天引 "Banshou Tenin" [Thanks to Hatifnatten for the Translation]
Cover page text:
435 万象天引 ジライヤをあやめ、カカシを奪い、里さえも潰した…その男は余りにも強かった。
435: Banshou Ten-in
Killing Jiraiya, Taking away Kakashi and destroying the village... and that man was extremely powerful

Frame 1:
Pein: xxx..this situation... I see. Let us have a little talk...
Frame 2:
Shikamaru: Gather information via Katsuyu from all the people that have come in contact with Pein. Get as much detailed information as possible.
Frame 3:
Shikamaru: Those that have passed away may have also left some information. We'll carry out dead bodies if we have to!
Frame 5:
Ino dad: ...! (carrying a dead body)
Frame 6:
wait... I think I (am beginning to) understand!
side text:
Stop Pein! As soon as possible!
by: 2ch-MH
additional CONFIRMED Spoiler:
by: MH - ensabahnur
Naruto unlocks the half-nelson, Hungry-Ghost Pain turns into stone and Naruto breaks free.
N: Daa!! (That's what it says)
P: Sage chakra... It seems it has that kind of risks
ナルト:これで お前一人だけだってばよ…
N: Now you are the only one left...
長門:うむ…それは 少し違うな
Hmmm... That's not exactly true
ナルト:? フカサク夫婦、祈り?何かの準備?
N: ? Fukasaku and Shima are praying? Are they preparing something?
N: What do you mean?
チビカツユ:このペイン達は あやつり人形です… 影で このペイン達を操ってる輩…本体がいるようです
Chibi-Katsuyu: These Pains are just puppets... There is someone controlling these Pains from the shadow... It looks like a true body exists
Deva-Pain's left hand is shown~
N: ?!
フカサク:よし!行くで 母ちゃん!
F: Yes! Let's go, Okaachan(Shima)!
S: Aiyo! (No idea)
フカサク幻術をかけようと? それとも長門の技?長門に引き寄せられる~
(Not sure) Was it done by Fukasaku's genjutsu? Or Pain's technique? Naruto and Fukasaku are getting pulled towards Pain
フカサク:!? うオッ!!ナルト:!? (じいちゃん仙人!!)
F: ?! Ugh!! N: ?! (Old-man Sennin!!)
Naruto & Fukasaku stops and then gets thrown
S: Touchan(Fukasaku)!
長門:あの幻術は もう懲りてるよ
P: Ive already seen that genjutsu
Naruto's Sage Chakra was absorbed...!!
Naruto: Not yet... It's not over yet...
Deva Pain: You are quite stubborn
While being held down by Hungry-Ghost Pain, Naruto's chakra is being absorbed
Naruto: ...!
Fukasaku: Please hold on, Naruto-chan!
Naruto: (Realizes something) I see...That's it... I'd better stay still...
Naruto closes his eyes, absorbs chakra, stays still... Hungry-Ghost Pain's face starts to turn into a frog...
Deva Pain: ?!
Naruto: It is difficult to handle natural energy!
Hungry-Ghost Pain's legs and face turns into a frog
Deva Pain: This is...
While watching Hungry-Ghost Pain, Fukasaku thinks "That Pain took too much Sage chakra from Naruto-chan, he became a stone frog!"
Note: 蛙石化 = Petrified frog
Naruto frees himself from the half-nelson
Deva Pain: !
Scene Change
Ino: Shikamaru!
Ino, Ino's dad, ANBU, ANBU carrying Shizune arrives in Shikamaru's location
Shiho: ?!
Shikamaru: ! Ino, are you okay?!
Ino: Yes... But... Shizune-san...
Shikamaru: Oi... That's...
Scene Change
Gamabunta: ****! My whole body hurts all over! Ouch...!
The other frogs are also down.
scene goes back to Shikamaru
Shikamaru: I see... That's terrible...
Shizune is laid down
Ino: If only we were more careful... This wouldn't have...
Shikamaru: ... We can't let Shizune-senpai's death be for nothing...
We must solve and reveal the mystery of Pain that senpai was working on until the real body is found.
Shikaku:... Shikamaru, take it easy...
Inoichi: No, Shikamaru's right, Shikaku. What we can do now is find Pain's whereabout.
Shikaku: Inoichi... With you and your jutsu, can't you find him by picking up the enemy's chakra?!
Inoichi:... I already tried but with the frequency of the enemy's chakra constantly changing, it's impossible.
by: MH
additional CONFIRMED Spoiler:
by: MH-ensabahnur
Naruto unlocks the half-nelson, Hungry-Ghost Pain turns into stone and Naruto breaks free.
N: Daa!! (That's what it says)
P: Sage chakra... It seems it has that kind of risks
ナルト:これで お前一人だけだってばよ…
N: Now you are the only one left...
長門:うむ…それは 少し違うな
Hmmm... That's not exactly true
ナルト:? フカサク夫婦、祈り?何かの準備?
N: ? Fukasaku and Shima are praying? Are they preparing something?
N: What do you mean?
チビカツユ:このペイン達は あやつり人形です… 影で このペイン達を操ってる輩…本体がいるようです
Chibi-Katsuyu: These Pains are just puppets... There is someone controlling these Pains from the shadow... It looks like a true body exists
Deva-Pain's left hand is shown~
N: ?!
フカサク:よし!行くで 母ちゃん!
F: Yes! Let's go, Okaachan(Shima)!
S: Aiyo! (No idea)
フカサク幻術をかけようと? それとも長門の技?長門に引き寄せられる~
(Not sure) Was it done by Fukasaku's genjutsu? Or Pain's technique? Naruto and Fukasaku are getting pulled towards Pain
フカサク:!? うオッ!!ナルト:!? (じいちゃん仙人!!)
F: ?! Ugh!! N: ?! (Old-man Sennin!!)
Naruto & Fukasaku stops and then gets thrown
S: Touchan(Fukasaku)!
長門:あの幻術は もう懲りてるよ
P: Ive already seen that genjutsu
by: MH- ensabahnur
Complete Translation:
Naruto :…. It absorbs my chakra …!
Fukasaku: Naruto Chan forgive me, you have to resist a little …
Pani naruto leaves absorb his chakra and he closes his eyes. It’s a plan!
It seems that Naruto wants his bread absorbs energy without resistance.
Pain sudden change: her eyes and her face and its members become those of a toad!
God Pein: “What!”
Fukasaku: Haha! Well done! Bread has absorbed too much natural chakra and that is why more and more it becomes a toad.
Naruto tries to escape.
Change of scene: You see Shikamaru Ino and Inoichi Anbu before Shizune.
Shikamaru: Oh no! Shizune is dead?
Ino :…..
The scene moves to Gamabunta.
Gamabunta: “**** …!” He seems to have a lot of broken bones. The two frogs are still on the ground, unconscious.
The scene Shikamaru & Company.
Shikamaru: I understand …..
Ino crying: If we were stronger ca would never come …!
Shikamaru: Shizune’s death should not be unnecessary, it was investigating the secret of Pein and his search for these products, we must move forward ….!
Shikaku: Go with your Jutsu Inoichi you must be able to understand the position of control Pein.
Inoichi: I know I tried, but Pein is able to control the chakra in a way that I know absolutely impossible to understand his position.
The scene back on Naruto.
Naruto tries to break free, Pain Fukasaku is black with a sword, the same who killed Jiraiya.
Fukasaku is heavily ground.
Pain turned Fukasaku: You’ve done a good job, but it ends here.
Shima desperately short Fukasaku: My darling!
Naruto falls on the ground.
Naruto: I do forgive thee never …
Pein: Banshyo Knin
Naruto is attracted to Pein, Pein is with the same weapon with which he attacked Fukasaku.
Pain hits Naruto.
Pein takes Naruto to the throat and threw on the ground with the black sword.
Fukasaku is on the ground with no signs of life with tears Shima him.
Pein: Kyuubi makes you against my Rinnegan
Naruto: Either cursed … Why you do this?
Pein: Why’…? I was too concentrated in the destruction of Konoha … But I see now that you remember why I made this …. And now I’ll tell you …
The scene returns to Shikamaru and co.
Shikamaru: Katsuyu Information is not enough, we need to know a little something more to develop a strategy, the bodies of people killed by Pein could have important information.
INOC bombed eyes: Wait a second … I understand, I know what to do.

the 3 big frogs are unconscious and seriously hurt.
The confirmed casualties number goes up to 100. Shizune is confirmed dead.
Nagato starts rambling at the end. (probably flashbacks next chapter)
by: MH-samir
Quick and rough summary:
Absorption Pain turns into a frog.
Ino and company arrives in Shikamaru's location.
Shizune is really dead.
Fukasaku helps Naruto get away from Pain but was stopped by Pain's
attraction jutsu.
Naruto gets stabbed by Pain in the left hand with the weird sword.
Shima sheds some tears for the fallen Fukasaku.
Naruto asks what the hell pain is.
Pain answers by saying, "What am I? Let's talk"
At the end, Ino's father realizes something important about Pain
by: ensabahnur

(honestly - I do not understand a thing!!! I read this script 6x - still i dont understand it *wink*, lets just rely on the summary instead *laughs*)
[naruto]… which 仙 technique
[chiyakura] was absorbed!!
[naruto]: Still…Still is…
Nagato: While it is stubborn making very the absorption pain feather intersecting tightening,
[chiyakura] [naruto] which enters into taking: …!
[hukasaku]: It withstands, [naruto]!
[naruto]: (Becomes the extent… whichSuch?… If…Don't you think? movement from [e] exactly good…) When you close the eye, are sucked up [chiyakura] and the ~ are not to move…Countenance of the absorption pain starts becoming the frog…
[naruto]: Energy of nature treatment is difficult, it is even! Absorption pain foot, in face and frog
Nagato: As for this… While looking at [hukasaku] circumstances, (taking in 仙 technique [chiyakura] from so, or that [peinnaruto] too much frog fossilizing, you close, [u] it is it is!) Nagato which it tries probably to remove the [naruto] feather intersecting tightening:! Scene change
[ino]: [shikamaru]! In the place of [shikamaru], [ino], the [ino] father, [shizuneshiho] which is shouldered in the dark space and the dark space:!?
[shikamaru]:! It is and being safe!?
[ino]: The [u] it is… So…[shizune]…
[shikamaru]: It is,…That [tsu] [te]…
Scene change [gamabunta]: [wa] [ri] [ya] [ku] [so]! (The bone in the body saying, already you take, but! Painful [tsu] [tsu]…!)Also the other frog collapsing, [shikamaru] which returns to [ru]
[shinshikamaru]: So?…Such a thing…
[shizune] lying, [ru]
[ino]: We more will be secure, cod…In such a thing… [shikamaru]: …
Death of [shizune] senior wastefully stamp [e]…Explaining the puzzle of the pain which it tries, that the senior probably will solve, until you find the substance [tsu] [te], it cries and it is the word releasing!
[shikaku]: … [shikamaru] already soft a little Toda…
[ino] father: Well, as for [shikaku] we who are as [shikamaru] said being able to do [shikaku] which is even in the [ge] which is done to find the address of the substance of the pain: To be, [chi]… If your extent and the specialist picking up [chiyakura] of the enemy, the [ro] which is the husband whom countermeasure it is possible!? [ino] father: … It tried doing already, but as for the enemy always changing the cycle of [chiyakura], as for the countermeasure which you dislike in [shinnaruto] which is unreasonable… [hukasaku]…The nagato sword (with sword which sticks [jiraiya]) Nagato which can be stuck: Considerably, it is the doing hand, [naruto] the sima which tumbles: Father!! [naruto]
[naruto] which is glared: [te] [me] [ehon] [tsu]…!! It starts to beat in Nagato, but Nagato it passes through from the [hukasaku] sword which every sword shakes [hukasaku] which sticks when [naruto] it lifts the Nagato left hand which it flies densely and being at the point where all creation advance deduction [naruto] movement stops, [naruto] which is accustomed to hitting Nagato and [naruto] which drop [naruto] and [hukasaku] which grasp the neck of Nagato
[naruto] in the land: [gu] oh!! Hitting you attach being the place where, sticks the sword to the left hand of Nagato [naruto] on the brain reverse side of [naruto] which the metempsychosis eye… Nagato: A little it becomes placid now? Nine tail [naruto]: [u] [gu] [gu]… [hukasaku] collapsing, the [ru] sima tear letting flow, [ru]
[naruto]: The [te] [me] - it is no what!!? Just even what is!!? Such a thing it does with something and the [ru]!!?
Nagato: With something…?… As for occurrence as for the reason which always is abrupt being afterwards, becomes aware this circumstance… which So shelf…[shinshikamarushikamaru] which a little will do story: Information is gathered if possible in detail, through [katsuyu] from the people who contacted with the pain also the person who it is and dies leaving the information of some oak, and others don't you think? the [ru] causing [re] even with carrying out the [e] corpse, thorough, you do! [ino] father: …! (… where the corpse is carried) Wait…Understanding whether so one! End.
by: 2ch
(honestly - I do not understand a thing!!! I read this script 6x - still i dont understand it *wink*, lets just rely on the summary instead *laughs*)
CLICK IMAGE to enlarge

Cover of Jump (No.11)
by: jump.shueisha
Status: UNCONFIRMED Spoiler
Chapter begins with a person running to battle direction;
Pain prepare yourself to leave konoha;
Katsuyu tell to everyone about naruto it's unconscious and captured;
Gamabunta got up much exhausted and attack pain, pain throw him far again;
The toads begins sing a genjutsu song;
Pain perceives that have already heard something like this, it remember the fight against jiraiya;
Gamakichi it's behind of ancients toads, fat pain come on they direction;
Fat pain fall on genjutsu, he's hackled for gamakichi;
The toads stay asking yourself why tendou doesn't fall on genjutsu;
Tendou throw all the toads far with shinra tensei, they appears exhausted;
Fukasaku unroll the naruto parchment;
Tendou begins to run with naruto to leave konoha, close to leave the city, he stop;
Hinata it's forward tendou;
Hinata: I won't let you take naruto-kun, even if i die!
by: naruto-manga.com
Status: UNCONFIRMED Spoiler
Pain: - The Kyuubi is captured, mission complete.
Madara: - Ok, head out.
Pain: - Ok.
"Pain looks around and see Ma and Pa Chanting"
Pain: - That won't work on God again.
"Closeup on Pa:s face, he's sweating"
Inside Narutos mind at the Fox gate:
"Naruto wakes" - What? But I'm not done yet..
Fox: - your Weak Naruto. Release me! I will tear him apart!
Outside again: Hinata: - Naruto! I must go to him!
"Hinata Jumps away before Ko can stop her."
Ko: - Hinata!
"Hinata lands some ways away from pain and Naruto. Naruto is in Hungry ghosts grip."
Hinata: - Naruto!
"Closeup on Hinatas face then on narutos unconscious face then Hinata again, getting angry/upset"
Hinata: What have you done to Naruto! I won't forgive you!
"Hinata Charges Hungry ghost Pain"
Pain: - Foolish girl...
Inside Naruto:
Naruto: - I won't release the seal, I can still fight! I'm strong! I'll never depend on you, you Demon!
Fox: - Why do you fight? You will not last without me..Such Powers, wasted... Curse your father's seal Curse Minato..."The fox Growls"
"Close up on Narutos face" He looks shocked"
Naruto : - The fourth!?....My father!?...
"The Fox demon focuses his eyes on Naruto"
Fox: - Ohh..You didn't know?..... "The fox begins a big grin.."
Fox: - It seems you are a fool after all, your weak without me.
"The fox start to laugh his slow evil laugh, the laugh gets louder in the mind of Naruto and echoes enveloping all. Naruto covers his ears and head with his hands and covers" "Closeup on Narutos eyes from the side, his eyes is confused and starting to change to kyuubi"
Naruto: - Stooop it! Leave me alone!!
Outside Naruto:
" Zoomout on Ma and Pa starting the Jutsu, Human ghost flashes behind them stopping them by smashing Ma away and Pa jumps to the side"
Pa: - Ma! " He looks towards Naruto that is now on the ground where HG left him and then towards Hinata that is getting close and whispers"
Whispering pa: - Naruto, forgive us.
"Hinata closes in on HG and begins a Jutsu. GH doge and jumps behind her.
He launches at her With a kunai drawn"
Pa: Hinata!
" Closeup on hinatas eyes as she looks behind. She closes them and Focuses.
Hinata starts spinning calling her Justu defense name:" -Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō "Hinata deflects HG and he is diverted to the side of Hinata."
"closeup on God realms face"
God realm: - Shinra tensei!
"The ground at Hinatas feet erupts in an explosion sending Pa flying and Hinata flies backwards from the shock. Towards God realm.
Hinata crashed onto the ground grinning badly. She opens her eyes and looks to see Hungry Ghost coming from above with the Kunai. She looks Sad/ surprised"
Hinata in a desperate voice: - Naruto......
Inside Naruto:
"Naruto is on the floor in front of the gate screaming clamping his head as the Kyuubi laughs."
Fox : Ha ha ha ha Release me fool!
"Suddenly a voice cuts the laughter and all become silent."
- Naruto!
"Naruto opens his eyes in surprise, his head turns to the side fast and focuses on the darkness around"
Naruto: - Hinata?!
Outside Naruto again:
" Naruto opens his eyes quickly awake.
He see Hungry Ghost over Hinata with the kunai in her chest. Her head is turned towards him, some blood sips out of her mouth"
Hinata: - N a r u t o o oooo....
"Seeing this Naruto rushes to his feet and runs towards Hinata, Again closeup on God realms face"
God Realm: - Oh so your awake? this is what happens when you go against God.
"Naruto closes on HG"
God realm: - Shinra tensei!
"Naruto is pushed back and falls to the ground screaming"
Naruto : - Hinata!
Hinata: -Naruto....
"Hinatas eyes closes"
"naruto gets up on his knees and huffs in exhaust. He looks down on his hands in dismay. He hears the Kyuubi laugh in his ears"
"Naruto breaths heavy and looks again on Hinata and then on God realm"
God realm: - do you now understand how you hurt others? Come with me and this girl might live.
"Naruto still hears the Kyuubi laughter, His eyes confused and face filled with rage he begins to falter. His eyes turning reddish"
Naruto: - Kyuubi......"Naruto hisses the word" - So much pain..for this....
Naruto : - You want the Kyuubi?? "Naruto looks at Hinata again and his teath starts to form fangs, he is getting angrier at the second"
"Naruto looks at Pa and Ma lying some ways away. his hair starts to shift as red chakra pours out. Naruto turns his monstrous gaze on Pain"
Naruto: - Move out of the way of Hinata "Naruto hisses" - or you will regret it..
God realm: - Oh, the kyuubi is it? So you won't come quietly?
"HG pushes te Kunai further into Hinatas chest, she couches blood"
"Naruto gets angrier but starts to fight it" " he thinks of the summoning scroll"
Kyuubi: - it's to late Naruto, there is no time, your weak. Let me tear him apart and I will save the woman.
Naruto: No......Must find the scroll....
"Naruto falls to his knees exhausted and his eyes Close and he starts to fall towards the ground. Zoom in on his hand blocking his fall, it has claws" "His eyes open and their fully kyuubi".
Naruto wispers: Lend me your powers once again Kyuubi...to save those close to me. I will be rid of you one day, open the seal...I swear it. But now I'm out of time. To survive and to save everyone, lend me powers enough to gain my Sannin mode once more....
Fox: - Ohh...Do you really need me?
Naruto: - Yes, I acknowledge that.
Fox: - I will hold you to your word with the seal..
Naruto: - Ok...now:
Naruto and Fox in one voice: Let's tear him apart!
"Narutos body is enveloped in red chakra and he gazes on Pain"
Naruto: - You will release her!
"Naruto Moves in a red flash towards God realm."
God realm: What do you think you can still do? I am god, Shinra tensei!
"As the wave is about to hit naruto he emits a roar of red chacra nullifying God realms Shinra tensei!" God realm is surprised! Naruto leaps towards God realm who dodge at last minute"
God realm: - So this is the power of the Kyuubi....
" Naruto Jumps at the scroll and does a fast reverse summon, releases the Kage bunshin and enters Sage mode combined with the red chakra"
"Closeup on hinatas face, on god realms shocked face and on Naruto who is shocked with the power surge he gained with Demon/Sage mode"
--------- Next chapter: The truth about pain and the Kyuubi"--------------
by: Dr. Who-ShiverX
Status: UNCONFIRMED Spoiler

Spoiler writer writes the opening page of chapter is a tribute to naruhina fans. With Hinata getting Naruto's thumbs up and Sakura jealously crying and looking on.
Naruto loses consciousness and is immediately taken by PEIN. A number of shinobis give chase including most of the rookie nine.
Naruto is unconscious but can hear most of what is happening. He struggles to regain consciousness and is surprised to see Hinata as the first one to catch up to pain god. A flash back of learning the nine gates. Together with her eye technique, she has become quite formidable. But Naruto still fears for her. And tries even harder to wake up.
Pain tells her that he does not have enough time to play with her. He quickly stabs her once and continues to run away. Naruto realises this and starts to be overwhelmed with anger. He sees the fox once again and the fox asks him if he needs help. Naruto powers up but cries in front of the fox. The fox feels his sorrow and tells him he has been watching and is touched by his honest love for people.
Chapter ends with our noodles loving hero breaking free from Pain and is next shown carrying eye girl fighter on his arms. He is crying and is covered with the fox's cloak.
Next chapter: The rise of fox cloaked Sage!
by: Manga CSI
Status: UNCONFIRMED Spoiler

Naruto loses consciousness and his bunshin at frog land disappears.
The frogs do a sound genjutsu (dunno if it works)
Something about Sakura and then Team Gai appears
by: crapfish
Status: UNCONFIRMED Spoiler
NARUTO CHAPTER 435 (Spoiler): Kyuubi Erupts!
Pein: Mission Accomplished.
*Nagato: Pein needs to recover bodies
Pa Frog: Only a little more...Hang on Naruto-Chan!
*Genjutsu Duet!*
Tendou Pein: Not this time...Shinra Tensei
*between both Ma and Pa Frog*
*Ma and Pa are blown away, knocked unconcious*
*Naruto appears in front of Kyuubi's Cage*
Kyuubi: You're weak...pathetic...
*Outside Naruto's Mind*
Ko: Hinata-Sama! Don't Go!
*Hinata closes Ko's Chakra points*
Hinata: I'm very sorry Ko, forgive me.
*Hinata rushes to the battlefield*
Tendou Pein: Preparations are made, it's finally time.
Tendou Pein: !?
*Hinata attempts to use 64-Palm Strike*
Tendou Pein: You must be the Nine Tailed Fox's woman.To charge directly in front of God so recklessly.
*Tendou Pein stabs Hinata through the center of the chest with a black rod*
*Naruto regains conciousness, only to see Hinata stabbed*
Naruto: *thinks* HINATA! Wh-
Tendou Pein: Your woman is dead, you will meet with her shortly.
*Naruto's chakra is sapped even more, rendering him unconcious once more.*
*Naruto's Mind*
*Naruto is crying*
Naruto: Fox, it seems I have no choice.
Kyuubi: Fool...I knew..You are weak without me!
Naruto: ENOUGH!...Fox, You will obey me...or Die.
by: kndgtaliu
Status: Prediction
1. Naruto's rinnegan activates. He is the real rinnegan user in the prophecy.
2. Fat Pain sucks up too much sage chakra and natural energy and turns into a fat stone frog.
3. The Naruto captured is a clone and the real one sneaks up on Pain from underground or the real Naruto is not unconscious, just weakened and the mysterious "3rd clone" digs from underground to attack Pain.
4. Pa Frog and Ma Frog instantly get Pain in an illusion and summon Naruto's other clone. Naruto finishes both off and Nagato shows up.
5. Hinata or Sakura saves Naruto from the full nelson and it turns into a 1 on 1 fight between Naruto and Pain.
6. Pain gets a message from Zetsu or Madara that Sasuke failed and to capture this jinchuriki later. Pain vows to come back and finish the villages destruction.
7. Naruto gets captured and a save Naruto arc occurs.
8. Naruto's kyubbi comes out to save the day.
9. Itachi's gift comes out to save the day.
by: youngfan
You may start any discussions relating to Naruto 435. Allow me to start by telling you what I have in mind:
1. I wonder what new move Pein used against Naruto for him to capture and absorb the chakra of Sage Mode Naruto. What the heck is BANSHO TENIN???
2. I dont think Sage Mode Naruto would fall for this so easily, he can turn the table anytime.
3. I wish Naruto to be really beaten up by Pain, so that Kyuubi wont have any choice but to help out Naruto. Kyuubi and Naruto in action against Pain is something I'd want to look forward to.
4. When Jiraiya died in his encounter with Pein, was his (Jiraiya) body recovered? We all know that Pein uses corpses or dead bodies. What if Kishi comes up with this (weird and scary but very possible) idea for God/Deva Pain to use Jiraiya's body to fight against Naruto??
by: me Naruto Addict (http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com)
Im still at awe... I just wish Naruto gets really beaten up at Chapter 435. *wink*
Please give us some feedback about this...
Read complete Chapter 434
Status: Prediction
1. Pain does not seek out random people for his Pain bodies. Instead he looks for Shinobi with specific skills. From God/Deva body we know that he is able to use his own technique (attraction&repulsion) and also that of former Yahiko (rain). So if he would capture -let's say- Yamato and turn him into a body, that Pain body would be able to do Mokuton.
2. The chackra reaches the body through some kind of 'chakra highway' made of radio waves. It can go from Nagato to the Pain bodies and perhaps also back. This way, when fat Pain absorbs a Jutsu, the chakra can be sent right to the other bodies or Nagato
3. This is what I believe is the 'trick': before the chakra can reach the other Pain bodies, it has to *first* go to Deva/God/Yahiko Pain.
So like this: Nagato->Deva/Yahiko->Other Pains
And perhaps reverse: Other Pains->Deva->Nagato
So the trick to defeating those bodies might be that you really only need to defeat the God body. Which would explain why Nagato is protecting it this much, aside from any emotional reasons.
by: darkelve
Status: Prediction
I see three things that could possibly happen:
1- Hungry ghost turns into a frog because absorbing Sage chakra "might" turn him into a frog (That's kind of weak)
2- Naruto gets a boost from Kyuubi (highly probable) in the same fashion that Hachibi overcame Tsukuyomi but here's just Naruto letting Kyuubi busrt/wake him up with a jolt of chakra.
3- Pa and Ma frog Genjutsu takes effect (less probable). I don't think Kishi wants a repeat of Jiraya fight.
I think Kishi wants to mirror Naruto fights the same way Hachibi literally outsmart and killed Sasuke's twice. Kishi is pairing Naruto and Killerbee as the two most powerful host. One who has control of his tailed beast and one who uses natural energy and Kishi hinted us that taming the Kyuubi might not be possible afterall but getting his chakra in check with Sage power is the way to go. Even Killerbee has a weakness as if he goes all out it completely drains his chakra therefore making him highly vunerable if he doesn't kill his enemy and Naruto has only 5 minutes in Sage mode or two clones trick. All said, Kishi is drawing this fight to mirror killerbee's fight and comparing how the two pair against Akatsuki.
by kheops
Naruto Manga 435: il Kyuubi si desta!
(trad a senso, sennò "Irrompe il Kyuubi", erupt è strano come verbo...
Pein: Missione compiuta..
*Nagato: Pein deve recuperare i suoi corpi.*
Pa: Solo un altro po'...Resisti Naruto (-Chan) !
*Genjutsu Duet!*
(dovrebbe essere la stessa tecnica usata con Jiraya... quindi "Tecnica del Duetto Sigillante dei Rospi")
Tendou Pein: Non questa volta...Shinra Tensei
*Ma e Pa vengono scaraventati via, e rimangono a terra privi di conoscenza *
*Naruto appare davanti alla Gabbia del Kyuubi*
Kyuubi: Sei debole... Patetico...
*Al di fuori della mente di Naruto*
Ko: Hinata-Sama! Non andate!
*Hinata chiude i nodi di Chakra di Ko*
Hinata: Mi dispiace davvero, Ko, perdonami.
*Hinata scatta verso il campo di battaglia*
Tendou Pein: La preparazione è terminata, è finalmente giunto il momento.
Tendou Pein: !?
*Hinata tenta di usare la tecnica delle 64 Chiusure* (quotato dall'anime, mi pare)
Tendou Pein: Devi essere la donna [del Portatore] della Volpe a Nove Code... Visto che carichi verso un Dio così indomita.
*Tendou Pein trafigge Hinata al centro del corpo con una delle sue aste nere*
*Naruto riprende conoscenza proprio nel momento in cui Hinata viene colpita*
Naruto: *pensando* HINATA! Ma che...
Tendou Pein: La tua donna è morta. Fra poco la raggiungerai anche tu.
(ci sarebbe stato bene un "non preoccuparti, tanto fra un po la raggiungerai...' ma Pein è troppo serio per frasi del generexD)
*Il chakra di Naruto è assorbito ancora di più, facendogli perdere coscienza un'altra volta.*
*Nella mente di Naruto*
*Naruto sta piangendo*
Naruto: Volpe, sembra che ora io non abbia nessun'altra scelta.
Kyuubi: Pazzo...Lo sapevo...Sei un debole senza di me!
Naruto: BASTA!...Demone, Tu ora mi obbedirai...oppure Morirai.
Naruto Manga 435: Kyuubi erutta!
Pein: Missione compiuta.
* Nagato: Pein ha bisogno di recuperare gli organi
Pa Frog: Solo un po 'di più ... Aspetta Naruto-Chan!
* Genjutsu Duet! *
Tendou Pein: Non questa volta ... Shinra Tensei
* Ma tra i due e Pa Frog *
* Ma e Pa sono soffiato via, bussò inconscio *
* Naruto appare di fronte a Kyuubi's Cage *
Kyuubi: You're debole patetico ... ...
* Al di fuori di Naruto's Mind *
Ko: Hinata-sama! Don't Go!
* Hinata chiude punti Chakra del Ko *
Hinata: mi spiace molto Ko, mi scusi.
* Hinata giunchi per il campo di battaglia *
Tendou Pein: I preparativi sono fatto, è finalmente tempo.
Tendou Pein:!?
* Hinata tentativi di utilizzo delle Palme 64-Strike *
Tendou Pein: Devi essere Nove tailed Fox's donna .. Per caricare direttamente di fronte a Dio, così temerariamente.
* Tendou Pein stabs Hinata attraverso il centro del torace con una verga nera *
* Naruto riacquista coscienza, solo per vedere Hinata pugnalato *
Naruto: * * pensa Hinata! Wh -
Tendou Pein: La tua donna è morta, si incontra con il suo breve.
* Naruto il chakra sapped è ancora di più, rendendo ancora una volta lui inconscio .*
* Naruto's Mind *
* Naruto è pianto *
Naruto: Fox, a quanto pare non ho scelta.
Kyuubi: Fool sapevo ... .. Se sono deboli senza di me!
Naruto: BASTA! ... Fox, si obbeditemi ... or Die.
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